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Thread: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

    You're trying to stop something that is normal. You're attaching fear to something that is normal. You have (by your own admission) turned it into a problem over the years, and become hyper focused on it.

    Your story is textbook. We've seen it here time and time again. Be reassured in the fact that you're boringly normal as an anxiety addict (notice, I did not say sufferer).

    What if I also told you that anxiety is just a disorder of habit. Change the habit of attention, and most of your problems disappear really quickly.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

    ^ That all sounds very plausible

    I would feel a whole lot better if I got the results of my CT scan back however. (it will now be 4 weeks on Tuesday - still nothing) - are things generally this slow during a pandemic?

    I did go to doctors for my throat though and managed to get seen within 48hrs which surprised me!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

    I think it’s safe to say after 4 weeks, you would have heard something about your scan if there was anything to be concerned about. That being said, can you ring your GP and ask if they have received and read the results yet? Might help ease your mind.

    For me, if I hadn’t heard anything after 4 weeks I wouldn’t be too concerned though! Surely they’d have called you by now if there was a problem, Covid or not!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

    ^ I'd like to think so and its not just the NHS being terrible (I know its a pandemic and I know they have had a real shit job the last year but I've had some pretty poor experiences with the NHS in the past so I'm a bit skeptical!)

    My current GP is completely impossible to get hold of, best bet is sending one of these eConsult email/message things - it's probably worth doing, part of me wants some answers, part of me wants to never hear about it again!

    I think there's a bit of confusion where my results would actually go because I self referred myself to a cardiologist privately who bounced me back to the NHS as he didn't think there was anything serious going on. As it stands I don't have an NHS cardiologist nor the private one unless I pay to go see him again, even when I had the scan they guessed it would probably go to my doctors but they wasn't fully sure!

    Can't believe I've had this crap for nearly 5 months now

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

    Quote Originally Posted by anom View Post
    ^ That all sounds very plausible

    I would feel a whole lot better if I got the results of my CT scan back however. (it will now be 4 weeks on Tuesday - still nothing) - are things generally this slow during a pandemic?

    I did go to doctors for my throat though and managed to get seen within 48hrs which surprised me!
    It's not just 'plausible', it's how it works.

    And you wouldn't feel better if you had your scan results back, you'd find something else to panic about next time you had a twinge.

    That's also how it works. A cycle of panic/reassurance doesn't mean you're better once reassured.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

    I am currently going through this too, I can constantly feel my heartbeat and even see it in my chest and belly! It is driving me mad and getting me down. I'm convinced I have something wrong with my heart. Had lots of bloods and ecgs and all normal apparently. Find it hard to believe it can be from anxiety and last 24/7 I never get a break from it! Literally happened straight after the birth of my baby 12 weeks ago.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

    I randomly felt like coming back here, its a slow sunday afternoon.

    I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing but I still have the same issue, a year later now? (I suppose its about 18 months now since I first started with it)

    After the CT scan and the blood tests I cycled between various beta blockers for the best part of a year to try and dull it a bit. Nothing really worked, infact taking beta blockers just gave me chest pain because my heart rate was dropping to low 40's (its only 50 odd normally)

    I should probably follow it up, maybe its some sort of electrode/vitamin deficiency but nothing flagged up on my bloods, I'm tempted to get one of these private ones that test Everything.

    I'm fairly sure its nothing to do with Anxiety, I think when I was stressing over it I was making it worse.

    I mean its not got worse, its causing me no real physical issues, I'm pretty confident my heart is ok but my god its annoying - especially when trying to relax/sleep! it's like having a toddler kick you in the back every second 24/7

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