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Thread: Might have Covid.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Might have Covid.

    I went to a concert Friday night - my first major step out into the real world since all this started. I've been fully vaccinated with Pfizer since late May, wore my mask the entire time, was lucky enough to have a small "bubble" of space around me (the concert wasn't sold out, and I think a lot of people probably didn't come once it was announced they'd have to provide proof of vaccination/negative PCR text and wear a mask), and it took place in an indoor arena which recently spent $11 million dollars to overhaul its HVAC system to remove all the air every 30 minutes and replace it with clean air. So I was nervous, but feeling pretty safe. Until I woke up with a sore throat yesterday. Now I'm worried.

    It already feels a little better today, and I don't have any other symptoms - not congested, I can smell/taste, no fever, no cough (except for the normal tickly allergy one I always have), no aches, no fatigue, no GI symptoms, no neurological symptoms...nothing except this sore throat. I first suspected allergies (I have those and GERD) or a normal cold. I also know Covid symptoms can come on gradually so the fact that I only have a mild sore throat right now doesn't really mean anything and I'm not actually even worried for me, but for my husband who for reasons I don't even want to articulate because they're so stupid refuses to get vaccinated. I'm getting tested tonight but concerned that I've already spread it to him.

    Anyway, I know no one can tell me if I have it or if he'll get it; guess I just wanted someone to listen. Even though I'm worried for him I'm also kind of angry that he's left all of the pressure and responsibility of keeping him healthy to me since he won't do his part and get the stupid shot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Might have Covid.

    Why not just get tested?

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Might have Covid.

    oh sorry you said you were getting tested. Well that is all you can do

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Might have Covid.

    I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this uncertainty. You are doing your best in difficult circumstances and I think that is really unfair of your husband to refuse the jab. Does he realise he's laying the responsibility for his own health on to you? Surely he must know you would be worried on his account.

    If you can, try to take a back step and know that his health is his choice. He has refused the jab, so if he does get Covid and I hope sincerely he doesn't, it will NOT be your fault. In the meantime, you're taking all the right steps, please know that.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Might have Covid.

    Quote Originally Posted by fishman65 View Post
    I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this uncertainty. You are doing your best in difficult circumstances and I think that is really unfair of your husband to refuse the jab. Does he realise he's laying the responsibility for his own health on to you? Surely he must know you would be worried on his account.

    If you can, try to take a back step and know that his health is his choice. He has refused the jab, so if he does get Covid and I hope sincerely he doesn't, it will NOT be your fault. In the meantime, you're taking all the right steps, please know that.
    Thank you We're very different people in terms of ideologies, and for the most part we've established a policy of "live and let live" and it works for us. But his lack of concern over his own health is a long-running issue between us. He knows I suffer from HA and uses it as an excuse - whenever he doesn't feel well and I suggest he see a doctor, he says I'm overreacting because of my anxiety. (But him acting like he's the only human who will ever die from a cold, every time he has a cold, is supposed to be okay.) I have tried explaining that it's not fair to force me to bear this particular responsibility, but apparently his interpretation of the Bible makes no exceptions for that. I know I've done all I can, and that's all I can do, but it's hard to reconcile it with myself. We've been fortunate to remain relatively untouched by Covid and I almost wonder if he thinks of it as one of those things that wouldn't be "real" until it happened to him. (Thankfully, he is very much okay with wearing a mask.)

    I got my test last night and have to wait 2-5 days for the results. My sore throat is gone today, but I've barely slept in two nights because this horrible tickly-throat cough keeps me up. Today I have a headache and while I'm aware it could absolutely be due to lack of sleep, I'm also worried it could be a progression of Covid symptoms. My face also feels warm and is a bit flushed but my temperature is within normal range. I'm trying to limit myself to taking it twice a day - morning and night - because that's a self-checking behavior that could easily get out of hand. Oh well; no use dwelling on it. I've done what I can and now just have to wait. Thanks for listening!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Might have Covid.

    Even the most ardent anti vaxxer quickly changes their opinion of Covid if they or someone they know are affected badly.

    I do feel for you in a very difficult situation but you are doing everything you can to look after yourself and keep your anxiety levels down. It's a waiting game now which is always so tough and it would be so good if we could just press the fast forward button so that you would know your results and where you stand, covid-wise.

    Please keep us posted and try and get some sleep?! You'll feel better mentally and constant anxiety just exhausts anyone.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Might have Covid.

    Honestly, and I'm sure he knows this, but getting vaccinated isn't just for protecting his own health. The virus mutates in unvaccinated people, so getting vaccinated is the only way we are going to stop variants that are more and more contagious.

    If it makes you feel better, I was vaccinated (Moderna) and have had, especially this fall, various bouts of feeling unwell. A cough once (that I still kind of have), a sinus infection, just feeling bleh. I haven't had a fever and can still smell/taste. I was tested twice, both times when I wasn't feeling great and had been near others so could potentially have been exposed, but was negative both times. It's definitely possible to just have bad allergies or catch something totally unrelated.
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Might have Covid.

    Quote Originally Posted by .Poppy. View Post
    Honestly, and I'm sure he knows this, but getting vaccinated isn't just for protecting his own health. The virus mutates in unvaccinated people, so getting vaccinated is the only way we are going to stop variants that are more and more contagious.

    If it makes you feel better, I was vaccinated (Moderna) and have had, especially this fall, various bouts of feeling unwell. A cough once (that I still kind of have), a sinus infection, just feeling bleh. I haven't had a fever and can still smell/taste. I was tested twice, both times when I wasn't feeling great and had been near others so could potentially have been exposed, but was negative both times. It's definitely possible to just have bad allergies or catch something totally unrelated.
    I wish it was that easy to get through to him. You are, of course, 100% correct, but he has settled on this narrative where the vaccine can be nothing else than the Mark of the Beast alluded to in Revelation, and there is no way to change his mind (none that I've stumbled across, anyway). Not trying to turn this into a religious debate, but as a lapsed Catholic-turned-agnostic atheist, this is such an utterly bizarre conclusion to draw that I can't even attempt to make sense of it. It feels strange even to type it. And the worst part is that his mom, who is single-handedly responsible for hammering this stuff into his head since childhood, is vaccinated.

    Whatever I have is starting to feel more like a cold. Sore throat is gone, but today I'm feeling mildly congested. Still no fever or loss of smell/taste, and my cough is still tickly rather than deep/lung-related, but I do have pressure in my head and sinuses. It seems silly to jump to the Covid conclusion when it feels like any other cold I've ever had and very well could be. I wouldn't even be thinking Covid if not for that concert. The waiting part is the hardest. My phone rang from an unknown number yesterday and even though it was earlier than I was told to expect results I still damn near had a heart attack The good news is that my sister, who was with me at the concert, feels perfectly fine and she even took her mask off for a while. Husband still feels fine too.

    I'm so glad both of your tests were negative!

  9. #9
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    Sep 2011

    Re: Might have Covid.

    The mark of the beast concept is fascinating to me. I'm not religious but have heard others explain that the original "mark" was referring to the design on Roman Empire coins, the negative connotation being that places that were conquered had to use that currency or else they were unable to trade and go about daily lives. No idea on the accuracy there but it's an interesting historical perspective.

    I hope you get to feeling better. Sudafed seemed to help me quite a bit.
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

  10. #10
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    Dec 2014

    Re: Might have Covid.

    Quote Originally Posted by .Poppy. View Post
    Honestly, and I'm sure he knows this, but getting vaccinated isn't just for protecting his own health. The virus mutates in unvaccinated people, so getting vaccinated is the only way we are going to stop variants that are more and more contagious.
    You'd be surprised how many people say it mutates in the vaccinated.

    Just recently a hashtag appeared in twitter - #pureblood - used by the unvaccinated.

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