Quote Originally Posted by erik1979 View Post
Next Friday I want to go from 5.0 to 3.75. According to many, this way of tapering is much too fast…
You'll find many different, convoluted, and often contradictory, recommendations for quitting online. Not all the issues people have are necessarily due to the med. Often the real problem is the condition the AD was being taken for. I suggest you take it all with a very large dollop of salt lest you talk yourself into having the very problems you fear.

And that your brain can also cause physical issues..I know all about! Tension and stress have caused me many strange complaints. Through mindfulness, meditation and breathing exercises, I am getting better and better at controlling this.
The mindfulness and cognitive/behavioural therapies can be at least as effective as ADs for anxiety and depression. They both work via the same neurogenesis mechanism. The difficulty usually is accessing a therapist.

Judging by your nickname, are you from Oz?
Guilty. I'm down in the more polar region of Tasmania.