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Thread: I lost my mum in September...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    I lost my mum in September...

    My mum was suffering from heart and kidney troubles, so was surviving on dialysis since March of last year.

    She was a longtime chain smoker of cigarettes, and had been purchasing those ones where no duty has to be paid. My late grandmother was a chain smoker too, and developed blocked arteries and eventually passed away from cancer in 2004 while she was a resident in a care home. Besides that, she also had dementia.

    My mother was referred to a hospice in Edinburgh, and seemed to initially like attending the venue, because my mum always liked to be close to the seaside. Unfortunately, this proved to be her undoing, I suppose.

    In August, mum came home and my sister claims her lines were removed by a carer in there. This caused a delay with her getting dialysis, and probably caused an infection. To be honest, this was a really moronic thing to do, as it meant toxins built up in her system (since patients require this three times a week). She also had an aortic aneurysm, which I believe was possibly close to the bursting stage. So I believe she last got dialysis either on or around the 29th of August.

    To treat the intense pain, she was giving fentanyl. I last spoke to my mother properly on the 4th of September, as I don't live in her house anymore. I've been in a flat now for several years, and my mum would come up each week before her health declined. We would get a bus to Lidl or another store for shopping. So I said I was heading away, as my sister acts really moody and quite frankly, rather strange.

    The following day, mum was giving pain relief, but apparently a nurse from the hospice came thereafter and gave her more pain medication. I don't know the kind of drug she administered, as I was only aware of my mum being provided with fentanyl patches through a prescription at a chemist. However, she became unresponsive. My sister contacted the hospital, and attending paramedics tested her blood to reveal an overdose had taken place.

    As she lay in hospital, she couldn't get dialysis anymore. I obviously grew concerned, after being lied to by a nurse. But he told my sister behind my back that a form was signed so she wouldn't be getting it again. And my mother never woke up again. She looked frail.

    On the 9th, which is the birthday for two of my three sisters, but in different years, I was on the ward with my younger sister, and my oldest sister was there as well. At around half 10 that morning, my mum suddenly made a loud gasp and brought up a lot of fluid. I noticed a nurse putting something on her drip. She was declared dead like just a minute later, suggesting they killed her with morphine.

    The funeral was held on the 27th, with a memorial service in a parlour, before her casket was driven to the burial ground in the afternoon. My sister was being very nasty in the early hours of that day, texting me a lot of abuse. The day before, I simply asked her to meet me at a nearby shop, to purchase a shirt with Bruce Lee printed on it, so this could be placed in the coffin. She acts really bizarre though, claiming people spy on her everywhere she goes, and I suspect she has a serious paranoia problem going by how I observed her acting in the past in public places like car parks. Then she basically threatened to ban me from the funeral, acting like the big cheese. But she got nasty to me in October, before cutting me off. I've never heard from her since. But she's apparently been vile to one of our older sisters too. Yet it's not like I can sue the NHS, since the little horrible cow has the nurse's log book and so on.

    Anyway, I've got autism, and live as an introvert with terrible anxiety. I don't even have a job or a social life, nor any help from social services, and people were even trying to screw me out of being a film extra in prior years, just to rile me up, and my legal aid appointed lawyer was a useless sod. Yeah, that's incredibly pathetic. But it's true.

    I live on welfare, so I get really lonely being in my flat all day. I find being in public makes me jittery, and people have hurt me over and over again over the years, to the point where I kind of don't especially mind being alone, at least within reason. I cannot even book escorts online for sexual favours, as they're just the nasty type who muck people about, resulting in you either not enjoying the time when it occurs, or not even getting to hook up because they act picky and ghost clients, and they're only after people's cash anyway. And they can sense when you're not normal.

    I've definitely hit a brick wall in life, and my mother always fought tooth and nail for me throughout my hardships with horrible people bringing us down, so it's sad that I felt powerless to save her.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: I lost my mum in September...

    All the stuff you are feeling is completely natural with your mum. It's early days and you need time to process and grieve. Try not to be so hard on yourself, your mum wouldn't have wanted that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: I lost my mum in September...

    Sounds like your sister is a nasty vindictive person who seems to be using you as a scapegoat.

    I agree that the authorities sadly treat a lot of us Auties like we're a hindrance to society, and there's also a lot of people who work for the NHS, Social Services, etc who are so up themselves, and like to play the blame game.

    And worst of all, there's a lot of people who simply just seem to accept this current sorry situation, especially in order to 'keep the peace'.

    I do also think we live in a bit of a 'defeatist' society these days, especially where many seem to refuse point blank to vote in elections despite their constantly bemoaning the current lot in power, and many employers seem to pander to useless employees of theirs far too much in the belief that 'they're entitled to jobs', while many of the 'genuine' employees have been laid off over the past decade or so, which also smacks of 'dumbing down'.

    I am referring in particular to the Health and Social Care sector, and also education to a certain extent.

    ETA; I actually seem to recall this current trend starting around the mid 2000s (despite New Labour still being in power then and also still pre-Global Financial Crisis) and I remember quite a few staff members at my previous day centre actually started developing some very right-wing views around that time, and forever talking 'zero tolerance' and the like when it came to challenging behaviours from us clients.

    The whole atmosphere from around that time (approximately 2004-05) seemed to be becoming increasingly hostile and contemptuous, plus of course that's when a lot of the talk of 'Broken Britain' and the like first started en masse, though the zero tolerance thing in day centres (for better or worse) generally seems to have declined in prevalence over the past few years.

    Anyway, rant over.
    Last edited by Lencoboy; 09-12-23 at 11:34.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: I lost my mum in September...

    Yeah. Support workers are often the unqualified and ignorant type, but there's a few goodies who can come into your life. I find older caregivers are more understanding. And while it's sometimes common to have a so-called 'favourite worker' you get on well with, male or female, it's probably not a good idea to broadcast that to management. They really don't want you getting too attached to particular ones, as they all move on eventually.

    I used to receive help from Autism Initiatives, until it all went haywire about a decade ago.

    I started getting support from them in 2008. I'm in Scotland, you see, but they're based all over the UK. But anyway, I made a thread on this forum called Wrong Planet to talk about a guy who was employed there, who sent me stupid emails. He confessed he was the one doing it too. I'd gotten these between 2008 and 2010 while he was using a nickname, due to ads I posted on Gumtree about a woman I wanted to be reunited with, who I met when I was 19. I met her in a charity shop I worked in. But I did actually meet up with her again in 2012, only to be used for to get her an iPod, and she was prone to flipping out on me. The next few years were hellish, because she deceived me, and blew hot and cold at every chance she got.

    In one of the messages that arrogant support worker sent to me, he said something derogatory about a wrestler who died. He also mentioned songs to do with bands he knew I talked about, because my original key worker was telling him about me looking for my ex, so it's likely he found out stuff I posted online, with me telling my key worker about the handles I had on all these different websites, and how people were nasty to me on the Internet, and whatnot. She also told him about trolls authoring garbage about me on some satire site that looks like a copy of Wikipedia, so I guess he thought it would be cool to start doing the same thing. But I don't know if he was eventually fired. For I mean, I did report him.

    He said something to me in person once, that he had also said in an email. So maybe he wanted me to know he was the culprit. Either way, he left his job in the summer of 2010, but I once traced an IP address he used to a local hotel I assume he booked. Although that's the thing. Many trolls try to pass themselves off as being smart, only to slip up somehow. And considering that guy's age, this charade was rather lame. At the very least, it's awfully creepy and unprofessional.

    Then I had issues because I liked this Spanish lady who was employed for the same company. That proved to be the worst ordeal I ever endured. She started off okay, then a misunderstanding escalated to the point where I got accused of things that ain't true. But the whole situation was a disaster. And then like I said, I tried to land these little bit parts in low budget movies after I moved out of that supported accommodation, which I only achieved on several occasions. I really just wanted to move on and make something of my life, since I've always loved films. People on Twitter blocked me for a stupid reason, then started spreading gossip to cost me opportunities, and if you're only supposed to be in a movie to serve as a background extra of all things, well, I must say that's a pretty ridiculolus vendetta.

    All of this grief seriously affected my confidence, and then to make matters worse, this sick Australian guy I knew from these old video games forums I registered on, basically started bothering me on Fandom by screwing up pages I was editing, and then he went making a lot of accounts on other message boards to harass me. This has been going on since 2017, because it's impossible to ban someone who uses a VPN. But the police in his country claim they don't have the jurisdiction to charge him, as he left evidence that gave away his identity. But even so, I'm in Scotland.

    He posted crap about me as recently as today on a dead anxiety forum he has been spamming on for 2 years, in fact, but I'm trying to completely ignore him now. They do what they do for attention.

    It seems that care personnel being abusive to clients is fairly common.

    Their screening process for hiring new recruits is certainly questionable.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: I lost my mum in September...

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter A View Post
    It seems that care personnel being abusive to clients is fairly common.
    Twas ever thus mate, unfortunately.

    I think it's probably also reported a lot more today, which of course can on the face of it, seem like it's getting worse, but years ago there was a lot more 'hidden' abuse as it was often not reported because either we weren't believed or we were often thought of having 'asked for it'.

    As for the main quote from you that I've edited, ISTR the opposite being commonly thought back in the 90s and 2000s that us clients were the ones being increasingly abusive to care personnel, hence the rapid explosions in zero tolerance policies back then, which more often than not turned out to be rather fruitless endeavours by the care personnel, and in many cases, inadvertently causing even more angst and animosity between clients and care personnel.

    I heard some right horror stories about some of the goings-on at the original main site of my previous day centre back in the 80s from a couple of decent staff members who worked there for donkeys years, that some of the less-decent staff there back then could be right sadistic barstewards, including whacking the clients for stimming whilst waiting in the dinner queue at lunchtime, and other nasty and humiliating treatments, such as the old chestnut that's physical restraint and being threatened with police intervention, etc.

    But nobody knowingly ever seemed to go screaming to the local rag about it all at the time.

    Back then (and before) it was often simply thought of as 'tough love' and the like, and clients learning appropriate behaviours

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: I lost my mum in September...

    I think support workers are inclined to get used as stool pigeons to report to social workers. Really upfront people who assist those with autism would hopefully be polite though and make it clear that things one may discuss is not necessarily going to be confidential. Like you may open up to them more because maybe you're already lonesome or without pals you know, so when you get shifts with them, they feel like a person to offload your woes to, since there's a high probability that there's nobody else in your circle. But it's a mistake thinking they're your friends, even if they seem nice. And it's sad that I had to learn that the hard way.

    That's the part that often feels like a kick in the balls, in my opinion. You hang out with them and start to feel like you've become a part of something for once, but it's all make believe. Then they depart from their position, and supposedly, should they leave, they just aren't allowed to maintain contact due to their moral obligations. Sometimes you may just not take to the replacements you gain, as people have their own characteristics you grow fond of. Because I found I liked some of the staff I met before, but I didn't gel with everyone. But yes. When ones I liked left, it didn't feel so good. However, this is where I'm gonna come back and say that the people in charge are funny with clients that act clingy towards particular helpers.

    I miss my mum. I really do. I'm happy she's not in pain anymore. But I cannot help but think she was wiped out by the very people who were supposed to look after her.

    I don't know who submitted the paperwork for her to go to the hospice in the first place. My mother usually assumed she got invited for respite. Sort of like a little break, especially with it being in the summer and at the waterfront. She absolutely loved to be near the ocean and she called it a holiday, which is why I feel she was deceived by that place. Had we known what they were planning to do, I feel like her death could have been prevented, or at least delayed.

    Then again, dying from internal bleeding was definitely a possibility, as she never ceased the puffs, so her abdominal aortic aneurysm worsened. Her condition must have been unbearable in terms of the pain, as I went with her to a shop in the winter of last year, and all she wanted to do was sit down. While she was constantly blaming the discomfort on trapped wind, it probably wasn't truly this that was the cause.

    Anyway, my sister is a little tart. She went through a long court battle with her first two kids, as her ex is a joke. Then she met this other guy and got pregnant to him, because she tried to be all smooth, when she was in no real position to be messing about. The same outcome came to be in the end. She constantly ran back to him and made herself look like a clown. Even after the baby arrived, he didn't want to know, and was apparently seeing another woman.

    Social workers knew when she gave birth. They wouldn't allow her to leave the premises until the following Monday. But her third son was immediately put with carers following a meeting in a room, which took place in the hospital with our father and I present. And I hate to say it, but judging by how she acts, they must have a reason for deciding what they did. She has been acting nuts anyway.

    Years ago, she was living by herself in a flat, and claims it was haunted. I do think this is true, as she showed me pictures and there was evil looking faces with red eyes on her living room wall. Ghosts, or something. She claims somebody into the darkside had been staying in the property before her.

    She said she wants to get into the real estate business, despite having no knowledge of this area, and good luck with that, paranoid preaching and all. How can she do a job like this when she believes every random John or Jane Doe is watching her every move?

    It's all seemingly part of some master plan of hers to scrape together the legal costs to attempt to "sue" the NHS, her ex, his family, and whoever else she feels like blaming. And she deserves a smack in the mouth, after threatening to ban me from our own mother's funeral in September.

    I really don't care about her drivel any longer, to be honest.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: I lost my mum in September...

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter A View Post
    I think support workers are inclined to get used as stool pigeons to report to social workers. Really upfront people who assist those with autism would hopefully be polite though and make it clear that things one may discuss is not necessarily going to be confidential. Like you may open up to them more because maybe you're already lonesome or without pals you know, so when you get shifts with them, they feel like a person to offload your woes to, since there's a high probability that there's nobody else in your circle. But it's a mistake thinking they're your friends, even if they seem nice. And it's sad that I had to learn that the hard way.

    That's the part that often feels like a kick in the balls, in my opinion. You hang out with them and start to feel like you've become a part of something for once, but it's all make believe. Then they depart from their position, and supposedly, should they leave, they just aren't allowed to maintain contact due to their moral obligations. Sometimes you may just not take to the replacements you gain, as people have their own characteristics you grow fond of. Because I found I liked some of the staff I met before, but I didn't gel with everyone. But yes. When ones I liked left, it didn't feel so good. However, this is where I'm gonna come back and say that the people in charge are funny with clients that act clingy towards particular helpers.

    I miss my mum. I really do. I'm happy she's not in pain anymore. But I cannot help but think she was wiped out by the very people who were supposed to look after her.

    I don't know who submitted the paperwork for her to go to the hospice in the first place. My mother usually assumed she got invited for respite. Sort of like a little break, especially with it being in the summer and at the waterfront. She absolutely loved to be near the ocean and she called it a holiday, which is why I feel she was deceived by that place. Had we known what they were planning to do, I feel like her death could have been prevented, or at least delayed.

    Then again, dying from internal bleeding was definitely a possibility, as she never ceased the puffs, so her abdominal aortic aneurysm worsened. Her condition must have been unbearable in terms of the pain, as I went with her to a shop in the winter of last year, and all she wanted to do was sit down. While she was constantly blaming the discomfort on trapped wind, it probably wasn't truly this that was the cause.

    Anyway, my sister is a little tart. She went through a long court battle with her first two kids, as her ex is a joke. Then she met this other guy and got pregnant to him, because she tried to be all smooth, when she was in no real position to be messing about. The same outcome came to be in the end. She constantly ran back to him and made herself look like a clown. Even after the baby arrived, he didn't want to know, and was apparently seeing another woman.

    Social workers knew when she gave birth. They wouldn't allow her to leave the premises until the following Monday. But her third son was immediately put with carers following a meeting in a room, which took place in the hospital with our father and I present. And I hate to say it, but judging by how she acts, they must have a reason for deciding what they did. She has been acting nuts anyway.

    Years ago, she was living by herself in a flat, and claims it was haunted. I do think this is true, as she showed me pictures and there was evil looking faces with red eyes on her living room wall. Ghosts, or something. She claims somebody into the darkside had been staying in the property before her.

    She said she wants to get into the real estate business, despite having no knowledge of this area, and good luck with that, paranoid preaching and all. How can she do a job like this when she believes every random John or Jane Doe is watching her every move?

    It's all seemingly part of some master plan of hers to scrape together the legal costs to attempt to "sue" the NHS, her ex, his family, and whoever else she feels like blaming. And she deserves a smack in the mouth, after threatening to ban me from our own mother's funeral in September.

    I really don't care about her drivel any longer, to be honest.
    Sounds like your sister has a screw loose, especially having so many affairs willy-nilly, getting pregnant as a result of them and the guys then dropping her like a hot potato and then onto someone else.

    Perhaps those guys actually saw your sister's true colours, and perhaps (dare I say it) she is actually the most promiscuous.

    It also sounds like your sister is a bit of an attention seeker too, especially with her alleged agendas to sue the NHS, who were ultimately only acting in the best of interests of your sister's third child at the time.

  8. #8
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    May 2018

    Re: I lost my mum in September...

    Well, I used to be more laid back with her. Maybe that's because I wasn't doing much activities with her in general, so I felt more sympathy for her plight at first. It was only after I asked her to accompany me to supermarkets when I noticed this odd attitude from her.

    I started noticing it a few years ago, I think, because we were standing outside the Rockstar venue, and then she claimed people across the street were serving as spies. When she began acting like this everywhere we went, I had to assume she has schizophrenia. She definitely ticks the boxes. Because we sat down once to have a break on a bench back in the summer, then she pointed at a random flat opposite to where we were situated, claiming that some person in a certain window knew her ex, or a social worker. We had just sat down in a random place, so that's how I knew she was making up stories.

    She did this on other streets as well. Somebody just had to be on a balcony or outside a shop on their phone at the time, then she would overhear somebody laughing at random and insist they were put there as a plant. She was even pulling the curtains back to look outside a lot, and wanted to use mobile data to get online, because she assumed the broadband connection was being tampered with. It's a secured network, so that's not possible unless you provide the password. However, she did have a habit of spewing on Facebook with long winded ramblings. Since there's a nutball in Australia bothering me, I told her not to publish this crap on her wall, as he was talking about me on forums. It's these ones where no moderator has signed in for years, like on Anxiety Forum, so each category is full of moronic gibberish. This is some bizarre stalker who I came across decades ago, because I went on forums to post about the Resident Evil franchise. He happened to be a member as well. He doesn't like me, so he spends every week repeating the same nonsense, like an old broken record.

    She does have an official diagnosis for FND, which used to cause her to shake about. Although I don't know if that's related to having paranoia, as such. It's more so considered to be a mobility problem, so the lines are blurred in terms of what category it falls in.

    I also understand she was caring for mum 24/7 at home. But that's out of line agreeing to meet me at a shop because she said it could close early, then doing a disappearing act, when the shop is literally a few minutes from the funeral directors.

    Rather than admit she made a mistake, she threw a babyish tantrum, then tried to get our dad to backstab me too. Fortunately, I spoke to the agent in the parlour that day and informed the police, but it's not really a police matter. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't gonna be subjected to any abuse, as I needed to focus on saying farewell to mum.

    Recently, she had the audacity to say to one of our sisters that our mum would be turning over in her grave at how we're acting. That's actually very insulting.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2020

    Re: I lost my mum in September...

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter A View Post
    Well, I used to be more laid back with her. Maybe that's because I wasn't doing much activities with her in general, so I felt more sympathy for her plight at first. It was only after I asked her to accompany me to supermarkets when I noticed this odd attitude from her.

    I started noticing it a few years ago, I think, because we were standing outside the Rockstar venue, and then she claimed people across the street were serving as spies. When she began acting like this everywhere we went, I had to assume she has schizophrenia. She definitely ticks the boxes. Because we sat down once to have a break on a bench back in the summer, then she pointed at a random flat opposite to where we were situated, claiming that some person in a certain window knew her ex, or a social worker. We had just sat down in a random place, so that's how I knew she was making up stories.

    She did this on other streets as well. Somebody just had to be on a balcony or outside a shop on their phone at the time, then she would overhear somebody laughing at random and insist they were put there as a plant. She was even pulling the curtains back to look outside a lot, and wanted to use mobile data to get online, because she assumed the broadband connection was being tampered with. It's a secured network, so that's not possible unless you provide the password. However, she did have a habit of spewing on Facebook with long winded ramblings. Since there's a nutball in Australia bothering me, I told her not to publish this crap on her wall, as he was talking about me on forums. It's these ones where no moderator has signed in for years, like on Anxiety Forum, so each category is full of moronic gibberish. This is some bizarre stalker who I came across decades ago, because I went on forums to post about the Resident Evil franchise. He happened to be a member as well. He doesn't like me, so he spends every week repeating the same nonsense, like an old broken record.

    She does have an official diagnosis for FND, which used to cause her to shake about. Although I don't know if that's related to having paranoia, as such. It's more so considered to be a mobility problem, so the lines are blurred in terms of what category it falls in.

    I also understand she was caring for mum 24/7 at home. But that's out of line agreeing to meet me at a shop because she said it could close early, then doing a disappearing act, when the shop is literally a few minutes from the funeral directors.

    Rather than admit she made a mistake, she threw a babyish tantrum, then tried to get our dad to backstab me too. Fortunately, I spoke to the agent in the parlour that day and informed the police, but it's not really a police matter. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't gonna be subjected to any abuse, as I needed to focus on saying farewell to mum.

    Recently, she had the audacity to say to one of our sisters that our mum would be turning over in her grave at how we're acting. That's actually very insulting.
    Also sounds like your sister is trying to make this bereavement situation more about her and no one else matters.

    On another note, I also wonder if she has undiagnosed ASD herself, especially as the condition can sometimes be known to run in families.

  10. #10
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    May 2018

    Re: I lost my mum in September...

    I wasn't diagnosed with PDD-NOS until 2007. I think my friend has something like this as well, as he's fixated on subjects like vintage records and model trains, and that's his primary focus. We met in college, because I studied performing arts.

    I'm inclined to be socially awkward, as I just don't know what to say or do around other people who are neurotypical. In fact, I got up late today, and went to Lidl after 9 in the morning to get a cheap coffee drink, when I really intended to go in first thing just after 8, but I slept in. Because it's always busy in shops like that one, I walked out. So now I can feel a headache coming on. I find drinking coffee granules doesn't really beat the caffeine fix that I have from consuming the likes of Emmi iced coffee, or the bottled Starbucks stuff that's chilled.

    If my sister doesn't watch out, she'll fall out with our dad too, then she'll have to cart her things out of the house and move elsewhere to live all alone. She probably wouldn't like that.

    I'm a hoarder myself. I've been buying horror DVDs and Blu-rays for a long time. I'm trying to get every top ten box office hit released in the U.S. since the Variety magazine started covering the box office in 1922, with the exception of what they call "lost films" and ones that haven't been issued on home media yet for some reason. So while I enjoy that hobby, people could imply I'm a nerd, or a shut-in. It does use up all my finances, though. But it's just like, whatever. It's what I prefer to do to pass the time. A part of me knows I'm an intelligent guy with an impressive knowledge of films and also music. But recently I had a think to myself. Does all of this make a dent on people's perception of myself?

    Well, I find this sidetrack entertaining, but who else my age even gives a damn? Only old people will know about these groups, actors, or whatever I'm talking about. We're the last of a dying breed. Anybody else may find it odd that I like things from that far back in time, because this generation seems to enjoy dismissing what's old and not considered to be marketable any longer. So this data processing lifestyle of mine probably only interests the likes of myself, or a very niche number of individuals. Anybody else my age (I'm 37, by the way) is more into Netflix or the pop music that's on the airwaves or Spotify and whatnot today, like Taylor Swift and all these big names you probably know about. So if I was to talk to young people about, I don't know. Let's say I cast up a conversation covering synthpop from the early 80s, or perhaps anything from even before that era, they're probably not going to know nor care about what I'm referring to. But quite honestly, I find new music is very processed and annoying sounding. I find modern horror movies for example are too graphic for the hell of it, and while they aren't always necessarily terrible, they just don't do much for me.

    The worst people I find are my fellow Resident Evil fans. They act really touchy if you speak up about particular games. I always try to disown the fourth game, as that's when the series went pretty stupid in my eyes. It's not even really a horror game either, and I see that game as being what one could label as the beginning of the end.

    The whole idea is that you're a secret agent who is looking for a missing girl in Europe, and you can get all this ammo from the crazy villagers you eliminate. And it's very repetitive having to do this for hours, running through shacks and having to not run into tripwires. But that's basically all you do. Once you upgrade your weapons, it's a walk in the park. So I just don't think that highly of Resident Evil 4, or most of the mediocre sequels they've made since 2009 or whenever it was the games started to go downhill. The storylines are rather confusing overall. They also keep casting different actors to portray the characters, or they alter their race. This is probably because of that 'woke movement' nonsense.

    It's certainly nothing like the old games where you had to traverse a house, a city or something, having to make do with what little stuff you could find. The games had scary vibes in the good old days, and the plot was easier to understand. But after that, everything became so convoluted. Then there's a sort of merchant you meet who has set up stalls for you to approach, and you trade treasure and money with him to get things like rocket launchers, and it's rather dumb. The game just doesn't boast of having any genuine atmosphere, even if it's still fun to play. But of course, these glazers online are just sheep. They think it's the best game ever made, when it essentially became known as a betrayal of the concept of the whole franchise. Because if you know anything about these games, you'll recall the games were about the Umbrella Corporation creating viruses, which ended up turning a research team into zombies, but you had puzzles to solve, and it was generally thrilling.

    Unfortunately, like I said, youngsters are commericial poison. Companies always sell-out and make games so action oriented or cheesy, because they just want to go with whatever rakes in the profits. While I cannot blame them in a sense, it's still sad to see something you admire undergoing all these changes, just so they can appeal to a bigger audience. But as with everything, it is what it is.

    I edited this post for a spelling mistake.
    Last edited by Peter A; 11-12-23 at 15:45.

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  4. Just lost my mum
    By JT69 in forum Virtual Hugs
    Replies: 34
    Last Post: 14-07-13, 02:24
  5. Anyone else lost a mum?
    By LucyLiz in forum Misc
    Replies: 14
    Last Post: 07-10-12, 23:21

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