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Thread: Crystal Therapy Advice Thread!

  1. #111
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Crystal Therapy Advice Thread!

    Hi All you all just knew i would pop up somewhere didnt you?? lol

    Personally i prefer my Rose Quartz for the loving energy and Black tourmaline for protection.

    But alot of it is what you are drawn too, let your "gut feeling" guide you.

    Anyway thats my two penneth !!! lol

    Love and Brightest Angel Blessings

  2. #112
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , Ireland.

    Re: Crystal Therapy Advice Thread!

    Hi Piglet, I love this thread (finally finished reading all of it last night.)

    I have just become interested in crystals, my new psychotherapist had a huge Rose Quartz in her consulting room and I just kept looking at it and thinking how beautiful and gentle it was. Then last Tuesday she gave it to me! I wouldn't accept it but she said we all are only guardians of crystals and that it was time for this one to go to a new guardian. I have cleansed it and I absolutely love it.

    I got my first book on crystals the other day and I was dismayed to read that crystals are increasingly being mined 'unlovingly' i.e. whereas before they were gathered by hand, now they are frequently blasted from mines using dynamite

    The author said to use crystals that are hand gathered and to ask the crystal if it was lovingly gathered before you buy it in a shop. I have bought some more and they all gave me the intuition that they were hand gathered.

    However if you are buying crystals from the internet you can't handle them beforehand so what do you do? Have you or anyone ever heard about this problem with crystals being harvested by dynamite before and do you think it makes a difference to how the crystal works?

    I'd be grateful for any observations about this,

    Take care,

    Ellen x
    'Come away o human child to the waters and the wild.' - Yeats

  3. #113
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Crystal Therapy Advice Thread!

    Ellen welcome to the thread hun and what an interesting post!

    I tell you my take on this - because it would be very hard for us to know exactly how the stone was mined or gathered I would prefer to think to myself that once it came into my possession it then had the calmness and love in which to perform to its full potential and a welcoming home. I think you get a great affinity with some of your crystals that strengthens both you and the stone!!!

    I think it was so kind of the person to give you the rose quartz and totally in keeping with the nature of that particular crystal - so it had certainly produced the right vibes with the giver too!!

    I've have read many times that if you lose a crystal or have an overwhelming desire to pass it to someone else then it has done its work and you yourself have no need anymore of that particular vibration at that point in time.

    Rose quartz is such a loving stone and one I always give friends going through a bit of a rough time - it's like a comforting motherly hug in crystal form!!!

    Love Piglet
    "Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
    "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

  4. #114
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    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Crystal Therapy Advice Thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ellen70 View Post
    The author said to use crystals that are hand gathered and to ask the crystal if it was lovingly gathered before you buy it in a shop.
    That made me laugh as I had a vision of someone in a shop actually talking out loud to a crystal and asking it where it came from I'm not mocking - it just made me chuckle the way I read it.
    How lovely you were given the the rose quartz

    I will get my coat and leave and take my warped humour with me Sorry no offence meant honest!

    Ok seriously I found these last few posts really interesting as had never given alot of though to how crystals were obtained before.

    Lisa x
    Last edited by Quirky; 13-10-07 at 12:39.

  5. #115
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    , , Ireland.

    Re: Crystal Therapy Advice Thread!

    Hi Piglet, thanks for the reply. I do agree with you about the crystals being meant to come to us. However I do think the cleansing process would clear the crystal of any negative energy it may have due to the way it was mined so once I cleanse my crystals then I am happy that they are charged with positive energy.

    Quirky I am glad I gave you a giggle No, I don't ask the crystals out loud if they were mined lovingly What I have read is that you hold the crystal in your left hand, close your eyes and ask the crystal in your MIND if it was mined naturally. Then you rely on your intuition to receive a yes or no answer. I have received 'yes' answers for the crystals I have bought so far.

    On the subject of holding and handling crystals, I was delighted that a new shop selling crystals/guardian angel goods/meditation goods etc opened in my local town recently. However when I went into the shop all the crystals and crystal jewellery was in locked glass display cabinets Considering it is only a small country town and the touchstones were only selling for €1.50, I don't see the reason for the high security! The jewellery was gorgeous though

    Mirry, if you are still willing to make up jewellery for people then I would love to put in an order! I'd love a Rose Quartz pendant to attract some romance into my life

    Take care all,

    Ellen x
    'Come away o human child to the waters and the wild.' - Yeats

  6. #116
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    Re: Crystal Therapy Advice Thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ellen70 View Post
    However I do think the cleansing process would clear the crystal of any negative energy it may have due to the way it was mined so once I cleanse my crystals then I am happy that they are charged with positive energy.
    Absolutely hun - and then cleansed regularly thereafter too to make sure they remain that way!

    Love Piglet
    "Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
    "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

  7. #117
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    , , Ireland.

    Re: Crystal Therapy Advice Thread!

    Hi Piglet and all,

    I have just finished reading my first book on crystals (Crystal Therapy - Doreen Virtue & Judith Lukomski) which I enjoyed and which had a good section on the properties of dozens of crystals. I would like to read another book about crystals now, preferably one that has a focus on using crystals for self healing - can anyone recommend one? What is everyone's fav book about crystals?

    The book I have read had a very strong focus on the relationship between crystals and guardian angels, it even listed the angel connected to each crystal. Is crystal therapy always used in conjunction with Angels or can the crystals stand alone as healers? Does everyone invite the Angel realm to work through the crystal they are using? To be honest I don't know if I believe in Angels, I believe in higher powers but I just don't know if I believe individual angels like Michael, Ariel and Gabriel exist? Again I would appreciate people's thoughts on this.

    Finally (at last you say!) I would like to know if a particular crystal can resist working with you. I bought a Carnelian pendulum recently (the owner of the shop said it was attracted to me) but I feel very mixed about it. I don't find myself drawn to it and I don't even like it's appearance. I keep reading that Carnelian gives you strength (which I badly need) but I just can't seen to 'bond' with this crystal. Also the pendulum fixings broke off when I was trying to convert it into a pendant so is that a bad sign? Should I just abandon trying to work with the carnelian?

    Ok, I think I have posed more than enough questions for now, thanks for listening,

    Ellen x
    'Come away o human child to the waters and the wild.' - Yeats

  8. #118
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Crystal Therapy Advice Thread!

    Hi ellen ,thanks for the private message,rose quartz can really work in attracting a partner I believe , but be careful it can also help with fertility lol.

    I have enjoyed reading this post .

  9. #119
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Crystal Therapy Advice Thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ellen70 View Post
    Hi Piglet and all,

    I have just finished reading my first book on crystals (Crystal Therapy - Doreen Virtue & Judith Lukomski) which I enjoyed and which had a good section on the properties of dozens of crystals. I would like to read another book about crystals now, preferably one that has a focus on using crystals for self healing - can anyone recommend one? What is everyone's fav book about crystals?
    I rather like Judy Hall 'The Crystal Bible' that deffo needs to be in your collection, I also like a german guy called Michael Greinger (sp) and a lady called Cassandra Eason (do a little search on Amazon and then you can see the reviews first).

    Does everyone invite the Angel realm to work through the crystal they are using? To be honest I don't know if I believe in Angels, I believe in higher powers but I just don't know if I believe individual angels like Michael, Ariel and Gabriel exist? Again I would appreciate people's thoughts on this.
    I have the Doreen Virtue angel oracle cards and love them - I don't know quite how far I go with this but I aim to keep an open mind.

    I don't find myself drawn to it and I don't even like it's appearance. I keep reading that Carnelian gives you strength (which I badly need) but I just can't seen to 'bond' with this crystal.
    Then I should leave this one be hun - you can always bury it in the garden or give it away. This obviously isn't the right crystal for you at this time. What about trying Aquamarine instead???

    Love Piglet
    "Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
    "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

  10. #120
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    , , Ireland.

    Re: Crystal Therapy Advice Thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by mirry View Post
    Hi ellen ,thanks for the private message,rose quartz can really work in attracting a partner I believe , but be careful it can also help with fertility lol.

    I have enjoyed reading this post .

    Thanks for the reply,
    'Come away o human child to the waters and the wild.' - Yeats

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