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Thread: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    To read these posts it seems like carnation of old has been abducted by aliens and a new improved version has landed on us ( in a very good way )
    I always thought when I posted stories on here other people would follow with bizarre happenings from their lives to amuse me but maybe I'm just one of those people who can't leave the house without somthing going on , you really couldn't make it up .
    Take care soon be spring the sweet spot then we can moan about summer

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    I'm sure you feel better having more time to yourself now, Carnation? That's not to say you don't miss your Mum tremendously.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Buster, no-one could beat you with your stories.
    I think you are a magnet for this sort of stuff.
    I'll take any improvement in my life and this is the first time in 8 years that I have not had to care for somebody.
    More time and 'Me' time.

    Pulisa, You know of the long and painful road I took with my mum. It is not so easy to forget or put behind you. Not one day goes past when I don't think of my mum or look at her picture. But, I am now at the stage where I can start thinking about rebuilding my life. I know she would want me to be happy, so I am working on my Anxiety to let me do just that. x

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    My subject today is; 'Fear of the Weather!'

    Now, I am trying to stay rational, but the media are putting the fear in to everyone.
    For people with Anxiety, that mean a double helping.

    If the weather is not enough to make you panicky and frightened, they like to add things in to the mix with a shortage of gas and possible power cuts.
    What has happened to this Country? Seriously. No transport, Schools closed, shops closed and this ongoing announcement of 'Threat to Life!'.

    Yes, it's a bad storm and we've had snow that's lasted for more than one day.

    Now, I am of an age where I walked to School everyday, walked or got a bus to work and had to shovel the pathway to our house for several weeks.
    That's why the fashion market invented Moonboots.
    Many a time I would be ankle deep in snow going to work.

    This is bad for people like us causing us more worry when we think we are going to die all the time anyway, we now have the 'Media' telling us we actually could.

    The sooner the better this is over for us.
    As long as you are sensible and not go on a long journey or sit under a tree and wrap up warm, you will be fine.
    So, keep yourself occupied, warm and safe and it will be over before you know it and we can get on with enjoying the Spring.

    Apart from that, how have I been?
    Well I am nearly 2 weeks in to my Mindfulness Course. I presume it is helping, because I am coping much better than even a month ago.
    If I have anxiety moments, I could even put it down to the weather, being trapped indoors for hours on end or slowly running out of food!
    I'm trusting my instincts that it will be over soon and I am keeping busy with spring cleaning the house. (Well, I don't want to do it when the weather is nice).
    It's also a good way to keep warm and more importantly; focussed!
    De-cluttering as I go is giving me a sense of a new chapter in my life.
    I want to feel fresh and cleansed come the Spring. It will be a year passed after losing my mum and I have given myself enough grief over that.

    Who knows what the future holds. There I go again, I must stay in the present, I must stay in the present. Repeat after me, 'I must stay in the present'.

    I am looking the most beautiful shrub adorned with pretty pink flowers; think it is a Camellia. Do you know it has been bashed by the strong winds and suffocated by the snow and it is still in full bloom. That's the determination I want.

    to be continued.........

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Late today checking in.....

    This was due to unforeseen incident earlier on in the day.

    As you know the weather has been bad and I haven't ventured in to Town for the last three days.
    Today, we decided to have a pub lunch to cheer ourselves up.
    This is a hurdle for me at the best times, but with heavy boots, wrapped up like an Alaskan and icy footpaths, let alone eating out, socialising and being stranded without a car. But I still forced myself to venture out.
    Big Mistake!
    After we had arrived and ordered our food, a funeral party arrived and that's when it went all wrong for me. :( Apart from the family and friends hugging and crying, all dressed in back, there was also a film on a large projection of the lady that had just passed away with an extra ambience of the most weepy music playing in the background.
    Well that was it for me.
    With being emotional anyway with my mum's anniversary coming up and if honest, not quite over my mum, I become a blob of jelly, hardly able to walk or see for tears in my eyes. And I had to finish my food and walk back home in this state!

    Anxiety kicked in, but I had no choice but to do the walk. So I did and was proud that I managed it and not only that. After I composed myself, I went shopping for food.

    I had a bad moment, it passed and I carried on.

    Anxiety does not have to cripple you all day. I understood it, accepted it and continued with my life.

    I also managed a 2 hour visit to my neighbour with great composure.

    I am exhausted, but I coped.

    to be continued............

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    You did brilliantly! It must have been incredibly difficult and your reaction was completely understandable. It's only been a short time since you lost your mum, so please don't think you should be over it. (I lost my mum 36 years ago and I'm not, although it's easier to think about her now).
    Be proud of yourself today - your story will have helped a lot of people on here.
    Take care xx

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    You did well under the circumstances and soldiered on , it comes out of the blue sometimes but like you said it's how you deal with it and carry on , had a panic in the chip shop last night went from freezing outside to roasting inside then a smoke alarm went off while I was queuing, by the time I got served I had forgotten how to talk and breathe , but got through and didn't give up and walk away , I was hungry mind you so that helped .��

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    23fish, you are always so supportive and understanding. x

    Buster, your stomach obviously won against Anxiety.

    I have actually found a transition in temperature form hot to cold and vice-versa sometimes an anxiety trigger. ?????

    A better day today for me.

    Two weeks in to my mindfulness course and four weeks to go.
    The weather was much better today, almost a heat-wave at 3c.
    Temperatures look like they are on the up for next week too.

    I've been doing a lot of spring cleaning in the house, chucking things out and changing things around. I have found it good therapy. I also like my finished result.
    The day goes quicker, I am focussed and in the present and I feel like I have achieved something. I am also finding things I have been looking for or lost for ages.

    Now one of my anxiety symptoms is the feeling in my legs. This can be from feeling like jelly, feeling heavy, quivering, rushes of adrenalin or not being able to stand on the spot. (I think that has covered everything).
    If you have ever listened to 'Claire Weekes', which you will easily get online, she will do her upmost to tell you that your 'legs' are quite capable of supporting you/carrying you to your destination. This is true. Have they ever let you down? They don't just collapse. Yes, they feel strange, but they are strong legs and no matter how you feel or the surface you are on, they will not let you down.
    Always try to remember this when you are struggling.
    A tip from my therapist. The moment is uncomfortable, but nothing bad will happen.
    The feeling will subside. Remember this.

    I remember telling my therapist that I was frightened of drinking tea.
    "Why", she said.
    "Because it will give me more adrenalin", feeling a bit stupid even saying this.
    Her answer was, "How long have you been drinking tea?"
    Now I did feel stupid, because my answer was, "Most of my life".
    "Well then, nothing more said", she replied with a friendly smile.

    See how we become obsessed with even the simplest of things in life.
    It's something that needs working on when we become afraid of almost everything and we try to protect ourselves from anything that may harm us.
    In a way, we need to go back to basics.

    I'm now off to have a cup of tea!

    to be continued........
    Last edited by Carnation; 04-03-18 at 13:22. Reason: mis-spelt word

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Hi Carnation. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better today after your experience the day before. That was not a good day for you but you coped well and have bounced back. Was very interested to read your description of your "leg feelings" as I get identical feelings in my legs. Sometimes they feel as if they don't co-ordinate with the rest of my body ( if that makes sense ) What am I like ?? Like you, I am trying to keep busy around the house, hoping that this Arctic weather will be leaving us soon/ Take care xx

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Senior Moment, I know exactly what you mean.

    Sometimes it feels as though my legs want to move and leave my body behind and sometimes I move and my legs don't seem to want to come with me!
    I have to give them an order as my brain neglects to do this automatically.
    Crazy, but that is how it seems.
    I think it is all to do with, 'Fight or Flight'.
    We can sometimes over think this and dread up all sorts of reasons that cause this, but it is a symptom of Anxiety that can be overcome by re-training our thoughts.

    Keeping busy when the weather is bad is the best thing to do Senior Moment. x

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