
I have Depression, PTSD, Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks.

I am in therapy, and working hard on my anxiety. I also take remeron, and a beta blocker prn.

Just lately I have started having dizzy spells, like out of the blue (but obviously in response to unconscious anxiety, which I am working in accessing... ) when I don't feel consciously anxious, but I start getting wobbly on my legs and my head spins and I have to sit or lie down.

Last week I had an especially severe one on the way to work. I couldn't stand up. In fact I never made it to work because some kind park keeper called an ambulance and I was taken off to a and e. Where I had a full physical check up, ECG and such. All of which came back clear. So we deduced, the dr and I, that it was mainly anxiety. I've never had dizziness or panic attacks this bad before. I'd also been not eating properly (have started to now) or sleeping properly, and had come off taking zopiclone short term (but had taken one the night before The PA.....) which didn't help. (2 sedatives on low body weight = bad news..)

You see, a couple of weeks ago my therapist had to take 3 weeks off sick leave. And for someone like me with my past, this stirred up a lot. I guess the dizzy spells started then. We are now working on all the feelings, and I am still getting the dizzy spells. I have one right now. I have taken a beta blocker, and eaten dinner, It has helped a bit, but something is still swimming around in my brain, as it feels. And I'm sitting down. On the floor.

I have tried deep breathing. I have tried grounding. When its really bad nothing seems to reach through it. Yes, the propranolol help, and yes, therapy helps, and in time it will filter through so I can access steadiness for myself.

(and I still don't have anxiety in any form in my formal medical diagnosis... [}] but that's another story, I guess......)