So, Starting two weeks ago I began having sensations I've never experienced before(well atleast not alone and at this rate). The sensation itself is rather hard to explain....Its much like..dizziness, but only occurs in short spurts. It happens during anytime of the day, But it seems like I only notice it when I'm not doing anything.Which lead me to believe that it was something linked to stress. I was diagnosed with a panic attack disorder 4 years ago, but this seems nothing like a panic attacks.

I feel pretty certain it is stress. Due to my panic attacks, Ive always been pretty self aware with anything that goes on in my body. Sometime ago I realised my legs were twitching, Not mucsle spasms, but like quick little jerks. I asked a bunch of people and they said it was quite normal. But I guess subconsciously I was still worried about it, and it has grown into this...

But anyway, I posted on here to get some more input!

What do you all think?