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  1. Toothbrush panic!
  2. Pain in left side - afraid of colon cancer
  3. Update on being on a boat feeling
  4. Tailbone Pain. Spinal Cancer fear.
  5. Someone talk some sense to me
  6. High Lge on blood test -lymphoma
  7. Lost my husband suddenly
  8. Woke in middle of night in panic because i felt like had forgotten to swallow anyone
  9. Please help me not to spiral
  10. Insomnia!
  11. HA worse before big events?
  12. Amphibole Asbestos HA fears
  13. Skin cancer!!
  14. I'm new here. HA out of control - again.
  15. I just need support
  16. Panicking about stomach flu
  17. Hyper awareness, Brain tumour?, panic
  18. Worried about back pain radiating into right breast
  19. Anxiety is off the scale
  20. breast health concerns - health anxiety striking hard right now!
  21. Keeping a lid on the anxiety
  22. Mohs Procedure on Friday, HA in force
  23. Had some cavity fillings done at dentist and ever since, I’ve had worrying symptoms.
  24. Kalms
  25. Really worried about my dad
  26. Travel messed my period - normal?
  27. Sulfur water
  28. Lost weight - thyroid?
  29. Big Toe Pain
  30. Operation- NoMorePanic can help me!
  31. Is this shingles? Pain in the eyebrow
  32. It’s been a crappy few months
  33. High Blood Pressure Feeling Scared Again?
  34. Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.
  35. One sided headaches
  36. Could this be a UTI?
  37. Itchy mole and anxiety ( good result)
  38. Blood Protein Panic
  39. When you have real symptoms??
  40. Drenching Night Sweats
  41. Petecheia on toddler
  42. strong perfumes and scents stress me out
  43. Swept up mouse and rat poop in a RV (Hantavirus scare)
  44. Aching Left Arm
  45. Bowel symptoms - spiralling - how to regain some control?
  46. Panicking - pancreatic cancer fear
  47. Hernia query- anxiety so high today
  48. Tooth extraction
  49. Dad in hospital with irregular heartbeat - need advice
  50. Why is nothing working?
  51. Memory Again
  52. Doctor call
  53. New fear (lungs), please give advice on what to do!
  54. MRI clear after U/S showed solid mass, but can't stop spiraling!!!
  55. One thing after another-pancreatic cancer
  56. Auditory hallucination
  57. Terrified and anxious, need to bounce this off someone
  58. Mammogram recall - scared
  59. Low white blood cell count
  60. Spiralling Hallucinating Worry
  61. Started exercising and health anxiety is back
  62. So anxious about bum symptoms
  63. Ongoing HA Issues - pancreatic, stomach or bowel cancer
  64. Leukemia Fear
  65. palinopsia ?
  66. Please anyone reply - major meltdown - biopsy results
  67. Bruise on Breast?????
  68. Headache for 8 days so far
  69. Stomach Cramping and Diarrhea. Terrified!
  70. Sick kids and inconsiderate people - A Rant.
  71. HIV Fear
  72. People, please help me, falling apart!
  73. Edema with visible dent on one ankle
  74. Concerning online DNA test
  75. Haven't been to the doctors for more than two years. Crying over next appointment
  76. Terrified of male Breast cancer PLEASE HELP ME
  77. Sharp headache ?
  78. Back again with racing heart worries..
  79. body just feels wrong all the time
  80. Bad dreams
  81. Would paracetamol take away a headache if it was caused by something sinister?
  82. Am I feeling my mastoid process?
  83. Pancreatic Cancer Fears
  84. Here we go again
  85. Ankle Pain
  86. Post viral fatigue - hard to cope
  87. Seriously need talked off a ledge right now with lymphoma fears!!
  88. Worried about a cyst
  89. Worrying about blood test results
  90. Waking up feeling like can't swallow,and have started snoring, it's making me panic
  91. From fearing lymphoma to being certain of leukaemiaÂ…Really need supportÂ…
  92. Over one full year with a hoarse voice - convinced it's cancer
  93. Does this constitute a night sweat??
  94. Lost 5-6llbs in under a week
  95. sinus problems
  96. Temperature always between 98.6 and 99.5, unusual for me.
  97. Ultrasound for sore jaw, swollen lymph nodes and my HA
  98. Headache worse while lying down?!
  99. Dentist anxiety. Worried about local anesthesia needle and epinephrine.
  100. N. Fowleri from an under-chlorinated pool
  101. So 2 nights ago I walked into A&E…lowest moment yet.
  102. Feeling faint all the time
  103. Retina detachment??
  104. One thing after another
  105. Massive rant
  106. So worried about Brain tumor taking over my life.
  107. Does seeing stars in vision mean I’m going to have a stroke?
  108. Kidney Disease Fears
  109. No relief! What now
  110. White hard bump on gum
  111. Elevated liver enzymes…back to square one.
  112. Very worried about husband - lung shadow.
  113. Outer Ear Infection- please help
  114. Weird pain and swelling on right collar bone/right shoulder blade
  115. Worried my little boy has a brain tumour
  116. Buzzing under foot anyone?
  117. Head hurts while lifting it from bending over
  118. Worried that sensation when hot food sticks to my back teeth means I need dental work
  119. Just Curious
  120. Please help :(
  121. Why does reassurance never help?
  122. Worried about my lightheadedness and balance
  123. Poisonous food
  124. Ever wish you were dead?
  125. Feel like I have forgotten how to breathe
  126. Hypic jerks?
  127. Lymphoma, scared out of my life
  128. Worried about tumour growing in the right side of my chest
  129. Scared of health check - feeling very anxious and tearful. Please help
  130. Can't breathe when lying down, wheezing and crackling, scared that it's covid pneumon
  131. Strange head sensations
  132. Brain tumor? Brain infection? Aneurism? oh my here we go again…
  133. Intrusive thought, HA is back, have major surgery on Friday.
  134. Tonsillitis while giving oral sex
  135. Panicked because of past dream memories and odd feelings.
  136. Weird half of the face
  137. Calf bruises
  138. Choroidal Nevus (eye freckle)
  139. Melanoma!!
  140. Tender Stomach
  141. Man I was doing so good for so long
  142. Abnormal liver function test but no follow up?
  143. Hearing my pulse whooshing in my ear
  144. Sleep problems
  145. Sweating and the C
  146. Please help urgently...I'm trying. Slow heart
  147. I live in fear of another gallbladder attack
  148. Please help,
  149. Worried about bruise under skin
  150. Neck/head Problems
  151. Ever forget what you just did?
  152. Health Anxiety is so cruel
  153. Memory Stress
  154. Blood on toilet paper when wiping
  155. Plug socket....SCARED
  156. Tightening/Weird Sensation Side of Face
  157. Breast USG
  158. Anxiety is back! Venlafaxine not working anymore. Back to Citalopram/Sertraline?
  159. LAST TIME...URGENT can anxiety do this
  160. Bones above eyebrows- towards middle of the head
  161. Worried my daughters has Crohns
  162. eye freckle
  163. Neck tumour fear
  164. BBPV... apparently
  165. Terrified of brain tumor
  166. Holidays and Health Anxiety
  167. Panicking please help.. Held my urine...
  168. Brain fog and memory
  169. Left arm goes funny during workout...
  170. Stomach problemsÂ…..donÂ’t want to spiral
  171. Abdomen pain, bloating and nausea
  172. Freaking out about gum bleeding
  173. Health Anxiety relapse due to a lump
  174. Hopeless and desperate
  175. Pain in hamstring, worried about sarcoma.
  176. Holding in a sneeze- panic
  177. Big bruise and stiff muscle
  178. Anxiety....can it really do this
  179. Cough headache, shooting pains
  180. Anyone else feel let down by mental heath services
  181. Relationship OCD
  182. 3 year old has been referred to dermatology. Worried
  183. MND / ALS worry
  184. Brain tumour worries just as feeling better
  185. Excessive sweating
  186. Kidney worries, please help!
  187. Frequent urination is driving me insane. Male,29
  188. Eyes feel weird
  189. Fever anxiety when checking my temperature periodically.
  190. Blood pressure question
  191. Nausea and headache
  192. Oral worries, please help
  193. High liver readings
  194. petechiae scare
  195. Massage Guns....panicking
  196. Lum / Swelling on foot / heel area - sarcoma
  197. Side/front of head painful to touch
  198. Do you know WHY you have health anxiety?
  199. Can anyone offer any help?
  200. Gallbladder issues worries…
  201. PE anxiety
  202. Pain/tension in head for a few seconds
  203. Private MRI scan
  204. Husband with high liver ALT - trying to keep my HA under control
  205. Tetanus Fear
  206. Microscopic Blood in urine
  207. For those who have had success in recovery, do you still have triggers?
  208. Loss of appetite ...last thread
  209. IÂ’m exhausted- itÂ’s too intense
  210. USG actually found something in my breast
  211. Those Worried About Blood Pressure And Nosebleeds
  212. Hard small lymph nodes in groin
  213. Please help :(
  214. Bubbly/foamy urine no answers. Anyone?
  215. Colon cancer worry
  216. Eye pain left eye, advice would be amazing
  217. Bruising more easily
  218. Please help… I can’t even enjoy my vacation
  219. Pancreas and gut inflammation issues.
  220. My wife has cellulitis
  221. Extremely anxious - worried about cancer.
  222. Terrified I have a Brain bleed.
  223. Metallic taste anyone?
  224. Greys anatomy - strangest question to ask
  225. Low blood sugar during fasting blood work - not diabetic
  226. Worried I have Horner's Syndrome and Lung Cancer..anyone been worried before about it
  227. Compression socks / DVT help!
  228. When to seek doctor's opinion? Head issues
  229. Relationship OCD
  230. Ruined my eyes???
  231. Colon c worries
  232. Nowhere left to go
  233. Been referred to endoscopy due to "suspected upper GI cancer"
  234. Trigger warning * Miscarriage
  235. Pinguecula and severe panic attacks
  236. Odds, please help
  237. Worried about visiting the dentist
  238. Pulsating tinnitus - I've been doing so well ,
  239. Fell over and distressed
  240. Anyone else feel exhausted after waking up?
  241. Tooth Infection, Antibiotics & Painkillers
  242. How do i accept
  243. My mum
  244. Why wont i get a referral
  245. My wife