Hello. this is my first post here and i really should not be worrying but this is my story as it is.

I have had a feeling of something small being stuck in my throat for about three months or so and i ahve been VERY worried about this. i have been thinking i have had something bad that was producing a lump feeling. i cant even vbring myself to type what i thought it was. anyway, i went to the doctors and they looked in my mouth and felt my neck and said it was probably a globus, which i believe is the name for a feeling of something being in the throat when there isnt anything there at all. they said it was not dangerous but i am now worried that there might have been something further down the throat that they could not see. i know that i should be satisfied with what the doctor said but there is a little voice in my head that keeps saying what if they missed something. the feeling in my throat isnt getting any worse but it doesnt seem to be getting any better and it should by by now shouldnt it?????

help, im really scared and i dont know if i should be. or am i over reacting especially as the doctor has said it is harmless. i have always been a worrier and i really dont know which way to go with this.