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  1. coping with unemployment. (4 replies)
  2. I am leaving tomorrow to go to belgrade I am so worried need some support (5 replies)
  3. Being dizzy, or is it dipsy (2 replies)
  4. Don't feel I have the 'right' to be like this. (1 replies)
  5. I am confused confused over ptsd (4 replies)
  6. Anyone ever feel like the doctors are wrong? (6 replies)
  7. Two years stolen (18 replies)
  8. feeling useless (5 replies)
  9. 1 step forward, 2 steps back!! (3 replies)
  10. Alternatives to caffeine?? (5 replies)
  11. I feel everythings heading for destruction (5 replies)
  12. Two Americans Are Awarded Nobel in Economics! (7 replies)
  13. coping-statements-for-anxiety (0 replies)
  14. Dont know what to do (48 replies)
  15. A little advice please and a hug :( (7 replies)
  16. hating yourself (7 replies)
  17. i just can't cope with tomorrow (5 replies)
  18. Citalopram and Anxiety (10 replies)
  19. Persistent feelings of embarrassment with no cause (1 replies)
  20. I think I've had enough (1 replies)
  21. Moving house (4 replies)
  22. self medicating with alcohol (6 replies)
  23. I have no idea what's going on! (3 replies)
  24. Why does it target my relationships? (7 replies)
  25. i need some advice! anxiety stopping me doing a course!! (3 replies)
  26. Anxiety & Chest pains (10 replies)
  27. Stabbing Chest Pains?????? (1 replies)
  28. No teeth!!!!! Feeling very dispondent :-( (21 replies)
  29. ahhh i hate surprises.Do you? (1 replies)
  30. Doubting myself in dating and work (9 replies)
  31. Anxiety (3 replies)
  32. Failed my driving test..again (2 replies)
  33. Do you get days of lightheadedness? (5 replies)
  34. Thinking visually (5 replies)
  35. Nausea and anxiety (3 replies)
  36. Finding our way to the trigger.... (1 replies)
  37. feel useless to help (8 replies)
  38. Feel Empty (3 replies)
  39. Burning forearms (0 replies)
  40. work anxiety (3 replies)
  41. Where did i lose it all..?? (4 replies)
  42. Background Anxiety - Illness related (0 replies)
  43. Anyone had successful headache treatment with Anti D's? (4 replies)
  44. numbness and painful pins and needles (0 replies)
  45. sick of this anxiety (0 replies)
  46. weird, uncontrolable thoughts (12 replies)
  47. Recovery (4 replies)
  48. Weird heartbeat (1 replies)
  49. Getting lazy and more lazy. (2 replies)
  50. Can't stop crying (6 replies)
  51. Not sure what to do with myself... (3 replies)
  52. Sorry a ladies question! (5 replies)
  53. anxiety and nicotine (3 replies)
  54. my children (3 replies)
  55. Pushing myself to do things, trying to "let it do it's worst, this is not working! (14 replies)
  56. Do you ever have a great day but still haunted by anxiety? (8 replies)
  57. Distressed and tired of all of this rant (5 replies)
  58. Boredom Stress!!!! (11 replies)
  59. i not sure how much more i can take of worrying!! (1 replies)
  60. Christening (6 replies)
  61. hw do you decide what to do ? (3 replies)
  62. not a happy bunny... (2 replies)
  63. Arhhh Help!! (2 replies)
  64. Why does anxiety make us doubt? (11 replies)
  65. Sensitivity (6 replies)
  66. Happiness (5 replies)
  67. newby (1 replies)
  68. Help - South Africa trip (11 replies)
  69. DVT (1 replies)
  70. Can't stop worrying about how im neglecting loved ones... (0 replies)
  71. Constant lighthead and dizzyness 24/7 (1 replies)
  72. Help (3 replies)
  73. Teenager cancer jab. (12 replies)
  74. anxiety is hell... (1 replies)
  75. Taking someone else's medication.. (11 replies)
  76. 1:30am and once again up for the night (8 replies)
  77. I've Hurt him and I dont get why i feel this way! (5 replies)
  78. Does anyone feel like this? (5 replies)
  79. medical notes lost in transit (0 replies)
  80. my symptoms (0 replies)
  81. Really Worried !! (17 replies)
  82. remember i said (0 replies)
  83. 'Beating the Blues' (2 replies)
  84. docs tell you do just have 2 weeks doing what you feel like (6 replies)
  85. Scared and don't know which route to take (8 replies)
  86. Symptons before the worry? (10 replies)
  87. Bookworm58-new member-Re.Kalms (1 replies)
  88. thoughts (3 replies)
  89. Anxious over every little change? (0 replies)
  90. Weird Night (0 replies)
  91. Feel alone (11 replies)
  92. GAD? (1 replies)
  93. feeling like something stuck in throat (0 replies)
  94. Overcoming GAD... Anxiety (0 replies)
  95. Anxiety triggers (6 replies)
  96. PGCE...what shall I do? (1 replies)
  97. Want this to stop :( (8 replies)
  98. Its Back Once Again Or Is It ???? (3 replies)
  99. Drained! (0 replies)
  100. comfort eating (3 replies)
  101. pleas help (1 replies)
  102. Anxiety related to my contraception?? (10 replies)
  103. I feel odd KNOWING that I need to be medicated (4 replies)
  104. Worries (2 replies)
  105. Please help - desperate for advice (1 replies)
  106. Worrying about a new start (3 replies)
  107. Why No Prazepam In Uk? (0 replies)
  108. Bad evening :( (2 replies)
  109. Worried about the tablets the GP will prescribe ..anxiety kicking in (2 replies)
  110. Hi there, please help (11 replies)
  111. Can anyone share their experience of dealing with repeated upsetting thoughts? (5 replies)
  112. Ive just split up with my husband over my anxiety (12 replies)
  113. Worry! (62 replies)
  114. Do I have General Anxiety Disorder? (5 replies)
  115. Is this Anxiety? (13 replies)
  116. been diagonosed with over active thyroid!!!!! other sufferers? (0 replies)
  117. Dr has referred me to a counsellor (5 replies)
  118. nausea and lightheadedness (2 replies)
  119. So weary and tired of it all (2 replies)
  120. P.T.S.D - Some advice please (9 replies)
  121. Scary scary stuff...eeeep! (1 replies)
  122. Young people with anxiety (6 replies)
  123. virus triggered it off again (7 replies)
  124. Our Dog Buddy (42 replies)
  125. Feeling sick without being sick????????? (8 replies)
  126. Feeling guilty about my wedding (12 replies)
  127. Help (3 replies)
  128. I recieved this from zen life today........ (0 replies)
  129. Anyone's emotions numbed by anxiety?? (9 replies)
  130. Help, don't know who else to talk to (11 replies)
  131. cannot cope with these feelings (1 replies)
  132. Scared of having a good day..? (2 replies)
  133. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms (1 replies)
  134. Irrational fear of training course on Tuesday...HELP (5 replies)
  135. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (15 replies)
  136. Pregnancy (1 replies)
  137. Nightmares (0 replies)
  138. How to say I love you? (5 replies)
  139. Fear of going into new places ... (2 replies)
  140. Worried about history repeating itself (2 replies)
  141. Is bereavment PTSD?. (9 replies)
  142. Daughters gone to Uni (4 replies)
  143. i don't understand (2 replies)
  144. Can We Beat It ????????? (8 replies)
  145. Feeling low since assesment yesterday (8 replies)
  146. My experiences (5 replies)
  147. x ray tomorrow... (3 replies)
  148. Things to help with anxiety? (13 replies)
  149. Keep analyzing thoughts and questioning (3 replies)
  150. Social Anxiety - Christmas Temp Job (2 replies)
  151. Strange Feeling With Sleep? (6 replies)
  152. thought this might help? (2 replies)
  153. Worried sick, really need some advice please (1 replies)
  154. Is it just anxiety? ... Why do I feel its worse? (5 replies)
  155. blood test resuts (10 replies)
  156. Looking for reassurrance (4 replies)
  157. Ashamed of my job (14 replies)
  158. Caught in spiral of anxiety,despair and drinking......please respond? (11 replies)
  159. citalopram - changing dose and side effects (0 replies)
  160. Smear test (women only) (5 replies)
  161. Today I just resigned from my job and feel awful (10 replies)
  162. really upset about dentist :( (5 replies)
  163. After getting better - hate my new boss. (0 replies)
  164. My life is over. Ive failed (16 replies)
  165. Understanding PTSD (2 replies)
  166. No idea what to do! Any advice? (4 replies)
  167. TERRIFIED of being alone (1 replies)
  168. Beta blockers and heart rhythm (2 replies)
  169. chat room (10 replies)
  170. Really struggling to cope atm. (7 replies)
  171. Motorway driving (7 replies)
  172. Worrying about EVERYTHING...rant... (2 replies)
  173. Starting college! (3 replies)
  174. Wow Derren Brown and David Blaine are making my anxiety go crazy! (8 replies)
  175. Another 'I'm terrified of going to uni' thread (3 replies)
  176. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!! (2 replies)
  177. help feeling very bad with anxiety and fearing being alone (6 replies)
  178. driving... (2 replies)
  179. Insomnia makes anxiety worse? (9 replies)
  180. are people with GAD on medication? (2 replies)
  181. URGENT help needed, having bad day. (2 replies)
  182. Why am i so scared? (6 replies)
  183. Uni - scared! (long post, sorry) (4 replies)
  184. Intrusive/scary thoughts (6 replies)
  185. feel pressured (1 replies)
  186. Knowing its anxiety but still getting it (5 replies)
  187. Vertigo (1 replies)
  188. Does anyone feel sick after eating? (9 replies)
  189. Does exersize help with anxiety?? (35 replies)
  190. why? (2 replies)
  191. Relationship Anxiety (6 replies)
  192. Other people & your anxiety (7 replies)
  193. Anxiety: Long term goals (0 replies)
  194. Absolutley GUTTED :( (7 replies)
  195. Ok now I am worried (2 replies)
  196. I don't know what to do!!! (19 replies)
  197. How will I ever survive University? (8 replies)
  198. got GAD trying to come off venlafaxine! (0 replies)
  199. Back off holiday and feeling worse! (10 replies)
  200. Please help (5 replies)
  201. might help you (6 replies)
  202. Worried I won't have a successful future (5 replies)
  203. prozac (2 replies)
  204. Help (1 replies)
  205. My Life Story, Tried to Keep it Short... (6 replies)
  206. How can i cope with anxiety ?! (4 replies)
  207. Does watching Eastenders cause anxiety! (4 replies)
  208. they said they would sort it (0 replies)
  209. Where does your anxiety live? (58 replies)
  210. Heightened anxiety and negative thoughts before a Big Day (5 replies)
  211. Fluanxol (1 replies)
  212. One fear diminishes another! (2 replies)
  213. pregnant and worried :-( (5 replies)
  214. Blowing things out of proportion - any advice on how to stop doing this? (24 replies)
  215. help on making oral presentation easier?! (4 replies)
  216. prozac or not (7 replies)
  217. Exercise? (5 replies)
  218. Anyone else have anxiety when driving? (12 replies)
  219. returning to work after being signed off (8 replies)
  220. Do Self Help Books Actually Make You Worse? (6 replies)
  221. any advice? (4 replies)
  222. Despair about how long being ill.......... (7 replies)
  223. Scared about Upcoming Flight (5 replies)
  224. everyone post your top tip for stopping anxiety/panic (7 replies)
  225. Grrr! Completely Stuck! (8 replies)
  226. What do you say to yourself to help you cope? (1 replies)
  227. Incapacity Benefit Medical- very anxious (6 replies)
  228. Weird feelings with anxiety (1 replies)
  229. Breaks for anxiety sufferers (3 replies)
  230. Is it normal with GAD to feel so sick (4 replies)
  231. Scared of driving (2 replies)
  232. Please read need a bit of help with anxiety (4 replies)
  233. coming off citalopram (7 replies)
  234. Attachment to Support Worker (0 replies)
  235. HELP spending out of control! (10 replies)
  236. Bit of advice please. (1 replies)
  237. parent child relationships (3 replies)
  238. dentist in the morning (9 replies)
  239. feeling everyone is angry with me (1 replies)
  240. Going away tomorrow on holiday...worried (7 replies)
  241. Thought We Could Use Some Positive (2 replies)
  242. Has anyone been told they have "seperation anxiety" (2 replies)
  243. Please please please help (2 replies)
  244. Breathing (1 replies)
  245. Anyone??? (3 replies)
  246. tiredness (4 replies)
  247. Jury Service (11 replies)
  248. Break Down. Frustration & Anxiety. (0 replies)
  249. Advice and opinions needed please (9 replies)
  250. yet again i am a failure (9 replies)