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  1. Feeling like every one knows my business (1 replies)
  2. muscle tension (0 replies)
  3. Muscles around mouth feel strange and tight when talking (7 replies)
  4. Why why so restless ?? (3 replies)
  5. Shortness of breathe, Dizzy, Chest pain!? (2 replies)
  6. seeing and hearing things (10 replies)
  7. What is going on? Tender Spots On Head with Pain In The Head? (2 replies)
  8. Broken bone in foot (4 replies)
  9. worried mum ! (2 replies)
  10. constant headaches and vision changes (5 replies)
  11. Staggering/unsteady (10 replies)
  12. tight chest (2 replies)
  13. Wake up with Pins and Needles's (3 replies)
  14. Emotionless state...... (2 replies)
  15. BRAIN ZAPS ..... when taking citalopram (4 replies)
  16. Chest Burning, Feels like its on Fire when i breath (3 replies)
  17. headaches (3 replies)
  18. Advice (11 replies)
  19. My breathing is getting worse!! (4 replies)
  20. numb HEAVY legs (3 replies)
  21. cold hives? (1 replies)
  22. unreality sensation (15 replies)
  23. My symptoms, my first post, please help if you can. (4 replies)
  24. funny sensations? (1 replies)
  25. Feel like my heart is about to stop (2 replies)
  26. Does anyone have constant pressure but no pain on left side of head above ear? (6 replies)
  27. Does anyone have constant pressure but no pain on left side of head above ear? (14 replies)
  28. Dizziness, lightheadedness - new med side effects? (0 replies)
  29. Temple Pain (3 replies)
  30. Neck lymph nodes?? (2 replies)
  31. Shoulder Pain (3 replies)
  32. Red blotchy patchy neck ??? (7 replies)
  33. Constant Fast Heart Rate and Would Not Slow Down (3 replies)
  34. Wet Weather......... (2 replies)
  35. Dry eyes, seeing spots and teeth. (4 replies)
  36. Off-balance (10 replies)
  37. dull aches in arms and hands (3 replies)
  38. Out of the Blue...What do you think? Please ? (1 replies)
  39. feeling sick (6 replies)
  40. Anyone else experience headache/pressure/fullness for weeks straight? (7 replies)
  41. so..I have a cold, but (1 replies)
  42. is it just me!!! (2 replies)
  43. Hyperventilation/Breathing (5 replies)
  44. Random shooting pains (2 replies)
  45. My scariest symptom - Vision problems (38 replies)
  46. Migraine sufferers... (3 replies)
  47. I just want to cry! (2 replies)
  48. high blood pressure (4 replies)
  49. fast heart beat whilst sleeping in bed? (1 replies)
  50. Troubling feelings that wake me up (2 replies)
  51. I'm Confused With Myself... Feeling Very Odd. (3 replies)
  52. Pain down left arm (3 replies)
  53. Ears and Anxiety (3 replies)
  54. Anyone know what this is.............. (2 replies)
  55. Worried About Thoughts (5 replies)
  56. A mixed bag (6 replies)
  57. Permanent Visual Disturbances (13 replies)
  58. Waves of tiredness... (3 replies)
  59. Dreading bedtime... (2 replies)
  60. muscle/joint pain, fatigue, feeling weak (1 replies)
  61. Ringing in my left ear. (1 replies)
  62. Whats the best way to get rid of a tummy bug ? (2 replies)
  63. Just feeling deflated (2 replies)
  64. In need of some advice! (1 replies)
  65. Anxiety/Side effect Headaches (8 replies)
  66. Could It Be The Meds OR Anxiety ? Help Really Worried? (2 replies)
  67. Weird Feeling (4 replies)
  68. slightly worried about potential side effects (3 replies)
  69. eyes pain (1 replies)
  70. Anger, anyone? (7 replies)
  71. deficiency (2 replies)
  72. blood in urine (1 replies)
  73. Nausea & Lethargy (3 replies)
  74. Embarrassing Question (1 replies)
  75. Numbness, tingling, pins and needles (11 replies)
  76. Absolutely paranoid! (2 replies)
  77. Help! (1 replies)
  78. What`s going on? (2 replies)
  79. Help Please (2 replies)
  80. heat??????? (6 replies)
  81. Please Help (3 replies)
  82. I don't know what's wrong with me!! (10 replies)
  83. symptoms (4 replies)
  84. please help got some strange things happening worried (2 replies)
  85. Audio Dyslexia! (4 replies)
  86. Ever felt this? (3 replies)
  87. Bad habits picked up with anxiety? (6 replies)
  88. Fear of losing cognitive abilities (3 replies)
  89. I think I'm going mad...so scared please reply (5 replies)
  90. Strange feelings when about to sleep?? (18 replies)
  91. Cant cope with this sickness! (1 replies)
  92. Menopause what problems can it cause? (2 replies)
  93. Why do I feel as though I have been sucking a penny?? (8 replies)
  94. Symptom Question (1 replies)
  95. Dizzyness 24/7 for last 17 years. (2 replies)
  96. Sleep issues (6 replies)
  97. A reassurance, calm me down (11 replies)
  98. Fustrated over off balance symptoms (3 replies)
  99. My symptoms are ONLY Mental (6 replies)
  100. Breathing quickly!!! (3 replies)
  101. it came back again (2 replies)
  102. List of possible symptoms (Wow) (19 replies)
  103. Any Ideas (0 replies)
  104. Does anyone know (7 replies)
  105. eyes so blury and watery and painful and blur and sleepy why? (1 replies)
  106. One Symtom that just won't seem to go away (4 replies)
  107. head zaps (1 replies)
  108. What On Earth Did I Just Feel? (1 replies)
  109. Feeling of guilt.. (1 replies)
  110. please guys i need u now more then ever :-( (9 replies)
  111. Tiredness (14 replies)
  112. worried, abt sugar things, (17 replies)
  113. the dr just says its stress (4 replies)
  114. Thought of the day (2 replies)
  115. can the doctor tell if you pregnant with a blood test (3 replies)
  116. Dizziness,nausea,headache,body tingling first thing in morning! (5 replies)
  117. Stuffy & stifled feeling (2 replies)
  118. when does insomnia qualify as an emergency needing hospitalization? (12 replies)
  119. Blurred vision in one eye (5 replies)
  120. Try This One On For Size (6 replies)
  121. giddy, worried. (8 replies)
  122. Just Can't Get It Together. (0 replies)
  123. Woke This Morning Heart Doesn't Sound Right? (3 replies)
  124. Breathing difficulties - really scared (2 replies)
  125. Osessive Contrast Thoughts (1 replies)
  126. Noise Intolerance (2 replies)
  127. Why can't I just accept these feelings? (1 replies)
  128. Two symptoms that no one else seems to have or understands (2 replies)
  129. water noise in head (6 replies)
  130. Yeah, I have no idea what this could be, me thinks something horrible (13 replies)
  131. Girl with Thinning Hair (4 replies)
  132. Eye and head symptom?? (1 replies)
  133. stop breathing when trying to sleep? (10 replies)
  134. Black Dust (5 replies)
  135. Some questions (1 replies)
  136. First social anxiety now this... (0 replies)
  137. My mind and me (6 replies)
  138. always getting colds and stomach bugs (3 replies)
  139. Anxiety? or Problem? (1 replies)
  140. Upper Chest Discomfort & Inhaling Difficulty (7 replies)
  141. [B][/B]Headache?? (7 replies)
  142. Waking from sleep with a "jump" (3 replies)
  143. New symptom to my anx - breathing. Help! (1 replies)
  144. again very sick (7 replies)
  145. feeling like inside ear something moving whne i stand or move around, (0 replies)
  146. What are your worst/feared and least fear symptoms? (14 replies)
  147. Is it ok for your pulse to go to 67? (5 replies)
  148. Sick and Kind Of Weak and Depressed Everyday (5 replies)
  149. Feeling tired.. (8 replies)
  150. is this a new symptom of anxiety? (1 replies)
  151. is it true if yo think about it (3 replies)
  152. Citalopram and migraines (0 replies)
  153. All my NEW symptoms!! (12 replies)
  154. Poll: Can you move your ears? (1 replies)
  155. Upper chest discomfort/pain (5 replies)
  156. Problems with "balance"? (5 replies)
  157. slow heartbeat (3 replies)
  158. How do you control your 'Air Hunger' (13 replies)
  159. Itchiness at night (7 replies)
  160. Upset tummy (5 replies)
  161. vivid dreams (6 replies)
  162. Is 90BPM and Ok Heart Rate When Standing? (3 replies)
  163. They Changed My Meds And Now I Feel Weird (1 replies)
  164. just a quick question (1 replies)
  165. Intrusive thoughts are stopping my progress (7 replies)
  166. Ambivalence (1 replies)
  167. Has anyone had adrenal gland function checked as a cause of their anxiety? (5 replies)
  168. chest pains for months! (14 replies)
  169. Weird black dot in vision, please help (4 replies)
  170. Restless Body (1 replies)
  171. This is freaking me out! (5 replies)
  172. Really worried this time-- weird hair loss (3 replies)
  173. They Don't Let You Walk Out Of The Office If Your BP Is TOO HIGH DO THEY? (8 replies)
  174. Went To The Doctor Today :-( (5 replies)
  175. Missing Symptoms? (4 replies)
  176. Is my brain slowing down?!! (1 replies)
  177. I think im dead...! (5 replies)
  178. Do You Ever Have Moments Where You Have No Thoughts? (1 replies)
  179. Sudden Calm? What is that? (3 replies)
  180. Ever Notice That Your Body Shakes With Your Pulse? (4 replies)
  181. Why Is My Pulse Rate Always Higher During The Day Hours? (2 replies)
  182. Agitation. Need help. (22 replies)
  183. Is There Anyone Medical Personel On NMP Doctors Or Nurses? (10 replies)
  184. Heartbeat Sounds ,Palps? Skipped Beats? What? (1 replies)
  185. Pulsative Tinnitus and IM SCARED. (4 replies)
  186. sudnely can't breathe (2 replies)
  187. Nausea (1 replies)
  188. Breathing Rhythm? (1 replies)
  189. quit work, is it worth it (0 replies)
  190. Aging skin. How do I know whats normal and not think every new thing is Cancer?? (5 replies)
  191. brain tumor? :( (1 replies)
  192. How do you cope with feelings of "I can't cope" (3 replies)
  193. SOS: Ovarain Cysts/ Panic Attacks (0 replies)
  194. Choking , Tightness In Throat and Coughing At Night. (1 replies)
  195. How Do You Get Over A Heart Obsession? Help Please (4 replies)
  196. gagging feeling (1 replies)
  197. for those with heart pals... (0 replies)
  198. Feeling awful most of the time (3 replies)
  199. feeling sick (10 replies)
  200. Help need some reassurance please about horrible intrusive thoughts (4 replies)
  201. high cholesterol, i am so so scared. (6 replies)
  202. Has Anyone Ever Had This Happen To Them? Help (2 replies)
  203. I'm scared :( (1 replies)
  204. Visual snow? (11 replies)
  205. Im Pathetic.54 Years Old Lost And Alone (7 replies)
  206. Can You Have Heart Issues With No Other Symptoms Beside Faster Pulse When Standing? (1 replies)
  207. Heart Beat Faster Getting Up and Seem To Be Out Of Breath? (0 replies)
  208. numbness/tingling before and during a panic attack (6 replies)
  209. Jelly arms and legs ?? (1 replies)
  210. Why does my arm not feel like MY ARM anymore? (14 replies)
  211. Trouble Breathing Or Just Anxiety , Please Help? (2 replies)
  212. How Many Of Us Spend Their Days and Nights Looking Things About Health? (3 replies)
  213. Perspiration (3 replies)
  214. Feeling Hunger/Empty...but full. O_O (0 replies)
  215. Help - Tingling Sensatino (1 replies)
  216. HELP!? (3 replies)
  217. rumbling tummy (2 replies)
  218. Trembles, tremors, tics and twitches (0 replies)
  219. history (5 replies)
  220. leg especially feel like ants (1 replies)
  221. Chest Muscle Spasms/Twinges (6 replies)
  222. scared out of my small mind!!! (0 replies)
  223. again about sleep (9 replies)
  224. Breathing....something really wrong (4 replies)
  225. tingling on right side of head (3 replies)
  226. cold sensation down right leg (1 replies)
  227. Help ! Please (2 replies)
  228. Giggles (2 replies)
  229. can't breath again (6 replies)
  230. Anxiety and muscle pain? (13 replies)
  231. AFIB? Or Bad Heart Rhythm HELP? (2 replies)
  232. anxiety or not? (15 replies)
  233. How Can You Tell If You Are Breathing Ok For Sure (2 replies)
  234. Worried Abt Bp Again (4 replies)
  235. Uncontrollable shaking!! (17 replies)
  236. sleep (4 replies)
  237. Continual arm cramp (2 replies)
  238. Symptoms...is it anxiety? (29 replies)
  239. Speech Problems & Panic Attacks (6 replies)
  240. Hair Loss (2 replies)
  241. Trouble sleeping!! (1 replies)
  242. Symptoms (6 replies)
  243. is it bipolar? help! (1 replies)
  244. here i go again (1 replies)
  245. feeling sick sleepy again (26 replies)
  246. Can You Have A Heart Attack For Three Weeks? (2 replies)
  247. Low blood sugar? (16 replies)
  248. Flashing light in vision (2 replies)
  249. Pain in the neck..literally (2 replies)
  250. No male orgasm, could be anxiety ? (1 replies)