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  1. Low ferritin anyone?
  2. Ear pressure/fluid/vertigo..
  3. Very little sleep last night and now have sharp/burning pain in chest
  4. Brain MRI worried like crazy...
  5. CT today Cystoscopy tomorrow...
  6. bad day, swollen glands
  7. chest x ray tmro after weeks of stress panicin
  8. Update
  9. Fillings
  10. Fearing Lung Cancer :(
  11. Knot in chest
  12. Death!!!!
  13. hip pain or bowel pain
  14. Best advice I can give :)
  15. Afraid I've contracted HIV
  16. Arm pain and heart attack?
  17. can anxiety make you feel ill?
  18. just went frightend
  19. breathlessness/short of breath: opinion
  20. Desperate and so scared...
  21. Bone cancer fears please someone help!
  22. Finally! A doc agrees with me
  23. Scared Melanoma this time
  24. Head ear pressure
  25. Now it is prostate cancer worries
  26. Cut my finger when washing
  27. Mouth problems still...
  28. Very worked up, please reply if you can relate
  29. Alzheimer's or dementia????? Crazy thought patterns
  30. Canker Sores! ><
  31. help slight numbness on toe
  32. Brain Aneurysm - Symptoms???
  33. Woozy/faint/unsteady/heavy feeling
  34. Blood Clot fears again
  35. panicky
  36. weird sensation on tummy/lower back...worried MS
  37. Bad day, fed up
  38. HA - left arm, chest and pulse
  39. Scared of choking to death on tablets...
  40. Can getting wind in your ears make you feel dizzy?
  41. I'm new to this. What is wrong with me?
  42. Convinced I have Pancreatic Cancer Please Help
  43. Scared of my own body
  44. Challenge
  45. How big are normal lymph nodes???
  46. Not dealing with my dad passing away :(
  47. Sudden adult death syndrome
  48. Brain tumour anxiety bugging me :(
  49. Chest pain
  50. Night sweats?
  51. Eyes, im going crazy! :(
  52. Thought I was better, but suddenly got breast panic again!
  53. My Health Anxiety Story
  54. still worried about head.
  55. waiting anxiously for x ray results
  56. waking up anxous
  57. body/stomach pulsating
  58. Dizziness
  59. Palps
  60. CBT for Health Anxiety
  61. Update - new blood results and GP visit
  62. anxiety and life expectancy
  63. Yellow eyes and foamy pee
  64. blurred eye
  65. Somebody, advice please!!
  66. Random worry that I might need to be sick
  67. STILL worried about blood clot
  68. Advice on ways to calm down?
  69. painful lump...
  70. Severe anxiety and Heart Concerns. Please Read
  71. What is wrong with me?
  72. yet another crappy scary day..anyone else?
  73. Dry eye
  74. Eye Pain
  75. How is your tooth Kittikat? x
  76. Burning after drinking
  77. Having a very hard day
  78. Irregular pulse anyone?
  79. Stomach issues
  80. home alone
  81. Shoulder Pain.. worried lung ca. anyone can help?
  82. can anyone help please......
  83. Sinus/tension headache?
  84. Breathing issues? Making my health anxiety rise :(
  85. Had first CBT session last week
  86. Chest tightness driving me mad
  87. Lets talk about tips to control HA.
  88. fuzzyness on face????
  89. Not sure if I took double dose of BP
  90. Ice cold headaches anyone?
  91. Y does anxiety cause chest pain?
  92. Heart anxiety; again so scared I'm dying
  93. advice please :(
  94. Dry throat clear mucus
  95. Is this HA
  96. is it still Anxiety?
  97. Diabetees Type 2 anxiety
  98. feeling failure
  99. Please help! Am I actually having a heart attack?
  100. Jelly Legs (again) :)
  101. Feel like a failure
  102. Health anxiety ruining my life.
  103. Dr google
  104. Daily fail at it again
  105. So now I think it's diabetes...
  106. what is your worst symptom/symptoms
  107. Gallbladder removal
  108. lumbar puncture.
  109. Headaches... whiplash?? worried again!
  110. help needed and info- loop recorder
  111. Chest/throat pain when crying?
  112. Pulsating in abdomen
  113. Something wrong with my eyes.
  114. Struggling big time
  115. HELP cant trust doctor
  116. i sound barking but i think work triggers me
  117. Weird stomach issues
  118. help I feel sick! and im terrifed
  119. can paracetamol make you dizzy
  120. funny eyes & head
  121. Do I go back on Antidepressants?
  122. lymph node worries
  123. Today it is lymphatic system cancer
  124. swollen gland neck?
  125. On so many medicines - anyone else?
  126. Fatigue, RLS, ulcers, infections, thrush
  127. Feel so down right now lost 💔
  128. On to brain tumor worry :( why do we always end up here?
  129. everybody hands up. is life ruind
  130. Am i scaring myself ill?
  131. Dental problems making me feel hopeless
  132. drinking too much water
  133. Feeling Stressed - feel like im going to have a H/ATTACK?
  134. Anyone suffer with hayfever advise?
  135. Constant palpitations
  136. Newbie needing advice, loves googling symptoms :/
  137. Petrified
  138. Booked doctors appt scared
  139. My anxiety feels different?
  140. Paying for private tests???
  141. Really fed up of anxiety controlling me
  142. banged my head. Dizzy and head hurts. HELP
  143. Random burning smell help!
  144. Underactive Thyroid
  145. Palpitations lying down?
  146. Would the doctors find out if there was something wrong with me by now?
  147. Sharp stabbing pain in upper left side of head :(
  148. numb/burning sensation on back... now on thigh. MS?
  149. No sleep due to meningitus panic
  150. feel like im sweating but when i check my arms they are dry??
  151. Squint/Lazy eye
  152. Scared to excesice
  153. anxiety worst side affect - lack of appetite?
  154. really really low
  155. wondering how many people do this ?
  156. Help – feel terrible!
  157. Muscle/nerve issues
  158. help me, i can't calm myself
  159. lymphoma fear
  160. Teenage cancer fears
  161. Static noise in ears!
  162. abdominal pains and my dx h pylori
  163. Feeling like I can't breathe after eating a big meal?
  164. Stories about poor James Gandolfini not good for HA
  165. Feeling hot like a temperature
  166. Convinced I'm diabetic, but no one is listening to me...
  167. Getting sick of this now
  168. Fears getting worse not better
  169. TV commercials
  170. What symptoms do you get poll
  171. panic should i be worried
  172. Can a sinus infection cause this?
  173. Still worried about my pupils!! Grrr
  174. Palpitations
  175. Neuro diseases
  176. Heartburn and sweating?
  177. Eh? Fewer symptoms when stressing out?
  178. waves of anxiety
  179. Anxiety feels like a living hell!
  180. Strange stuff in my kitchen bin and I'm freaking out!!
  181. Ongoing eye issue
  182. Earphones!
  183. I found the answer to my dizziness/anxiety/balance issues!
  184. Ddcoo - update on tongue cancer
  185. Lung "issues" :(
  186. Sickness bug?
  187. help why did I google
  188. worried.
  189. Help guys please
  190. Struggling so much
  191. Brain freeze headache
  192. I Don't Think This Is Just Anxiety Anymore. Petechiae And Bruises.
  193. New symptom help
  194. Face/Eye Twitch
  195. Weakness, burning and aching.
  196. Lump in throat
  197. Ddcoo - tongue cancer
  198. constant anxiety
  199. Worried about a Mole/Blister?
  200. Fed up of feeling so run down
  201. Thorn in finger and tetanus
  202. warm sensation in back
  203. Terrified about doctors appointment tomorrow
  204. I want to live...
  205. calf vibrations
  206. Really Struggling at the moment
  207. twitching during REM
  208. dry lips
  209. was doing ok all morning till now.
  210. tiredness
  211. Pins and needles left side, both feet, weakness
  212. Blood Tests
  213. must stop frightening ourselves
  214. glands update
  215. anxietys and swaying.
  216. Really anxious uti or......
  217. Work?!
  218. Insides hurt
  219. Back from Doctors
  220. bad evening with anxiety !
  221. D day tommorow!
  222. Please helpTight chest after food and drink :-(
  223. MS anxiety
  224. Ridiculous hair dye phobia/thought
  225. pains in body
  226. neck feeling weak?
  227. Please somebody help me!!!! I think I'm dying!
  228. Heart Attack Fears
  229. good day then bad day - secondary cancer fears
  230. post op fears
  231. Today is it Cardiovascular disease
  232. Help?
  233. Nurse said I've had tachycardia
  234. Breast issues - need some advice
  235. Had neuro appointment
  236. Just need some good advice please
  237. Holiday will be ruined by lump on calf :-(
  238. the other C word
  239. Tetanus Fear
  240. Quick sharp pain in head
  241. Warts and all (poss Diabetes?)
  242. eye floaters
  243. Who else never feels 'normal'?
  244. What makes you worry most about dying?
  245. Oral Cancer?? I am freaking out
  246. Randomly feeling like im buzzing off a drug?
  247. Half Awake/Half Asleep/Hearing Voices/Terrified!
  248. Hands not working
  249. Now freaking out about lymphoma
  250. Tough few days sleeping