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  1. Pancreatic Cancer
  2. Essential tremor or worse?
  3. MRI for persistent dizziness
  4. Migraine aura! Please help, major panic
  5. Small fly in nose
  6. Panicking
  7. Being Sucked into the HA Vortex :-(
  8. How do I stop obsessing over my hair?
  9. Long term health anxiety
  10. Suasage mould and penicillin allergy
  11. Worried about exposure to baby powder? Is it that bad for you?
  12. BigOldDrives Big Old Problem List
  13. Hot tingling left side of face
  14. My Worst Nightmare - Aniexty Causing Hypophosphatemia
  15. Carpet Burn caused itchy patch that won't go away
  16. Warm patch on leg comes and goes
  17. It’s spiralling! Help me to think logically
  18. I need to fix this
  19. Advice needed asap
  20. shock from phone charger
  21. freaking out
  22. Please give me advice to get out of this horrific spiral.
  23. Reassurance needed
  24. twisted my ankle and now my anxiety is out of control
  25. Concrete Dust
  26. My worst nightmare
  27. Please help.
  28. Convinced I have ovarian cancer
  29. Small Fibre Neuropathy and other health forums ...
  30. thirdHand Smoke
  31. Watery throat
  32. Feel like someone has my head under water
  33. Internal Hemmoroids
  34. Scared of going to sleep
  35. Prostate Worries
  36. Burping food hours later??
  37. Urine analysis
  38. I am terrified to touch my neck.
  39. Paranoid about family history cancer risk
  40. Car windscreen washer fluid
  41. The constant feeling of needing to urinate
  42. Gland under jaw below ear swelling and painful when eating
  43. Mole tingling/pricking
  44. Worried about upcoming upper endoscopy
  45. Anyone had h pylori (helicobacter)
  46. Lump left after bruise?
  47. Itchy skin
  48. Lump on kneecap (bone cancer fears)
  49. Blood results for liver borderline
  50. kidney stones
  51. Is Acid Reflux a symptom of Bowel cancer?
  52. Leukocytes in urine
  53. My Lymph Node story!! still enlarged 3 years on and still here :)
  54. Anxiety about food getting stuck causing it to happen
  55. Wound from cat scatch... sepsis?
  56. Lump in left side of abdomen please help
  57. Please can someone help, I can't take this health anxiety anymore
  58. When does it get better?
  59. Cold, Flu, or Covid. I’m Spiraling
  60. Heart anxiety! - left arm pain
  61. Worried about cellulitis
  62. Rib pain, stomach pain?
  63. Panic Regarding my stomach Anyone please help me
  64. Two steps forward, one step back
  65. scared i might get a stomach bug from food, someone has been around/touched
  66. Obsessive Checking Behaviours
  67. I forgot how to swallow for a second?
  68. Sore tongue on and off for weeks
  69. What feels like three pimples on my armpit, possible lymph node issue?
  70. Found a tiny mass near tonsillar lymph node last night.
  71. Hello new here
  72. Do I have a cancerous tumor under my belly button?
  73. Flashes of light in the outer corner of my eye
  74. Night sweats? Or just too hot
  75. Burning sensations at start of intense exercise
  76. Having an off day
  77. Anyone been through anything similar, this is ruining my life.
  78. pnuemonia fear
  79. Constant Thenar Twitching/ Fasciculations for 4 days
  80. Scared of Hantavirus
  81. Eye strain- Anxiety building
  82. Possibly my dumbest HA fear yet – earrings
  83. Terrified of dementia
  84. I'm constantly living in fear and I can't cope anymore
  85. Treating HA - What has worked for people?
  86. Heart racing and tingling over my body. Shaky hands
  87. Anxiety or asthma?! Which is it
  88. Hopelessness
  89. Can anyone help on this one?
  90. Can food effect breathing. Weird flutter feeling
  91. Pins & needles lasted a few hours for my daughter
  92. Worried sick about my wife!
  93. Nodular Melanoma or Dermatofibroma
  94. Migraines
  95. Lymph node on torso area worry
  96. Swollen Thyroid?
  97. How to know if it's anxiety, asthma, or sinister lung thing?
  98. Itching
  99. I’m back again with the same thing 😔
  100. Reverse psychology?
  101. New pressure right at the top of my head
  102. Can you get Sensory processing disorder later in life?
  103. Standing on one leg with eyes closed test
  104. Right tonsil worries
  105. Leber's Disease and Vitamin B12
  106. Skin cancer worry
  107. What is this ????
  108. Brain tumor
  109. Is there anyone....
  110. Overactive bladder or something else
  111. How do we know if a symptom is real or just our HA mind in overdrive?
  112. Toilet anxiety - heart attack and/or stroke
  113. I don't want to go through this again!
  114. I’m struggling
  115. Colar bone lymph node, advice please
  116. Vcjd fear
  117. Help me off the ledge re: brain tumor
  118. Brain Tumor
  119. Seeing things / confusion
  120. Hair Shedding like crazy, please help
  121. Tendons only armpit? Do you have it??
  122. Red line in white part of eye
  123. New to HA
  124. Tenderness over carotid artery on left side of nexk
  125. Health Anxiety Spiralling
  126. My childs leg hurts - very worried
  127. So tempted to go back to self testing!
  128. Keeping it together over the next 2 days....
  129. Sharp pain in chest
  130. For those who poke or prose their bodies looking for stuff..
  131. Tongue worry.....
  132. Healthy anxiety worry
  133. Blood pressure worries...
  134. Why do I give in? Why do I believe Dr Google will ever help me?
  135. Can anxiety make you physically ill?
  136. Skin cancer?
  137. Doing Terrible
  138. How do you learn to live with a “shotty” node?
  139. Why does my brain focus on the tiny chance rather than the more likely scenario?
  140. Health anxiety back (worse than ever) after 8 years
  141. Building a health forum - would anybody be interested in doing it with me?
  142. Please help talk me off the ledge...nodular melanoma
  143. Health anxiety about cancer
  144. piece of broken plate in throat
  145. Second Hand Smoke Scare
  146. Boiling water in eye
  147. Visual distortion/Feeling really big compared to things
  148. Beta Carotene Supplements and lung cancer
  149. Why cant I trust my doctor
  150. Have you ever felt 'numb' and no longer care whether you die or not?
  151. Worrying about partner (clubbed nails)
  152. Getting Results tomorrow
  153. Blood in phlegm
  154. Oral Cancer - What do you think?
  155. Front neck pain on left side
  156. Got some Fox or cat poo on my shoe now worried about weil’s disease
  157. CT Testing Scares
  158. Super weary and hoping someone can relate
  159. Occipital lymph node
  160. Lightheaded before eating that continues after eating
  161. Slight swollen anckle
  162. Has anyone gone for therapy and it hasn’t worked?
  163. Alzheimer’s worry
  164. Anyone tried Hypnotherapy/Hypnoanalysis for HA?
  165. Fatter on one side
  166. Constant ash/cigarette taste in back of throat
  167. The habit of seeking doctor 2nd opinion
  168. Panic attack again today 😫.....
  169. Burning sensations in hips and pelvis
  170. one tonsil bigger than the other
  171. esophagus cancer
  172. Rheumatoid arthritis
  173. Skin cancer
  174. Ball Of foot pain not going away
  175. Mouth burning and digestive issues
  176. Naproxen has messed my stomach up 😞
  177. lung x-ray opacity and breathing issues
  178. frequent urination and health anxiety
  179. Found lump, had it checked, still anxious. Help?
  180. Falling Sensation and Pressure in Head
  181. Headache throbs when standing
  182. Lymphoma fear is back :(((((
  183. Need reassurance regarding possible Covid-19 exposure
  184. In A Bad Place
  185. Hand gel in eye
  186. so scared i am going to get a bad cold/flu? maybe covid
  187. Rectal bleeding after bowel movement (TMI)
  188. Wheezing in one lung? I’m relapsing.
  189. I want off this Rollercoaster
  190. Spot won’t go.
  191. Shoulder/arm soreness, worried about MS or bone cancer?
  192. Can voice hoarseness take this long? 5 weeks
  193. Panicking about low-grade fevers & lymphoma
  194. HA worse at Christmas?
  195. Loss of appetite
  196. Water feeling in throat
  197. So much wasted time and energy...
  198. Please could someone not paranoid help me interpret this!
  199. Help for Christmas and health anxiety
  200. Does anybody else get growing white blobs in their vision?
  201. Dementia / Alzheimers Worries
  202. Fluid in Fallopian tube and bile duct dilated 😖
  203. Weird pain behind one eye
  204. Is your tongue straight and symmetrical?
  205. Esophageal cancer fear
  206. Side stitch at rest
  207. Am I causing my symptoms?
  208. Brain Tumour
  209. Bright dot of light spontaneously appearing
  210. Kidney stone recurrence fear
  211. Lump upper front of throat
  212. Skin Cancer worrys
  213. Is this a HA intrusive thought or not?
  214. Bony lump on the sternum end of the clavicle.
  215. Struggling again, is there no way out?
  216. Sleep: HA in the middle of the night
  217. Worried about my son
  218. Speaking issues / please help I’m scared
  219. I need someone to talk me down
  220. Does anyone else’s HA make them feel this way?
  221. Chest pain
  222. struggling today
  223. Front of neck bigger on right side
  224. Random bouts of feeling dizzy/faint
  225. Ibc worries.
  226. Diagnosed with ADHD at 40
  227. What are you doing to lower your health anxiety in 2021?
  228. Anyone Else? Feel Like I'm Losing My Mind...
  229. Painkiller habit
  230. Stomach inflammation (gastritis)
  231. Possible Tooth Infection Really Triggering HA
  232. Worried bout constant headaches
  233. Pupils
  234. Another worry to add to the list
  235. Throat tightness maybe?
  236. Having a little Blip!
  237. General Health anxiety
  238. Growth on palm
  239. Like walking on a moving or swaying floor.
  240. Brain Zaps
  241. Red eyes and high blood pressure.
  242. Probably silly but...
  243. Hiv worries
  244. Small firm bump / lump under the skin, please read
  245. Can HA really do this?
  246. Armpit lumps? Maybe?
  247. Worried about salmonella from a raw egg
  248. Starting to freak the heck out
  249. Belly button pain
  250. So worried and no one to talk too