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  1. Money anxiety- am I going broke ! (5 replies)
  2. occupational health (10 replies)
  3. ok need to man up (11 replies)
  4. help please :0( (3 replies)
  5. Fleeting moments of past happiness (11 replies)
  6. A tuff time (4 replies)
  7. Here we go again...blip or breakdown? (10 replies)
  8. Anxiety or not? (2 replies)
  9. Fiction that deals with mental illness? (3 replies)
  10. SOS phone (3 replies)
  11. Strangest temptation to jump... (10 replies)
  12. Anxious for 6 years, looking for help (2 replies)
  13. new job after 3 years depression Diary and advice (14 replies)
  14. Childhood (6 replies)
  15. Anxiety? (5 replies)
  16. hypnotherapy (8 replies)
  17. Does everyone suffer from anxiety? (11 replies)
  18. Please help me (3 replies)
  19. General Anxiety turning Agrophobic (3 replies)
  20. Gut pain & nausea 24/7 (2 replies)
  21. Just want to stay at home all my life (11 replies)
  22. scared (2 replies)
  23. Bad Night (21 replies)
  24. Reducing Citalopram (10 replies)
  25. Partied a little too hard last night. Now I am worried about myself. (2 replies)
  26. Going to see new doctor, help! (8 replies)
  27. Someone To Talk To - Critical To Recovery ?? (2 replies)
  28. Acting and anxiety disorder. (5 replies)
  29. Lying #@%* of a boyfriend!!!! (24 replies)
  30. Bill. (0 replies)
  31. so annoyed being treated unfairly (7 replies)
  32. Fear of getting sleep deprivation ! (2 replies)
  33. Noise/anxiety (14 replies)
  34. A lot of anxiety about work meeting tomorrow (1 replies)
  35. Had a set back today. Will I ever be normal ?? (4 replies)
  36. So down and had enough (4 replies)
  37. What songs help you? (8 replies)
  38. Online mood diary? (5 replies)
  39. worry anxiety (13 replies)
  40. Am i going to be ok. (3 replies)
  41. Coming off citalopram (9 replies)
  42. What does diazepam feel like??? (6 replies)
  43. How can I stop dwelling on something? (4 replies)
  44. Behaviour problems as a result of anxiety (1 replies)
  45. Any feel happy in the morning? (8 replies)
  46. Doctors appointment nerves (3 replies)
  47. Worried about the docs tomorrow! (4 replies)
  48. Anxiety over the way I look (12 replies)
  49. scared of not coping with son's operation (13 replies)
  50. Dealing with job interviews again? (8 replies)
  51. maddness (5 replies)
  52. Bothered That Im Bothered (2 replies)
  53. Sleeping issues (5 replies)
  54. A song for you (8 replies)
  55. Want my life back (4 replies)
  56. Struggling (2 replies)
  57. The person you used to be? (8 replies)
  58. no appetite and not hungry in slightest (25 replies)
  59. Feeling cold (15 replies)
  60. Anxiety about safety of people I don't even know & animals. (5 replies)
  61. Feeling quite anxious about today (3 replies)
  62. Anxiety or stress? (2 replies)
  63. Some one to chat to (2 replies)
  64. children making me anxious (9 replies)
  65. A bit confused....... (2 replies)
  66. New here (5 replies)
  67. very personal but real worry (18 replies)
  68. Does bad luck come in threes?? (8 replies)
  69. Having a very bad day (1 replies)
  70. I am falling into depression again!! (3 replies)
  71. Bachs rescue remedy... (10 replies)
  72. Does anyone else have the 'friend' anxiety? (3 replies)
  73. I don't feel like going anywhere but... (7 replies)
  74. Yuck. Mornings. (7 replies)
  75. does anyone else experience excessive irritability and anger? (5 replies)
  76. work & occupational health referral (14 replies)
  77. Valerian (2 replies)
  78. I'm going to a yoga class tonight. (9 replies)
  79. Head rush (6 replies)
  80. Negative attitude (9 replies)
  81. Med choice - better the 'devil you know'? (5 replies)
  82. brain overload, worried i'm in trouble (9 replies)
  83. Is this relationship anxiety? (12 replies)
  84. Obsessions (7 replies)
  85. Why Am I Being Silly (16 replies)
  86. Relationship. Loveless Days. (4 replies)
  87. PTSD and Work (1 replies)
  88. Beta-blockers (4 replies)
  89. Tax (11 replies)
  90. St John's Wort... (16 replies)
  91. Anxiety over "thinning" hair (17 replies)
  92. Why do we wake so early? (11 replies)
  93. Worried about going back to work (3 replies)
  94. Anybody suffer with Epilepsy on here? (5 replies)
  95. any bodu know of any social /friendship groups in essex? (0 replies)
  96. Bereavement (4 replies)
  97. Would love to feel at peace again. (2 replies)
  98. how much PMT interferes with your anxiety/depression? (6 replies)
  99. Chemical Inbalance (3 replies)
  100. Beta blockers (2 replies)
  101. Id really appreciate ur help!!!!!!!!!!!! (13 replies)
  102. Memory Problems (1 replies)
  103. Sudden Rush of Stress/Sadness and Panic (8 replies)
  104. Self Referral (5 replies)
  105. It gets better (1 replies)
  106. How to get over fear? (7 replies)
  107. Feel stupid! (3 replies)
  108. having an anxiety attack during meditation?? (6 replies)
  109. Do you know why you're anxious? (19 replies)
  110. 2 Types of Anxiety (21 replies)
  111. no appetite. (6 replies)
  112. Anyone else feel better in the evening? (7 replies)
  113. Apparently a common fear with GAD (8 replies)
  114. S.A.D. (1 replies)
  115. Throw Them In The Bin ! (10 replies)
  116. Experiences with EMDR? (32 replies)
  117. Anxiety advice (1 replies)
  118. Agoraphobia ruining my life - Help :( (1 replies)
  119. Please help!!!! (6 replies)
  120. update (4 replies)
  121. Diazepam - should I take one off 6 weeks (8 replies)
  122. How do you cope with anxiety? (9 replies)
  123. Driving tests next wednesday and I'm thinking of cancelling help! (5 replies)
  124. Tips for eating (8 replies)
  125. Anyone else been obsessed with Solipsism (30 replies)
  126. PLS HELP (10 replies)
  127. Anxiety and Thyroid?? (8 replies)
  128. so much stress at home (3 replies)
  129. Popped in to say hi (0 replies)
  130. Advice/Help needed (15 replies)
  131. Obsessive thoughts (7 replies)
  132. Someone must know what this is please help (3 replies)
  133. I don't think I can carry on working - what do I do? (7 replies)
  134. Symptoms have come back after redundancy (3 replies)
  135. Alcohol - anyone experienced this? (6 replies)
  136. Emdr therapy programme on radio 5 live now for ptsd (0 replies)
  137. scared before seeing therapist/doctor (1 replies)
  138. Relationship Problems/headaches (1 replies)
  139. Am I going crazy? (3 replies)
  140. Struggling to cope with worries of being contaminated (2 replies)
  141. anxiety and b12 deficiency (5 replies)
  142. Crying all the time- is it Imipramine (1 replies)
  143. How do I cope??? (10 replies)
  144. Facing up to fear (5 replies)
  145. Stabbing pains in head. (1 replies)
  146. Stressing about money (3 replies)
  147. Strange sensations? (4 replies)
  148. Time off sick for Anxiety (14 replies)
  149. stigma of anxiety (1 replies)
  150. Back to work worries (1 replies)
  151. Exposure (5 replies)
  152. What to take just for anxiety and bad days please. (3 replies)
  153. Reflexology for GAD (3 replies)
  154. Symptoms & Reactions (1 replies)
  155. Does anyone else get like this? (2 replies)
  156. So worried about handing in my notice at work! (2 replies)
  157. Trembling & Jittering (4 replies)
  158. Went to college , no hesitating , no anxiety ... YAY (5 replies)
  159. Reaction times and the effects of drinking with anxiety (11 replies)
  160. Self-hypnosis for anxiety (4 replies)
  161. Getting fed up!!! (1 replies)
  162. Gut pain & nausea 24/7 (2 replies)
  163. Feel devastated by friends' comments (4 replies)
  164. Betablockers banyone help who takes them? NEED HELP ASAP :-( (12 replies)
  165. does anyone else get really anxiouse over silly things? (6 replies)
  166. Cialopram stopped working all of a sudden HELP! (5 replies)
  167. No Better (2 replies)
  168. I'm becoming over emotional (5 replies)
  169. Feeling good =) (4 replies)
  170. freaking out about a dream, help! (1 replies)
  171. Anxiety & Caffeine (10 replies)
  172. Do you find your anxiety comes in 'waves'? (4 replies)
  173. Duff Mckagan (4 replies)
  174. Inositol and St Johns Wort (0 replies)
  175. freaking out about this whole end of the world , doomsday clock thing =( (34 replies)
  176. Having a relationship while going through a hard time? (1 replies)
  177. Just saw an advert about mental health which i thought was GREAT! (3 replies)
  178. Tingly Face and Scalp: Very Anxious =[ (3 replies)
  179. Chat room (7 replies)
  180. Irrational thoughts and feelings (coping with jealousy) (3 replies)
  181. Kalms..?? (16 replies)
  182. Anxiety: GP wont prescribe, can I go private? (39 replies)
  183. I'm so paranoid of dying :( (14 replies)
  184. bereavement (12 replies)
  185. where to get help? (3 replies)
  186. Irrational fears/intrusive thoughts (5 replies)
  187. Quitting smoking (6 replies)
  188. anxiety situation, eeek! (3 replies)
  189. Feeling so anxious I feel i am going to die (3 replies)
  190. Employment and Support Allowance (2 replies)
  191. Finally posted on here (9 replies)
  192. Displaced Anxiety (2 replies)
  193. Moaning Monday Thread! (1 replies)
  194. Just need some moral support having a bad time... (4 replies)
  195. anxiety (1 replies)
  196. Bereavement (4 replies)
  197. Emotional as I'm back to normality (2 replies)
  198. magic (6 replies)
  199. Very obsessive girlfriend. I can't cope. (6 replies)
  200. The importance of social context in PTSD (1 replies)
  201. Claire Weekes books (7 replies)
  202. Back to college =) was in a state this morning but did it!!! (9 replies)
  203. Need To - Have To - Can't ???? (4 replies)
  204. what comes first, anxiety or physical symptoms? (9 replies)
  205. addicted to worrying?? (9 replies)
  206. Gut pain & nausea 24/7 (2 replies)
  207. looking back (7 replies)
  208. Would you attend? (3 replies)
  209. OK What Works ?? (2 replies)
  210. General Anx/Health Anx - any suggestions (0 replies)
  211. missing my daughter (4 replies)
  212. 5 element acupuncture and ptsd (0 replies)
  213. Get hot when eating and feel like I'm going to pass out! (0 replies)
  214. What do people take as alternative to prescribed medication (8 replies)
  215. My Story. (14 replies)
  216. Back again - and wondering wether to 'med' (1 replies)
  217. friendships... (7 replies)
  218. How did you accept your problems? (2 replies)
  219. mindfullness meditation anyone tried it? (8 replies)
  220. Which Medication? (3 replies)
  221. Should I sell my house to relieve pressure? (3 replies)
  222. Needing some quick help? (6 replies)
  223. Body giving out (6 replies)
  224. What am I supposed to do? (4 replies)
  225. Anyone feel like throwing up with anxiety? (6 replies)
  226. Anyone tried Stemeti tabs for anxiety? (1 replies)
  227. Something To Know About Anxiety !! (1 replies)
  228. Feel like I'm getting worse (3 replies)
  229. Recent Research (2 replies)
  230. pinpricks of light (1 replies)
  231. Burning sensations (1 replies)
  232. so scared please help! (9 replies)
  233. freaking out about my boyfriend.... (43 replies)
  234. What movies to watch to help you calm down? (45 replies)
  235. i hate anxiety!!!!!!! (3 replies)
  236. Really angry with myself i,ve let myself down.. (4 replies)
  237. Wish me luck please (10 replies)
  238. At what point.... (5 replies)
  239. so amxiouse with all this stress im under (2 replies)
  240. i am very emotional (1 replies)
  241. Negative thoughts - how many have you got? (17 replies)
  242. Can't deal with being home again:( (13 replies)
  243. My story... (2 replies)
  244. Wanted: Recovery Partner - USA ONLY (0 replies)
  245. Very pessimistic about the new year (2 replies)
  246. Advice for Anxiety/Temazepam please (0 replies)
  247. Low mood- citalopram (5 replies)
  248. A Question for the Male sufferers!! (15 replies)
  249. My mum passed away :( (17 replies)
  250. Return to work anxiety (3 replies)