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  1. Vibrating (twitching) sensation around sternum
  2. Mouth concerns
  3. Is this a fordyce spot? or......
  4. Scared of feeling this way.
  5. Sorry for the constant posts.
  6. Recovery: My Health Anxiety Journey
  7. hangover from hell and anxiety
  8. Burnt food
  9. breathing, chest pressure
  10. Lymph Nodes in Neck
  11. Passive smoking
  12. Freckle or mole?
  13. Another mole question...
  14. Cold and clammy skin on beta blockers worried it's heart attack can't sleep
  15. Stressing myself sick?
  16. Don't think I can take much more
  17. Low platelets petechie etc :(
  18. New HA... Leukaemia
  19. Cbt 3rd meeting
  20. Asthma sufferers? Terrified of asthma attack
  21. My entire abdomen bounce with my heartbeat, scared!!!
  22. Perceived Slurred Speech
  23. HA is ruining my life and I cant cope
  24. Help with my childs' anxiety
  25. Gas poisoning??
  26. DVT fear again :( D dimer accuracy
  27. HEALTH ANXIETY - ruling my life
  28. is there hope for health anxiety sufferers?
  29. Blood pressure??
  30. Lump in cheek
  31. Dizzy when turning my head around?! worry myself SICK
  32. Back here again cancer worry ...
  33. Facial twitching! Has anyone had this?
  34. I'm losing my mind
  35. Complete exhaustion/dizziness
  36. scared to trust my dr
  37. feeling weak unwell shaky
  38. Do you think these heart rate readings are cause for alarm?
  39. Stomach Pain - So worried!!
  40. Maybe light at the end of the tunnel
  41. Anyone else with pseudotumor cerebri?
  42. Tummy unwell - Feeling nervous
  43. Neck stiffness, headache, palpitations
  44. Does Health Anxiety make us selfish ?
  45. Question about blood clot/dvt
  46. chest pain getting scared
  47. Mild headaches again NEED SOME FEEDBACK
  48. What would you do?
  49. back again
  50. Back with my eyes!
  51. Ingrown hair, tumour or cyst???
  52. LPR, Anxiety, or ALS
  53. ughh. unnoticed "mole" nervous about melanoma.
  54. Uncomfortable feeling during exercise
  55. Post Here If You Go A Day Without Googling Symptom/Health Stuff
  56. shortness of breath
  57. Just Scared
  58. Feeling of madness?
  59. Labrinthitis 😪😪
  60. Possible HIV contraction?
  61. Melanoma fear: intense HA
  62. Prozac to Effexor
  63. Two Upcoming Ultrasounds!
  64. Think I swallowed some glass help!!!
  65. Trapped nerve and tingly numbness....GP worried me!
  66. Still bothered with clicking noise on top of skull
  67. Brief rush of dizziness accompanied by burning arms/legs
  68. constant feeling anxiety panic help
  69. Worried about back pain....
  70. Teeth worries
  71. I Googled something and now regret it!
  72. Life is becoming hard.
  73. scared I swallowed a bit of broken porcelain from a dinner plate?
  74. Worried about my wife (colon cancer possible)
  75. cant sleep nearly starting to cry
  76. Sore throat and seems like a virus is making me health conscious. Some reassurance?
  77. Terrified please help :(
  78. friendly replies needed
  79. Really struggling, please help, high WBC
  80. coffee
  81. Question About Alzheimers
  82. Jolt feeling in brain
  83. Health Anxiety and Citalopram??
  84. headache
  85. why can't i just accept it?!..
  86. Hi, I'm new, stomach issues
  87. Brain overthinking
  88. pain on on side head
  89. Googled :(
  90. Please tell me you've had this - Neck/face/head pain
  91. Weird foot sensation
  92. Hoping for some help
  93. really need help with this
  94. Not good this morning
  95. Been hard to stay off here!! Lol
  96. Can't seem to breathe in for 4 seconds
  97. EFUDIX
  98. Oral cancer terrified
  99. Help
  100. this week I've had everything 😯
  101. Raised temperature, lack of interest in anything
  102. Thyroid/Throat Lump
  103. Daily heathy anxiety
  104. This time its Colon Cancer
  105. Withdrawal from SSRI or something else?
  106. Heart Palpitations when skating, etc.
  107. Can't seem to get a break.
  108. Gardasil Fear
  109. Heart concerns! Weird irregular beat
  110. Could it be gallbladder or something else
  111. Sudden, Sharp Stomach Pain!
  112. Worried
  113. Feel like I'll never feel 'normal' again
  114. Why do I feel like I'm going to have a fit/ siezure
  115. Seasonal Allergies
  116. Uneven neck?
  117. Mouth ulcers
  118. I googled again and now I am more worried than I have ever been!
  119. upset. and my family is falling apart
  120. Spit blood yesterday, please help.
  121. Can I go back?
  122. My brain doesn't know whats it's doing
  123. A question I really need to ask
  124. Roof of mouth question
  125. Physical symptoms and I'm not even anxious!
  126. Waited too late to see if I Have H Pylori
  127. Swallowing/muscles/throat
  128. Low resting heart rate
  129. Has any one had this with heart
  130. Some advice please
  131. Please please please I am desperate for a bit of help.
  132. Fretting
  133. New marks on skin in multiple areas. Scared what they mean
  134. Scared I have a Brain Tumor
  135. panicking about smoke/HCN inhalation from laptop charger?!
  136. Worried about lung cancer :-(
  137. breathing
  138. Very afraid - ALS worry in foot!
  139. How does one live without constant fear of illness?
  140. Weak legs
  141. Propranolol for health anxiety
  142. itchy little bumps...
  143. Pain everywhere
  144. blood pressure anxiety
  145. Are mouth ulcers that don't heal rarely serious?
  146. High ALT Liver Enzymes
  147. Swolen arm from blood test
  148. Please help
  149. Still waiting
  150. quitting smoking with HA/GAD
  151. breathing or panic
  152. Skin sensation
  153. Peace of mind ?!
  154. Sertraline 50mg
  155. on and off nausea
  156. Question regarding Anxiety
  157. Cervix worries - nabothian cyst got bigger
  158. Adams Apple/Thyroid
  159. Sore mole
  160. Irrational fear of bowel cancer
  161. back in gym after three months of mono
  162. Hi guys, just a couple hours away from facing hair dye phobia..need some reassurance
  163. Think I'm going mad. Bladder/Pancreas worries
  164. I have the eyes of an elderly person!
  165. Peeling skin on hands
  166. Insomnia.. scared that im gonna die
  167. Head pains and eye pain for 6 days
  168. Thyroid pain when swallowing. Worried it's cancer.
  169. Tips on calming self checking?!
  170. Anyone else feel this is familiar?!!!
  171. Just been thinking.
  172. Medication Dilemmas Do I or Don't I :-(
  173. Random Bruises
  174. armpit nodes....is it possible to feel them?
  175. Hair dye - cancer fear
  176. left hand going numb past 3 days...migraine or stroke?
  177. Health Anxiety through the years
  178. Unbalanced, can't place feet, unsteady boat feeling, breathing
  179. Fear of death stopping me from enjoying time with my daughter
  180. moveable lump in leg
  181. Can it be in my head?
  182. Worried scared and breathing issues
  183. Head and eye pain- panicking
  184. Random bumpy texture on right forearm
  185. New headaches brain tumour scared
  186. CBT via Skype...
  187. Scared of Lump
  188. Didn't something silly
  189. how long will this last
  190. Moles
  191. Another question about a dark mole....
  192. In need of some help
  193. Addicted to Dr Google
  194. Drinking alcohol causing symptoms
  195. Fear of boyfriend's health
  196. Skin feels sunburnt???
  197. Convinced my 'cold' is something worse :(
  198. Really scared.
  199. Is my body playing tricks on me?
  200. on and off ha getting sick of it and affecting everyone
  201. Just IBS or female related problem?
  202. Ultrasound Tomorrow
  203. Anybody read Feeling Good by David Burns?
  204. Anxiety symptom or symptom of disease? Please help
  205. Fear of sudden death or illness taking over my life...
  206. Eye pain and headaches
  207. Stomach Cancer
  208. Swollen lymph nodes /gland
  209. Still facing concerns about Blood Pressure
  210. Lymph nodes
  211. Swollen red lymph node. Very afraid long post
  212. banged head
  213. Low heart rate
  214. Why am I full of rage?
  215. Scalp numbness and tingling
  216. Death of a friend and HA
  217. short jabs of pain in head
  218. terrified of appendix bursting
  219. Hi - question about weight loss
  220. Question about Lumps
  221. Am I losing my mind? Forgetful confused?
  222. every pain I panic😕
  223. what can i take for anxiety?
  224. Worried About These Moles. Losing My Mind?
  225. Fear of having contracted/spreading hiv
  226. It's back ..
  227. Can't cope with this any more
  228. Can't cope anymore - Lost My Job and More
  229. Potassium & Health Anxiety
  230. I should quit watching TV--darned ads
  231. Mole?
  232. Women's centre
  233. Mouth pain
  234. More problems
  235. Do you think my brother will be sectioned?
  236. Hopefully one of my last concerns - Fear of Doctors
  237. Brain tumor - i am going crazy
  238. Severe health anxiety.
  239. Lymph nodes neck
  240. UTI wont go away
  241. Twitching and such
  242. New here - physical symptoms of GAD or HA?
  243. Appendicitis fear is ruining my life
  244. Severe Health Anxiety
  245. Songs constantly playing in my head
  246. Interesting Article
  247. Aches and pains
  248. Horrible constipation! Anyone got any advice?
  249. Seems like something new every day...
  250. Lymphoma Frightened!