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  1. fibromyalgia?
  2. Strange feeling in my penis...
  3. Urine
  4. One of my wisdom teeth is about to come through
  5. A story worth remembering
  6. suffocation
  7. The dreaded headache
  8. please help can't stop obsessing that ive lost touch with reality
  9. Please help me
  10. Mole concerns - panicking about revisit to docs in 6 weeks
  11. A Strange journey.
  12. get nervous and cant breath at the thought of going out
  13. Sharp chest pain
  14. Toilet dreams- but I am awake
  15. Blurry Vision
  16. Variety of scary symptoms (head, muscles)
  17. Visual snow
  18. Lightheadedness
  19. Please help. Gasping for air at night.
  20. Burning Spot on Scalp - Allergies?
  21. Vagus Nerve Disorder?
  22. Extremely random words/thoughts? Is this anxiety?
  23. Headaches and visual snow
  24. Numb Face Tired Lightheaded
  25. Still having breathing problems :(
  26. Symptoms since November
  27. Awful headache
  28. Lightheaded / Dizziness
  29. Racing thoughts
  30. Need some advice
  31. Burning sensation on chest.
  32. scared ive lost touch with reality
  33. Leg pain freaking me out :(
  34. How can this just be anxiety?
  35. Scared of asthma after being taken off of daily inhaler
  36. Propanolol
  37. Unexplained bruising - scared its leukemia
  38. Feels like my digestion is moving WAY too fast
  39. Have to have Gallbladder out
  40. ALS fear is back again :(
  41. Scared of Brain Tumour
  42. One Eye Bigger Than The Other
  43. Sharp radiating nerve pain throughout arms and legs
  44. Tick on my scrotum, feeling anxious
  45. Why does this keep happening?
  46. Heart palpitations
  47. 4 week cough
  48. Sore throat 3 weeks
  49. anxiety/heart palps/ breathlessness
  50. Upper stomach pain fear cancer
  51. Noise and looking for it....
  52. Advise needed please x
  53. Crippled with anxiety following stillbirth
  54. Skipped heartbeat and dizziness
  55. Advice? Help?
  56. Really really scared about ALS again and this time I think I really have it!
  57. Dont know whats happening in my head
  58. forcing air out of my lungs
  59. Fast heart rate when walking around house?
  60. Anxiety and Eye Problems??
  61. Im Freaking Out
  62. Let's talk about sex.
  63. Asbestos exposure in house?
  64. Kidney Infection and stone pls help
  65. Bumps on roof of mouth
  66. Black specks in stool
  67. Anyone with anxiety breathing get worse when you have a cold?
  68. Been doing great but suddenly
  69. Shooting pains around body
  70. Tingling
  71. Nails - Liver Pain
  72. Bump/lump inside roof of mouth - should I be worried?
  73. Tinnitus or something worst?
  74. Back pain, pain in leg.
  75. Is it normal to feel like your thoughts are out of your control?
  76. sensation i've been having and needing explanation
  77. Shooting pains in the back of the head when leaning or coughing
  78. Scared I have tetanus!!!
  79. Late night thinking not usually the best idea
  80. Waking up feeling strange!!
  81. Please help
  82. Fear of losing control in public places
  83. Pain in Finger and Toe nail bed
  84. Bent coccyx and sciatica...
  85. Numb tingling chin on right side
  86. Worrying like mad someone help
  87. Slower heart rate....due to illness??
  88. Vision changes
  89. Headache and Nasal
  90. Coughing and fear of lung cancer
  91. Burning sensation when peeing after ejaculation
  92. Any ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers?
  93. concern about schizophrenia (warning: graphic)
  94. Constant chest pain to touch
  95. Worrying about Dizziness/Unsteadyness + Other Symptoms!
  96. What symptoms can muscle tension cause
  97. cold feeling in throat?
  98. Dizzy/Off Balance Feelings and Headaches
  99. Mole anxiety
  100. Blood in saliva - no cough
  101. Achy 'spots' all around abdomen
  102. Elbow nerve pain. Anyone else relate?
  103. I don't know what to do anymore
  104. I can't live anymore like this!
  105. MS fear and flashing lights/ head sensation
  106. Sudden weight loss
  107. Fingernail abnormality
  108. Strange sleeping problems.
  109. Recurring cold
  110. Hayfever/allergens causing fatigue?
  111. Could you test something for me? (heartrate and bending over)
  112. Anxiety, irritable bladder and scared I'm going to wet myself
  113. Aches all over
  114. Frequent urination for 1 year, now cold feelings in hands and back - Terrified of MS
  115. Sciatic Pain
  116. Back Pain (Anxiety)
  117. Strange feelings
  118. Ache in armpit shoulder down arm HELP PLEASE
  119. Hot humid weather and feeling lousy - anyone else?
  120. Every gland is swollen!?
  121. Advice??
  122. weird nighttime 'dreams'
  123. Swollen feet...
  124. Real Symptom or Real Anxiety
  125. Anxiety hives anyone?
  126. Looking for answers...
  127. Weird lesion
  128. Anxiety pain
  129. Cold sweats...
  130. Noise and Neighbours
  131. Symptoms
  132. Has anyone ever felt like they were going crazy
  133. Share with me your anxiety symptoms :)
  134. Hallucinations?? Help please!!
  135. Mixed laterality
  136. Hypersensitivity to smells
  137. Two lumps on left tonsil, could this be cancer? PICS INCLUDED
  138. Could it be oral cancer?
  139. Diarrhea symptom of Omeprazole withdrawal?
  140. How do people cope with dizziness?
  141. Ear Inflammation + Ringing!
  142. Melanoma worries
  143. Lung thump when exhaling
  144. Pain under fingernails and toenails
  145. Right now I am so afraid, why does everything happen to me?!
  146. Crazy visual symptoms, can anyone else relate?
  147. Please read :(:( 23 years old worried about lymphoma
  148. Hello Extreme Fatigue ...
  149. Newbie - eye, head and stomach symptoms :(
  150. Hi I'm new here!
  151. Shooting pains with head movment
  152. Panic and depression
  153. Can someone please help
  154. Rib and Side Pain
  155. Body Pain
  156. vision issues
  157. Visual snow in bright light
  158. Mole
  159. Vitamin D
  160. White patches back of throat
  161. please help feel like im going insane
  162. Horrible sinking feeling
  163. Over Excited?
  164. Can YOU see your epiglottis?
  165. Prednisolone withdrawal
  166. Urine Dipstick Results
  167. Weird swallowing symptom
  168. Bladder cancer please help
  169. Blob in vision - like after-image of camera flash
  170. Can anxiety/depression cause severe fatigue?
  171. Does this sound like anxiety ? (please help)
  172. Unequal Pupils - Misdiagnosed Adies
  173. Breaking out in white bumps
  174. Bruised back of throat from surgery?
  175. Twitching Finger has set me off.
  176. A one sided Cough?
  177. Guess who's back back again BACK ARM PAIN //
  178. Found lump, super anxious!
  179. Terrified that my symptoms may be Pancreatic Cancer.
  180. Red blood spots on stomach?
  181. Pain under right jaw/ apparently swollen nodes.
  182. Enlarged papillae on back and side of tongue
  183. Lump in neck!
  184. Jaundice??
  185. Pancreatic Fear, or Other C Fear
  186. HPV Tonsil Cancer at age 24
  187. (Ladies only!) How do you feel when you come off your period?
  188. I'm Snappy. Help!
  189. Scared to death about auditory hallucinations!
  190. difference between true fever or hot envrionment
  191. Splinter Like Spot on Skin
  192. Help! Super anxious and having panic attacks because I think my mom has ALS!
  193. Finger twitch moves left to right
  194. Is anxiety a type of dysautonomia?
  195. vision issues
  196. So many symptoms, worried about my liver
  197. Als Fears
  198. Explaining "it's just anxiety" to other people (especially my dad)
  199. Swollen gland on left side of neck
  200. Tender around the temples
  201. Lingering Cough
  202. Common cold or lymphoma??
  203. Stomach flu without the flu
  204. Elevated body temp - low grade fever?
  205. Achey legs?
  206. worried about MSA
  207. round lump on back of neck
  208. Scared about DVT
  209. I'm a little embarrassed to ask this here...
  210. Leukemia
  211. Random thoughts - just anxiety or schizophrenia
  212. Lymphoma/Throat cancer fears..
  213. Lump in ear canal?
  214. Lumps keep appearing
  215. Anxiety or blood pressure
  216. Wobbly head feeling!
  217. Migraine virus?
  218. Terrible panic whilst on holiday
  219. Twitching in thumb and arm
  220. Tension in neck and dizziness/fogginess?
  221. Body tingling and fearful thoughts... please help
  222. Bulging veins on my hands and feet
  223. Slow heart rate, very worried
  224. Body aches
  225. Dizzy, lightheaded, tense muscles, list goes on.
  226. Reducing anxiety and accepting death
  227. Can I be reassured?
  228. Globus pharyngis - throat clicking
  229. Lymphoma fears, even worse!!
  230. Worried about having aaa
  231. Adult separation anxiety panic?
  232. Eyes don't naturally look at / follow things anymore
  233. Severe Tension
  234. Transient Vision Loss
  235. thus in side of neck
  236. Headache/Stuff
  237. Inability to Sleep
  238. can anyone relate to my symptoms? please respond :)
  239. Need advice on thing in my mouth.
  240. Neck pain and discomfort
  241. Left ribs popping -full feeling
  242. I'm Finished?
  243. Hip Soreness
  244. Do I have thyroid cancer?
  245. Lhermitte's sign?
  246. Blood in urine
  247. Anxiety about HIV
  248. Hypothyroidism or anxiety? Edit
  249. scary armpit lump
  250. Blister looking hard bump on gum