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  1. Meeting at work tomorow (5 replies)
  2. i want to go home (6 replies)
  3. Panic Back After Doing So Well (4 replies)
  4. Coping at work!! (36 replies)
  5. can any1 help..?? (4 replies)
  6. How am I going to cope :( (2 replies)
  7. Feel really low (4 replies)
  8. What is happening to me? (8 replies)
  9. Hallucinating on alcohol (3 replies)
  10. wish my panic attacks had been diagnosed before 5 years (2 replies)
  11. Feeling weak (7 replies)
  12. Hi (2 replies)
  13. Bad pa in Asda (16 replies)
  14. Excitement? (0 replies)
  15. how do u get doctors to listen? (9 replies)
  16. Mental Heath Assessment - what happens?? (10 replies)
  17. Exersicing????? (12 replies)
  18. Sleep panic attacks?? (3 replies)
  19. I keep thinking im DYING (18 replies)
  20. Panic attacks return due to phobia :o( (1 replies)
  21. New and need advice =[ (0 replies)
  22. my worst ever (5 replies)
  23. Advise please (1 replies)
  24. driving on the motorway, abusive control, ptsd (2 replies)
  25. I dread night times now..... (17 replies)
  26. anyone with braces and rubber bands...or i dont know im so scared Just someone help.. (6 replies)
  27. first panic attack? (13 replies)
  28. Severe anxiety and panic (6 replies)
  29. The end of a panic attack (7 replies)
  30. Afraid going to work tommorow (11 replies)
  31. Thanks (1 replies)
  32. Panic attacks, how long do yours last? (3 replies)
  33. My Story (5 replies)
  34. how long did you suffer from anxiety (2 replies)
  35. so scared after what happened this evening (7 replies)
  36. worry over life (3 replies)
  37. Feelings after eating (10 replies)
  38. P/A and the Flu (2 replies)
  39. Is this a panic attack or something very odd? (3 replies)
  40. jelly (2 replies)
  41. need some reassurance. (3 replies)
  42. Having an attack please help (7 replies)
  43. Panic/anxiety with not understanding parents? (5 replies)
  44. Help! (2 replies)
  45. How can I be sure ? (10 replies)
  46. Airplane ride: A reason to panic but not really. I survived! (7 replies)
  47. That's it, I've had enough!!!! (6 replies)
  48. Panic and Wedding Cakes... :-( (10 replies)
  49. Panic Attacks from START 2 FINISH (2 replies)
  50. Dr. Claire Weekes Book (3 replies)
  51. Panic Attack - Shaking (11 replies)
  52. Darn it!! (3 replies)
  53. HELP FAST (7 replies)
  54. I cant go there and feel sad and guilty! (2 replies)
  55. How could it all have come back? (8 replies)
  56. what i learned from my last panic attack (3 replies)
  57. How do I avoid a PA tonight? (5 replies)
  58. Citalopram Dose (15 replies)
  59. Panic attack (0 replies)
  60. Fao Everybody Really (23 replies)
  61. new member debbie (1 replies)
  62. Panic attacks (2 replies)
  63. Will it ever end? please read (3 replies)
  64. Chris Hoy - Must Read!!!!!!! (37 replies)
  65. Panic Attacks? (3 replies)
  66. Withdrawel from XANAX..rubbish?? (2 replies)
  67. Panic Disorder/Anxiety Disorder - How can you tell? (3 replies)
  68. The five times table (23 replies)
  69. cold and anxiety (4 replies)
  70. Working and Panic Disorder (8 replies)
  71. Any advice? (4 replies)
  72. Wish me luck! (4 replies)
  73. Attacks in children (4 replies)
  74. My Journey to Freedom *Diary* (4 replies)
  75. Spasms and fear of tourettes/stutter (2 replies)
  76. seizures or panic attacks (6 replies)
  77. I Think I'm Dying And No One Is Listening To Me (18 replies)
  78. Help!!!! (6 replies)
  79. Question about psychologist (1 replies)
  80. Afraid of "losing control" (5 replies)
  81. A sad return (3 replies)
  82. My story - I can't take it anymore (10 replies)
  83. Christmas panic nearly over (2 replies)
  84. Just when i thought i was getting there (5 replies)
  85. all i want for christmas (3 replies)
  86. Chris Hoy and Panic Attacks! (18 replies)
  87. so anxious (2 replies)
  88. Post your panic attack solutions here (2 replies)
  89. panic attacks on the Tube/train? (11 replies)
  90. Panic attacks due to lack of sleep (5 replies)
  91. Frustrating (2 replies)
  92. Books (3 replies)
  93. Some quick and easy remedies for that oncoming attack :) (1 replies)
  94. Success... well, kind of (3 replies)
  95. panic attack (1 replies)
  96. Left side (1 replies)
  97. How do others cope with your panic attacks? (8 replies)
  98. symptom shifting (3 replies)
  99. Feekings of dread daily (7 replies)
  100. Wimped out again (6 replies)
  101. So panic attacks are dangerous after all (15 replies)
  102. I did it!! (9 replies)
  103. A State of Pure Terror - definition of a panic attack (5 replies)
  104. Been uptown today (7 replies)
  105. am i going mad??? (8 replies)
  106. Medications? (0 replies)
  107. The Panic returns (4 replies)
  108. Heart flutter and coughing does anyone else get this? (7 replies)
  109. xmas lunch :( (6 replies)
  110. Just had a big panic attack. (3 replies)
  111. Need some advice and help plz thx. (5 replies)
  112. From contant anxiety to hyper!! (0 replies)
  113. what do you think (4 replies)
  114. Panicing (6 replies)
  115. what will i do next (2 replies)
  116. Panic related to stressful family situation... (1 replies)
  117. Hello (3 replies)
  118. QUESTIONS (4 replies)
  119. citalopram (6 replies)
  120. Weather cause attacks? (9 replies)
  121. Please help! (6 replies)
  122. Woke up, don't feel I'm here (7 replies)
  123. panic is bk pl help anyone (6 replies)
  124. Big Attack Today (4 replies)
  125. I've had a major setback... (6 replies)
  126. Panic attacks ruining me (3 replies)
  127. Panic attack last night (3 replies)
  128. Eating & panic (20 replies)
  129. Even when I win I lose! (2 replies)
  130. Flu and panic (1 replies)
  131. Not a good day to read the paper!! (7 replies)
  132. to push your self or not? (8 replies)
  133. I Made It!!!! (8 replies)
  134. hot tingles (1 replies)
  135. Heart racing, on the verge of panic attack (4 replies)
  136. Registering disabeld (1 replies)
  137. I Failed (12 replies)
  138. Referral to Occ Health (6 replies)
  139. only me. (3 replies)
  140. Getting worked up !! (7 replies)
  141. Illness, does it cause panic attacks? (10 replies)
  142. Permenant panic attack (5 replies)
  143. Feels like my heart is going to stop :( (0 replies)
  144. How often? (10 replies)
  145. suggestions please (7 replies)
  146. Had a big panic attack this morning..fed up! (0 replies)
  147. Buying A Kettle (4 replies)
  148. 2nd out of control panic attack (2 replies)
  149. I think my Mum has a problem and I don't know how to get her to see it... (8 replies)
  150. video information about: bipolar, Anxiety and Panic Attacks (0 replies)
  151. Worrying again now (1 replies)
  152. help please :( (7 replies)
  153. need some advice please (16 replies)
  154. Panic and self harm (2 replies)
  155. panic going to work (1 replies)
  156. Advice please (2 replies)
  157. Panic attack story on youtube (1 replies)
  158. Just got another panic attack after 2 months of not having them. (4 replies)
  159. URGENT- PLEASE help! (3 replies)
  160. sorry for the rant... (1 replies)
  161. gggrrrr go away! (7 replies)
  162. Feeling tipsy. (10 replies)
  163. Post office queue (10 replies)
  164. really need some support... (5 replies)
  165. Walked in to Middle of Robbery (12 replies)
  166. cold/flu and panic feelings (2 replies)
  167. Does a panic attack do this? (6 replies)
  168. collection of videos about: bipolar, Anxiety and Panic Attacks (0 replies)
  169. my history of panic... (2 replies)
  170. Panic attacks and existensial crises. Connection ? (3 replies)
  171. Question about your first panic attack at an early age. (9 replies)
  172. My last remaining symptom is gone (3 replies)
  173. im so scared (1 replies)
  174. Feeling very nervous (4 replies)
  175. My Personal Story (Very Long Post) (19 replies)
  176. Desperate for help (5 replies)
  177. Hospitalisation (6 replies)
  178. Hypothyroidism & Panic Attacks plus my personal story (1 replies)
  179. Trying not to lose my job... (4 replies)
  180. panic has control of me (2 replies)
  181. panic attacks are ruining me (7 replies)
  182. gagging (3 replies)
  183. Help how to explain to partner what i'm going through. (2 replies)
  184. Panic Attacks at Night / During Sleep (17 replies)
  185. swimming (2 replies)
  186. Are these panic attacks? (15 replies)
  187. Difficulty differentiating between p/a and actual illness (6 replies)
  188. Flu bug (6 replies)
  189. 1st time user :) (3 replies)
  190. so scared (4 replies)
  191. PA's and your diaphragm muscle fitness (1 replies)
  192. A & E (14 replies)
  193. Panic at work (3 replies)
  194. I Know I Can't Keep Running Away from Anxiety.....BUT (3 replies)
  195. Very Anxious (3 replies)
  196. Hello! (4 replies)
  197. I'm just not coping at the moment :( (15 replies)
  198. WANTED 'Panicky' gamers :) (3 replies)
  199. My panic demon ! (3 replies)
  200. Cloud Technique - Sharing my findings! (5 replies)
  201. side effects of anxiety (29 replies)
  202. Kind of scared...and Just need an answer please! (1 replies)
  203. I need help! (10 replies)
  204. is this a panic attack? (1 replies)
  205. Christmas Shopping (10 replies)
  206. does anyone else do this? (6 replies)
  207. Birthday (1 replies)
  208. Just Add Your Own (3 replies)
  209. Wish the panic would go. (5 replies)
  210. Panic puts my life on hold (6 replies)
  211. what a day! (7 replies)
  212. had a really bad attack on saturday (3 replies)
  213. Big Day Tomorrow (10 replies)
  214. Beat the Blues (3 replies)
  215. DISGUSTED! - I've been to the Doctor (33 replies)
  216. An Official Definition of "Cured" (12 replies)
  217. A very specific PA symptom, replies please (6 replies)
  218. Hello im new (2 replies)
  219. Does anyone have any advice? (7 replies)
  220. symptoms (2 replies)
  221. Our hills (17 replies)
  222. How best to releive Chest pains and numbness in arm? (13 replies)
  223. obsessed (12 replies)
  224. anxietys back! (3 replies)
  225. Feel like im crackin up (2 replies)
  226. Blowing Off Steam (1 replies)
  227. Telling other people???? (14 replies)
  228. update (2 replies)
  229. Getting rid of them forever! (13 replies)
  230. Panic Attack / Disorder Sufferers Required - Creative Radio Feature (3 replies)
  231. know it sounds silly but... (12 replies)
  232. earliest memories (3 replies)
  233. I had a weird PA (?) last night (6 replies)
  234. Help Groups in my Area (2 replies)
  235. panic indoors (12 replies)
  236. Bloody sick!!!!! (7 replies)
  237. its back?? - just want some reassurance (9 replies)
  238. back agian..and even worse please help (4 replies)
  239. Stopped Meds (3 replies)
  240. Mini Panic/Anxiety Attack? (3 replies)
  241. Relationship Anxiety (23 replies)
  242. need some advice please not sure what i have x (3 replies)
  243. Evening folks (3 replies)
  244. on the cusp of a Panic Attack (2 replies)
  245. night time (3 replies)
  246. any advice please (3 replies)
  247. having a panic attack help x (5 replies)
  248. Fear of losing control... (5 replies)
  249. late night panic attacks (9 replies)
  250. something to keep me out of bed (20 replies)