View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. don't know water to do
  2. Anxiety wins again
  3. Constant doubt about my GF ;(
  4. Flying tomorrow, fearing thunderstorms
  5. Adult separation anxiety?
  6. Glass smashed
  7. Did your derealization/depersonalization go away with the right meds?
  8. Anxiety from Living Abroad
  9. GAD or just anxiety?
  10. Acid fear
  11. Struggling with normal annoyances of life
  12. Kids leaving Primary/ high school?
  13. Major anxiety over travelling/staying with friends
  14. Help! Possible overdose?
  15. need some help
  16. I fear impeachment.
  17. Being over 28 depressing
  18. Update_ish.... In the tunnel...hoping to see the light soon
  19. Is this anxiety?
  20. Fear of flying
  21. ESA ??
  22. Anxiety causing poor appetite, any tips?
  23. Please can someone help?
  24. Stressed again
  25. Meditation makes me anxious
  26. Total wipeout
  27. A few different anxious thoughts
  28. SSRI to blame for rampage???
  29. Lost all fight!
  30. Can GAD really cause these symptoms?
  31. Job problem
  32. Desperately need advice
  33. Coping with dread
  34. On edge all day
  35. Online talking therapy
  36. Driving lesson anxiety
  37. Infractions points
  38. CBT printable self help course
  39. Free CBT details
  40. quitting a job?
  41. Scared to go to bed
  42. Up by 5mg or CBT away the negative intrusive thoughts
  43. Everytime I get anxiety parents get extremely upset with me
  44. Disconnected feeling
  45. Really weird one.
  46. What more can I do?
  47. Anxiety after bad Vertigo Attack
  48. Rehearsing Conversations/OverThinking/Chatter has anyone ever beat it?
  49. Anxiety when I drive over mountain.
  50. Feeling like I can't do this anymore
  51. Anxiety is ruining my life, scared
  52. Travel anxiety
  53. My work has cut my breaks
  54. Panicking over finally getting my dream job????
  55. Ended a friendship with my closest friend - distraught
  56. Falling in love with someone has anxiety
  57. Anxiety - NEED HELP
  58. Struggling greatly with low self-esteem
  59. Struggling With Disconnection from Surroundings
  60. Help "Going" to a convention in few hours
  61. Chronic Shortness of Breathe, but 99% oxygen in blood.
  62. Anyone on pregabalin?
  63. Gettting older getting worse?
  64. Things that have helped or cured anxiety please
  65. Bad trip from weed-what the f*ck happened?
  66. Retired at 60 and anxious/depressed
  67. Why did that part of the song popped into my head?
  68. Anxious/Overthinking/negative feelings
  69. Travelling Anxiety
  70. I have generalized anxiety disorder.
  71. It's back. With avengence! 100× worse than before!
  72. Defending my thesis... major anxiety :)
  73. Anxiety over credit card theft
  74. Curious: Can you have out of the nowhere panic attacks from GAD?
  75. Just a vent...
  76. First time speaking on Social Media
  77. Swapping meds
  78. Treatment resistant
  79. NEW MEDS
  80. Busy train journey anxiety
  81. Does anyone take Nortryptyline for GAD?
  82. Does anyone use food to get control back???
  83. Physically cold feet?
  84. Lost my identity
  85. Hi....long time since I've actually psted here-but....
  86. Distress intolerance?
  87. Mental Noise / over thinking
  88. Therapy yes or no
  89. Anybody else use fitness classes ?
  90. Anybody hate sleeping?
  91. Anxiety and constant worry
  92. Coping with Anxiety Abroad
  93. Really worried about September 23rd 2017
  94. Increasing meds
  95. Advice please.....not coping well
  96. Morning Anxiety
  97. Treatment
  98. Anxiety over black out drinking
  99. Quiet mind
  100. Major anxiety about contacting my mentor
  101. House Bound and Heartbroken.
  102. How do we go on living like this
  103. Worrying about back of head headache
  104. Anxiety and worry at all time high - worrying about depressed sister
  105. New here
  106. Friends
  107. Worried to go on holiday!
  108. Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder
  109. Finally some progress and some tips to help you
  110. Weight loss: how to eat more. Help
  111. Broken and defeated
  112. So Tired
  113. Fearing nuclear conflict
  114. Does anyone take Nortryptyline for GAD?
  115. A never ending roller coaster ride.
  116. Stressed over getting blood test
  117. Fallen angels
  118. sleep
  119. So done with it
  120. Lacking energy and motivation.
  121. There's always something....
  122. Acquantaince gone missing, extreme anxiety over my safety.
  123. I can't work
  124. Controlling anger
  125. New pet anxiety
  126. I always feel congested
  127. Im in trouble again
  128. Daughter hearing whispers...guy ghosted me...im in a dark place and scared
  129. Severe headaches
  130. Constant overthinking about anxiety
  131. Anxiety after break up months on
  132. Anxiety over things I know will be fine
  133. Recent death has made me scared of everything and see danger anywhere?
  134. Constant GAD/Anxiety Symptom Personal Experiences??
  135. Anxiety troubles
  136. Free Online CBT programme
  137. Sisters Health Anxiety making mine worse
  138. Paramedic Student hell
  139. Struggling today and need someone to talk too.
  140. Panic Attack on date!
  141. It's all happening again
  142. Anxious about what happens next . .
  143. Husbands anxiety
  144. shouldn't have mess with caffeine (uh-oh, incoming panic attack.)
  145. Vicious circle of guilt
  146. Stress/crying all time
  147. Dealing with fatigue brought on by anxiety?
  148. Not sure how to cope and feel so alone
  149. Remission and depression
  150. North Korea and war worries
  151. Dark Illness
  152. I'm afraid of traveling
  153. omen?
  154. I really need some help!
  155. Struggling with workmen in my home
  156. Health and advice extreme tiredness
  157. uploaded pics of depression
  158. Constant anxiety
  159. Therapy Dialogues with past members of No More Panic - Check it out!
  160. do other anxiety sufferers get this & how to deal with it?
  161. I had cancer twice, lost half my face, had social anxiety, moved to Barcelona.
  162. Anxiety and Me
  163. extreme anxiety
  164. Can't eat when I'm out
  165. A coping strategy
  166. my girlfriend suffers from anxiety and depression
  167. I don't know...
  168. Somebody, please help me ASAP
  169. anal fisher reopened
  170. Advice please!
  171. Advice please?
  172. Tired of not being able to support myself
  173. Tips On Travelling
  174. i lied and now feel guilt
  175. educate yourself my friends
  176. Follow on from thread last week! Advice please?
  177. Skin lesion removal
  178. creepy guy
  179. Going back out on the road
  180. Does anyone else feel the way I do?
  181. Moved house 4mths ago, Anxiety all the time.
  182. Parking space worries
  183. Trying to head off a major meltdown - advice again please!
  184. Anxiety Disorder keeping me prisoner in my own Home!
  185. GAD she has given up trying to improve.
  186. moved up cymbalta
  187. Anyone experience thiis
  188. Mountains and molehills
  189. follow up on the Mountains and Molehills
  190. Really Need Help From Experienced People
  191. Anxiety affecting relationship
  192. Hospital maddness
  193. Forgot to turn in an assignment and I'm freaking out
  194. how to "postpone worry"
  195. Anxious about getting back to work
  196. Im back!:(
  197. How do you tame intrusive thoughts?
  198. Anxiety about my partner not replying to messages
  199. Relationship help
  200. need advice regarding hospital admission
  201. Insomnia with GAD
  202. on a downer
  203. exhaustion and weakness
  204. Toilet issues/anxiety
  205. Thank you
  206. Life anxiety will it ever stop
  207. Visual change that was odd
  208. Social media anxiety
  209. Now on Pristig for anxiety??
  210. Fought to get rid of anxiety, now it's back
  211. Anxiety improving signs ???
  212. Mirtazapine 30mg
  213. No wonder I am anxious
  214. Where do I go from here? Cycle of Hell
  215. In a spiral of panic over asbestos
  216. Anxiety and drink
  217. I know you will judge but maybe that's what I need
  218. Do I have more anxiety because I'm single?
  219. compelling personal reasons at uni student finance
  220. Shaking Hands when nervous - Advice please
  221. Smile of the day
  222. Extreme anxiety about October
  223. Here we go again.
  224. Hypothyroidism...how many have it?
  225. Coming off cymbalta
  226. New puppy anxiety
  227. Any advice high morning anxiety, can’t seem to want food
  228. Is the baby mine
  229. Help me
  230. Job worries
  231. Meds or no meds
  232. Remember blondie in the day
  233. CBT not working
  234. Worried about coping/struggling with anxiety as I get older
  235. Thoughts
  236. the shrink on the blink
  237. Long term sick , help and advice please
  238. Don’t know what’s wrong with me!
  239. Being in a relationship as a mentally ill
  240. Constantly reliving past memories - Does anyone else experience this?
  241. Help, so scared aout blood test results
  242. pregnant, anxiety worse than ever, don't know what to do
  243. Cortisol?
  244. Driving license anxiety
  245. How to deal with seasonal anxiety too?
  246. Some symptoms, but don t feel anxious/stressed,like to hear from ex-anxiety sufferes
  247. Driving Anxiety plus others
  248. Going in circles
  249. Why do I always feel like something bad is going to happen?
  250. Does Anyone's Anxiety Manifest as Fatigue?