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  1. Status on old citalopram users (1 replies)
  2. Citalopram diary - Day 1 (5 replies)
  3. Increasing dose (1 replies)
  4. Citalopram & Amoxicillin (5 replies)
  5. 10 months off - now back on day 2 (21 replies)
  6. Citalopram 10mg > 20mg (30 replies)
  7. Pharmacy error (1 replies)
  8. Tablet question (2 replies)
  9. Feel very stuck (3 replies)
  10. Just stopped working? Migraines? (3 replies)
  11. Citalopram withdrawal due to ECG changes (9 replies)
  12. Nearly weaned off but now back on them (2 replies)
  13. Starting again, early days do suck (17 replies)
  14. 40mg dosage of Citalopram. Was increased from 30mg. Feeling really low. (1 replies)
  15. Switching from citalopram to sertraline (1 replies)
  16. Citalopram 20-40mg (3 replies)
  17. Citalopram and imodium - is it safe? (1 replies)
  18. Stopping Citalopram reduced sex drive? (8 replies)
  19. Brain zaps (1 replies)
  20. Worried about increase of citalopram dose (2 replies)
  21. Struggling on Day 10 (6 replies)
  22. Citalopram no longer working? (6 replies)
  23. CBD Oil and Citalopram (4 replies)
  24. Fourth attempt at coming off citalopram (6 replies)
  25. Citalopram and Heart Rate (4 replies)
  26. First Dose Just Done (12 replies)
  27. Citalopram & Co-Codamol (6 replies)
  28. Uneven Pupils (3 replies)
  29. Citalopram Tinittus (26 replies)
  30. First day citalopram (4 replies)
  31. From 30 to 10mg of Citalopram - is it likely to be a bumpy ride? (14 replies)
  32. Coming off Citalopram..... ugh (3 replies)
  33. My citalopram journey... So far (16 replies)
  34. Citalopram week 5 20mg anxiety high (2 replies)
  35. 10 days into citipram are these side effects? (7 replies)
  36. Restarting Citalopram after a few years....new side effects (3 replies)
  37. Cold Turkey 40mg citalopram (9 replies)
  38. Accidentally took 60mg citalopram (4 replies)
  39. Is this a withdrawal symptom? (1 replies)
  40. Should this be happening already? (3 replies)
  41. Citralopram question (8 replies)
  42. Back on Citalopram (1 replies)
  43. Citalopram effects (5 replies)
  44. Citalopram - Up to 30? (8 replies)
  45. When Citalopram stops working... what next? (6 replies)
  46. Third time's the charm?..Right? (50 replies)
  47. My citalopram diary - July 2020 (52 replies)
  48. Dosage issues (5 replies)
  49. back up on citalopram after so long (1 replies)
  50. Citalopram withdrawal (2 replies)
  51. Starting Citaopram (4 replies)
  52. Just Wondering (3 replies)
  53. Citalopram Loose Stools (2 replies)
  54. Low Dose Citalopram (9 replies)
  55. Chest pain (2 replies)
  56. Citalopram worries (1 replies)
  57. Major blip....due to meds? (3 replies)
  58. Can't dump citalopram (1 replies)
  59. Considering citalopram any advice ? (3 replies)
  60. Citalopram discontinuation, dizziness spells (2 replies)
  61. Ange's Citlalopram Withdrawal Diary (5 replies)
  62. New generic Citalopram; sudden side effects (9 replies)
  63. Energy levels before/after taking Citalopram (1 replies)
  64. 3 days on citalopram (13 replies)
  65. Major blip just before Christmas??!! (7 replies)
  66. Loss of appetite (3 replies)
  67. serotonin syndrome (45 replies)
  68. Citalopram for 4 weeks - how long till it works (2 replies)
  69. Sleeping problems (13 replies)
  70. 4 week in citralopram (2 replies)
  71. Waves of physical anxiety (22 replies)
  72. Can ADs make you feel physically unwell or is it just the stress? (5 replies)
  73. Citalopram Diary 3rd round (11 replies)
  74. Wish me luck (1 replies)
  75. Citalopram and mirtazapine for anxiety (4 replies)
  76. Sudden lowering of dose - likely effects? (6 replies)
  77. Increasing from 20-30 - positive stories? (54 replies)
  78. A Citalopram Diary (2 replies)
  79. Citalopram and IBS (6 replies)
  80. 4 weeks of cit not much improvement - reassurance please??! (24 replies)
  81. awful upper body burning sensation - does it go away? (2 replies)
  82. Starting citalopram, concerns/side effects... (12 replies)
  83. Muscle twitching? (2 replies)
  84. Anyone else had terrible increased anxiety for 2 or 3 weeks after starting citalopram (89 replies)
  85. Celexa and Vistaril dangerous? (30 replies)
  86. Side effects back after almost 4 weeks (16 replies)
  87. Citalopram.....horrible taste in mouth (4 replies)
  88. Weaning off citalopram (4 replies)
  89. High Anxiety when on Citalopram (3 replies)
  90. Starting Citalopram (37 replies)
  91. Vitamin Supplements and Citalopram (1 replies)
  92. Excessive yawning (3 replies)
  93. Turning the corner - Dare I say it? (2 replies)
  94. Coming off citralopram (3 replies)
  95. Citalopram - Time to change?? (4 replies)
  96. the grey cloud has come back with avengance (1 replies)
  97. Citalopram (1 replies)
  98. citalopram and clarythromycin (7 replies)
  99. Citalopram users needed! (4 replies)
  100. Week 5 of citalopram...new symptoms/side effects? (7 replies)
  101. Started taking on Monday (5 replies)
  102. A success story (3 replies)
  103. Citalopram (7 replies)
  104. Starting on citalopram today- scared (26 replies)
  105. Should I start taking BEFORE I find the proper help (2 replies)
  106. How to change the time of day I take my medication (2 replies)
  107. Scared of QT prolongation (16 replies)
  108. Increasing my dose today - nervous (5 replies)
  109. Is it bad to start celexa with inconsistent doses? (1 replies)
  110. Serotonin Syndrome (1 replies)
  111. Venaflaxine to citalipram (1 replies)
  112. Need Advice on whether to up or not. (1 replies)
  113. deja vu. Its been a long few months (0 replies)
  114. Citalopram starting to work? (2 replies)
  115. Reducing after 9 weeks advice (2 replies)
  116. How much longer on Citalopram to take effect. (5 replies)
  117. Advice? Finishing Month 4 of Second Time Around (1 replies)
  118. Citalopram and nausea (3 replies)
  119. Anybody had a throat problem with Cit. (4 replies)
  120. Anyone else in their first month of taking? (12 replies)
  121. Can’t bring myself to take it (4 replies)
  122. Citalopram (1 replies)
  123. Citalopram and alcohol (6 replies)
  124. Could this be a side effect? (0 replies)
  125. 2nd time on citalorpam (1 replies)
  126. Citalopram (3 replies)
  127. Eye problem worried sick (0 replies)
  128. First time taking any meds Citalopram (3 replies)
  129. 10 weeks on citalopram, need advice!! (6 replies)
  130. Weight Loss with Citalopram (3 replies)
  131. I have been on Citalopram for two weeks and feeling the same (6 replies)
  132. Citolapram 10mg could be waring off? (7 replies)
  133. 15 years on Citalopram- tolerance? (1 replies)
  134. Citalopram and escitalopram too similar if one quits working? (2 replies)
  135. Citalopram - about to give up (1 replies)
  136. Starting week 3 on 20mg...need reassurance (4 replies)
  137. New User! Citralopram questions?? (7 replies)
  138. So far mostly liking Celexa...but a few questions. (0 replies)
  139. Best time to take Citalopram? (and I'm also worried to take them) (3 replies)
  140. 7 weeks on citalopram (1 replies)
  141. Citalopram lowering my resting heart rate (3 replies)
  142. Citalopram and Bisoprolol (1 replies)
  143. gone up to 20mg (1 replies)
  144. Help! Citalopram side effects! (2 replies)
  145. 10mg Citalopram to 2-4mg Diazepam (1 replies)
  146. Missed doses symptoms (4 replies)
  147. Zopiclone while on Citalopram (9 replies)
  148. omeprazole And citalapram (2 replies)
  149. don't know what to do anymore (2 replies)
  150. Feeling depressed and apathetic - Week 4 of Celexa (4 replies)
  151. help citalopram 4 and a half weeks (1 replies)
  152. Day 7 - Celexa. (6 replies)
  153. Coming off Citalopram 20mg. (9 replies)
  154. Citalopram (1 replies)
  155. Body Aches (2 replies)
  156. Citalopram and pregnancy (0 replies)
  157. Increased Dose - Take Longer For Effect? (4 replies)
  158. Sweating at week 3: anyone had this? (1 replies)
  159. Anxiety rising 10mg.. (10 replies)
  160. trying to quit citalopram (3 replies)
  161. How long has citalopram worked for you? (0 replies)
  162. Jolting Awake: is this normal? (1 replies)
  163. Citalopram - 5 month update! (3 replies)
  164. Anyone else get this side effect? (2 replies)
  165. Can Citalopram side effects get worse around Week 2? (2 replies)
  166. Bk on citalopram after short break will they work again?? (0 replies)
  167. Citalopram (Celexa) (SSRI) and Herbal Ingredients (0 replies)
  168. Withdrawal- wierd tingling in tounge 2 weeks later (0 replies)
  169. Citalopram One Eye Blurry (3 replies)
  170. Med change (1 replies)
  171. This may reassure someone: my perceived Cit side effects (2 replies)
  172. Back on Citalopram: side effects? (10 replies)
  173. No anxiety for 3yrs and now it's back...help (11 replies)
  174. thoughts on restarting citalopram... (2 replies)
  175. Are these typical Citalopram side effects? (1 replies)
  176. Getting desperate! Citalopram with mirtazapine increased anxiety (5 replies)
  177. Feeling constantly tired with Citalopram ! (6 replies)
  178. 10mg citalopram (3 replies)
  179. 30mg (5 replies)
  180. New starter suffering side effects! (4 replies)
  181. 3 months on Citalopram... (2 replies)
  182. Day 2 Citalopram increase - advice please! (3 replies)
  183. citalopram- side effects (1 replies)
  184. Cutting down Citalopram (5 replies)
  185. Citalopram withdrawal - brain zaps - anything that can ease them? (1 replies)
  186. I need reassurance x (7 replies)
  187. Low serotonin when unwell (2 replies)
  188. Latent Withdrawl off Citalopram (0 replies)
  189. Itchy skin- side effect? (3 replies)
  190. Can’t sleep - any advice? (17 replies)
  191. citalopram- changed dosage (1 replies)
  192. Thinking of Increasing - Concerned (7 replies)
  193. Nearly cit free and not feeling It! (8 replies)
  194. please help citalopram- feeling scared and weird (7 replies)
  195. Sleeping way way too much! (2 replies)
  196. Just a little positive thought (5 replies)
  197. 4th day on Citralopram, feeling sick already (4 replies)
  198. HELP! is this an allergic reaction?! (5 replies)
  199. Morning anxiety (27 replies)
  200. Been on cit 9 weeks... (5 replies)
  201. Citalopram headaches :( worried :( (1 replies)
  202. Citalopram (0 replies)
  203. It's back....😭 3rd time round, starting cit slowly (3 replies)
  204. Increased citalopram, is it right to feel so awful? (2 replies)
  205. Long term citalopram user (0 replies)
  206. 11 weeks at 20 mg Citalopram (2 replies)
  207. My relatively positive experience of 9 weeks on 20mg citalopram (2 replies)
  208. 25mg Citalopram 5 month update (0 replies)
  209. Week 7 and feeling low (1 replies)
  210. Missing One Dose - Feeling ODD! (4 replies)
  211. climbing down the ladder called citalopram (7 replies)
  212. QT prolongation (4 replies)
  213. Anyone else suffering from Insomnia on cit? (4 replies)
  214. Week 5 on citalopram, not feeling any better (8 replies)
  215. Off Citalopram (3 replies)
  216. Just not sure (4 replies)
  217. wondering whether to get my medication reviewed (8 replies)
  218. Weening Off (17 replies)
  219. Hi everyone it's been a while!!! Weightless help (65 replies)
  220. New week, new side effect :( (4 replies)
  221. Urination problems on Citalopram (22 year old male) (1 replies)
  222. New Side Effect? (3 replies)
  223. When will I know if Citalopram works? (6 replies)
  224. Upping the dosage from 10mg to 20mg (1 replies)
  225. Day 17 of citalopram and I'm in hell (4 replies)
  226. Side effects are unbearable (7 replies)
  227. Back to cit 10mg what do I expect? (0 replies)
  228. Why on earth give us something that will make us worse!? (1 replies)
  229. Weaning off citalopram.. (3 replies)
  230. Citalopram/reflux/weightloss (1 replies)
  231. 4 Weeks in, need some advice (7 replies)
  232. Very Bad Tonight/Sexual Problem (10 replies)
  233. Increased dose (3 replies)
  234. Quitting Citalopram after using for less than 6 weeks, will it be hard? (2 replies)
  235. Citalopram journey and other interactions? Need help (5 replies)
  236. Doing really bad! Need a little help please! (42 replies)
  237. Keep going it will get better (3 replies)
  238. Citalopram 40mg (2 replies)
  239. Head tremors... citalopram possibles side effect? Really worried (0 replies)
  240. Racing heart on Citalopram (4 replies)
  241. Long term celexa use (2 replies)
  242. Question about day 9 side effects (5 replies)
  243. My experience with depression & citalopram so far (0 replies)
  244. Scary side effects - should I stop taking? (1 replies)
  245. Should I give it more time? (4 replies)
  246. New to Citalopram (1 replies)
  247. Scared to take Citalopram because of side effects (2 replies)
  248. Citalopram 10mg day 2 and I feel worse (10 replies)
  249. Starting Citalopram / escitalopram soon - any advice? (11 replies)
  250. Not feeling great :( (1 replies)