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  1. Lump on knee cap?
  2. why is this a fear?
  3. Full blood test....
  4. Thick mucus and saliva! Docs ignore me :(
  5. lymph node update
  6. tablets?
  7. Started Celexa 4 days ago and having bad side effects!
  8. Gall Bladder Issues
  9. Blood in Mucus
  10. Symptoms won't go :-(
  11. Internal shaking/vibrating after nap?
  12. Something everyone with ha should know
  13. HELP -It's starting up again :(
  14. CBT & health anxiety
  15. For Sherylee
  16. I'm so scared of living like this (LONG POST)
  17. So upset today :( this urination is ruining my life!
  18. Worries about abnormal cervical cells
  19. Acupressure mat?
  20. Sick of feeling sick!
  21. aching arms
  22. chest
  23. Really bad time at the minute...
  24. weird sensation under my left rib cage
  25. Fed up of constantly thinking I'm going to have a heart attack :(
  26. sharp stabbing pain left breast really anxious
  27. Reassurance needed about anaphylaxis
  28. Anyone else with a daily headache?
  29. Health anxiety
  30. I havent checked my Temp in 4 days now :D
  31. Iron tablets (ferrous fumarate) (asking about allergic reactions)
  32. Struggling at the moment
  33. Bowel probs
  34. Why can't I feel ok about my lymph node!? I saw ENT
  35. How extreme can your symptoms be??
  36. Bxxxxy Blood Pressure!
  37. poundings in head?
  38. Fear of taking paracetomal
  39. fears of memory issues
  40. Buzzing, vibrating feeling, fit?
  41. Some tips for HA sufferers!
  42. breating?
  43. Spiritual church.
  44. Someone's opinion please, I'm goin crazy!
  45. Hip Pain
  46. I need to go home now!!!
  47. constant nausea
  48. Tales??
  49. Head Issues
  50. Really not good today......am scared...
  51. Pain at top of sternum..?
  52. weird bad night?
  53. Worried doctors might have missed something :(
  54. hi
  55. Bad day
  56. Worried sick now, and don't know where to go from here (headaches/dizziness)
  57. can anyone who has or has had dizziness please read
  58. sharp left sided chest pain
  59. Blood test results ?
  60. sick of hyperventilating!!!
  61. Pains ...
  62. hit head oh dear :(
  63. pregnant !!!!
  64. sharp pains in temple and feelin sick and faint :( please reply
  65. Chest X Ray
  66. really paranoid thinking im losing it about to go to a and e
  67. Head symptoms always on right side.
  68. Does this happen anyone else?
  69. Anyone have cluster headaches?
  70. Pea sized lump in upper thigh!!
  71. Can't believe it :((((((
  72. Exercise Tips For HA sufferers
  73. Explain this
  74. Alcohol
  75. Please stop this worrying!!
  76. Upper Right Pain - I need help
  77. Some advice would be nice
  78. Still worried about leukemia/lymphoma...
  79. Thrpat/mouth cancer worries due to drinking alcohol
  80. This ones crept up on me
  81. Strange Bowel Movements for Almost 2 Weeks!
  82. PHLEBOLITHS!!! Anyone????
  83. Hate health anxiety!!!!!!!
  84. headache at the b ack of my head
  85. panicing now
  86. hellppp!!!
  87. coming off diazepam, help?
  88. Mum isnt supporting
  89. sorry for another question
  90. Dizziness When Tired
  91. I can't take this anymore!
  92. Breast Cancer...again.
  93. Another month another pregnancy worry...
  94. Right Cheek/lower eye area tingling
  95. Drunk on Saturday, feel rotten since
  96. I think I have a TMJ problem, is it a Dr or dentist I see?
  97. This is so silly
  98. Anyone else had a baby and felt......
  99. 1 + blood in my urine almost every time im tested
  100. ultrasound on neck today
  101. Iron tablets
  102. bladder cancer.... ???
  103. missed one pill.... bleeding
  104. Some Useful Health Anxiety Resources
  105. mums pain
  106. Spoke to a doctor about lymph nodes and...
  107. Development of my heart anxiety
  108. HA Dictating What I Eat
  109. Freaking out!
  110. too much now :(
  111. Daily Headache
  112. Chest and medication
  113. Been to docs re my throat, why aren't I relieved??
  114. sleeping tablet scare
  115. Health anxiety and frequent urination :( really fed up, will it ever end???
  116. how long have you had bad HA?
  117. need inspiration
  118. Ringing in ear and strange head feeling!
  119. Health anxiety about pets!
  120. Concussed and still getting symptoms
  121. Reassurance or Recognition of similiar symptoms/conditions please?
  122. Eye test
  123. panic about a new bump
  124. just back from ultrasound, feeling worried
  125. raised red spot on side of nose
  126. Acid reflux omeprazole dosage?
  127. white cell urine!
  128. Have a virus..Sudafed giving me grief, upset
  129. dizzy again
  130. Pregnant??
  131. mum hit me on the head now im very dizzy im to scared to stand up :(
  132. When your really obbsessed about your health do you feel disorainted or floaty?
  133. I'm really sick and scared to go to the doc!
  134. me again!! awful headache for 2 days on pill
  135. a little advice please?
  136. Lung cancer
  137. What /haven't/ you had?
  138. throat problems
  139. migraine on microgynon
  140. "sweet" taste in mouth
  141. Abnormal blood test...
  142. Lumpiness in the throat
  143. What I've Learnt - So Why is it Still Soooo Hard
  144. Scared this is something serious
  145. my dad has bumped his head
  146. Lump in the left outer arm- worried
  147. Need womens advice
  148. This shows how bad stress affects the body.
  149. Head/Face Pressure
  150. X-ray
  151. I need some help!
  152. Ovarian Cancer...
  153. New here - seeking head related reassurance!
  154. Twitching hand
  155. Skullcap & Xanax & other herbs
  156. Missed / fluttery heart beats ALL DAY
  157. Spirometry test
  158. Is I had a Endoscopy 2 years ago could Cancer have formed since then?
  159. Google
  160. the dreaded mould :/
  161. Rreally anxious tonight- extreme fatigue, sweating pvcs article in paper about pills
  162. What symptom sets you off?
  163. Red face
  164. slow heart rate? scared!!
  165. Allergic reactions? Please help...
  166. pain caused by anxiety????
  167. Off to Drs about headaches for 6th time!
  168. Back from Drs
  169. worried about ME / CFS
  170. cracking nosie
  171. Thyroid results
  172. nasonex?
  173. Here with some worrys.
  174. starting to get carried away
  175. mistaking actual health problems for anxiety
  176. Ultrasound?
  177. Welcome back Vertigo...
  178. please read im very worrried i dunnno how long i can keep calm about it :(
  179. Bump roof mouth.
  180. Can't stop looking in my mouth!!
  181. throat and ears tight and numb?
  182. How long?????????
  183. Disco lights make me dizzy/feel faint
  184. Extreme tiredness......
  185. Need a lititle bit of help and guidance.
  186. having broken back molar out 2mw !! help!
  187. HA diagnosis
  188. Newbie With Bladder Issue and HA Need Advice!
  189. Anyone got an over-active thyroid i need help
  190. blood found on dipstick almost every sample
  191. Smear test worries - sorry!
  192. Panicking
  193. i am so scared :(
  194. Pea sized lumps on scalp?
  195. Overloaded nervous system
  196. Health Anxiety Resources
  197. what if it's not anxiety? neck, spots, funny feelings...
  198. dizzy feeling not right
  199. blood clot after childbirth ??
  200. Weird skin sensation between breasts.
  201. What should your pulse feel like?
  202. Desperately worried about cervical cancer
  203. heart anxiety and sleep
  204. oral sex, sorry for tmi!!
  205. Pupil 2 different sized
  206. what would a non contrast ct scan pick up??
  208. trying to stay calm.......
  209. Worries about allergy to hair dye!
  210. need a hug
  211. Weight on chest again
  212. yellow wee :(
  213. one sided headache and pressure behind eye and in ear all same side :(
  214. Does this sound like asthma? Or worse?
  215. Did I have some sort of minor panic or heart attack?
  216. Strange feeling in head.
  217. speach
  218. Going crazy.
  219. Gerd diagnosed but no tests?
  220. Up every two hour with frequent urination :( again
  221. Blood in Phlegm freaking out!!!
  222. Is there such a thing as feeling RUNDOWN?
  223. Was doing so well then a panic attack last night
  224. Med & herbal interaction
  225. Liver problems??
  226. Stupid lymph nodes!
  227. posting my thoughts
  228. Headaches Once Again
  229. Smear Test
  230. Health anxiety and frequent urination
  231. AAAARRRGGGH worried again
  232. blood pressure
  233. A CBT Technique I learnt For slef Checkers
  234. Lump on gum
  235. Have bad case of flu tonight...fast heartbeat
  236. Melanoma :(
  237. eye floaters
  238. Waking up with pins & needles in arms
  239. Worried for my father - swollen left side of neck
  240. Heart and chest scares
  241. Can you have a relapse while on citalopram?
  242. diabetes
  243. Urge to pee and up all night :( need sleep
  244. i wish this obsession with my wee would go!!!!!
  245. Advice please!
  246. what did i do last night !?
  247. Tension Headache now replaced with pressure
  248. Fear I am having a heart attack !!!
  249. Constant fear
  250. New here, with constant AAA worries