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  1. Pain inner thighs (4 replies)
  2. What and why do doctors shine light in eye and perform follow finger test? (12 replies)
  3. Ear problems - anyone else? (8 replies)
  4. Stomach flu anxiety (1 replies)
  5. Really worried about gum infection / toothache / wisdom tooth pain (1 replies)
  6. Another Brain Tumor worry. (0 replies)
  7. Urge to repeat CBC every few months (0 replies)
  8. White zit thing on thumb. (2 replies)
  9. do you get cramps before your period? (2 replies)
  10. Dizzyness and head pressure (3 replies)
  11. Acid reflux, omeprazole, sertraline and health anxiety! (8 replies)
  12. How to cope with urge to get more reassurance/tests (11 replies)
  13. Help needed (9 replies)
  14. Obsessing over hole ripped into box of food from market (8 replies)
  15. Bleeding TMI (6 replies)
  16. Memory problems (1 replies)
  17. Having some eye issues (2 replies)
  18. Choked on water!? Aspiration pneumonia/dry drowning!!!?? (3 replies)
  19. Memory loss? (3 replies)
  20. breathing problem again (0 replies)
  21. Resorted to meds ! (0 replies)
  22. Terrified of brain tumour (4 replies)
  23. Swallowing (0 replies)
  24. Pantoprazole not working ? (3 replies)
  25. Boy that cried wolf (5 replies)
  26. eyesight (6 replies)
  27. Help - thyroid AND salivary gland bad results (9 replies)
  28. Stomach issues (1 replies)
  29. Pins and needles in leg/arm upon waking (3 replies)
  30. Anxiety symptom? - Anyone else? (9 replies)
  31. Does Anyone Else's Eyelid Twitch When They're Sick? (2 replies)
  32. cold after cold? (0 replies)
  33. Stinging pain in right side of abdomen. Getting concerned. (6 replies)
  34. Excessive blinking (2 replies)
  35. Health anxiety-constantly worrying about my daughter and myself! (1 replies)
  36. Is this supposed to happen to my shoulder, or... (5 replies)
  37. Lupus? (3 replies)
  38. Asthma inhaler not reaching lungs? Scared of attacks! (5 replies)
  39. Help please - pains (4 replies)
  40. CT SCAN WITH CONTRAST - terrified. (4 replies)
  41. Really scary symptoms! (9 replies)
  42. shaking your head fast (17 replies)
  43. Really need some advice and support urgently please (9 replies)
  44. Is it real or just my imagination - Terrified Help! (1 replies)
  45. Foot pain. Picture included (14 replies)
  46. Biopsy (4 replies)
  47. Extreme health anxiety please help (4 replies)
  48. Extreme health anxiety ov (1 replies)
  49. Scared to take an antibiotic. (14 replies)
  50. Right side abdomen pain - getting worse (9 replies)
  51. some advice for a new member? (0 replies)
  52. Oral Thrush (9 replies)
  53. Blood clot on my lung? (1 replies)
  54. Periods. (5 replies)
  55. Eye bags (10 replies)
  56. Worried about my babies health. (13 replies)
  57. Had a mole removed - worried (9 replies)
  58. Dr.Google strikes again-but is he correct now?! :( (19 replies)
  59. Worried sick it's all my fault. Worst thing ever. (0 replies)
  60. Been up sick for 2 hours (11 replies)
  61. Really bad health worries because of work (4 replies)
  62. "Normal" people health worries? To what degree? (4 replies)
  63. I want to beat this anxiety once and for all.... (2 replies)
  64. Pesticide exposure (0 replies)
  65. Seeing doctor about lymphoma -- very scared (2 replies)
  66. New and feel so alone! (7 replies)
  67. I can't stop this brain tumor fear/general health worries (0 replies)
  68. Afraid of lymphoma/throat cancer (5 replies)
  69. Coping with health anxiety (5 replies)
  70. All over joint pain and so worried (9 replies)
  71. Warm Sensation on Thigh (7 replies)
  72. Please help - I'm so scared (5 replies)
  73. Mole is causing me serious anxiety (1 replies)
  74. Red Arm...worried (3 replies)
  75. Can a biopsy be taken? (1 replies)
  76. Fear of Spinal or Bone cancer in my lower back (2 replies)
  77. Major anxiety over child's health (5 replies)
  78. Bad couple of days (anyone with pregnancy experience particularly welcome!) (4 replies)
  79. Feeling fobbed off (15 replies)
  80. Lymph node vs. muscle knot (?) help! (19 replies)
  81. How do I believe my GP??? (5 replies)
  82. Neuro Appointment Today (2 replies)
  83. Intestinal/stomach issues (2 replies)
  84. Mindfulness- anyone about to start? (13 replies)
  85. DREADING upcoming appt and bloodwork (6 replies)
  86. Doctor Reassurance (2 replies)
  87. never meant to cause a row (6 replies)
  88. Thank you all, feeling better. (2 replies)
  89. Anyone here have a lump diagnosed as benign (35 replies)
  90. Why does no one understand me ? (19 replies)
  91. So scared inflammatory breast cancer? (6 replies)
  92. How has medication/therapy helped you? (3 replies)
  93. Really bad anxiety, tiredness and nausea (2 replies)
  94. I am running out of time :( (14 replies)
  95. Can I ask you a question? (15 replies)
  96. Eye floaters/and shining white things that dart around (3 replies)
  97. Pinkish mark on thigh for a month (3 replies)
  98. worried about air embolism from sex / male (4 replies)
  99. 9 friends or acquaintances have cancer! (4 replies)
  100. Anxiety over sex (9 replies)
  101. scared of a brain tumour,ms lightheadedness (71 replies)
  102. Constant tinnitus and it's making me anxious (1 replies)
  103. raised red patches causing HA relapse :( trigger warning: symptoms/signs (2 replies)
  104. Pain in chest when moving (2 replies)
  105. Abdomen pain and Low temperature (4 replies)
  106. Health anxiety is stopping me supporting a terminally ill friend (12 replies)
  107. Health anxiety is stopping me supporting a terminally ill friend (0 replies)
  108. Scared to death. Need some help! :( (13 replies)
  109. it feels so hopeless (2 replies)
  110. Ongoing panic of one thing (6 replies)
  111. Fear of dying and anxiety? (2 replies)
  112. Past actions causing worry? (2 replies)
  113. Is this HIV or something else? (2 replies)
  114. Weird feeling like im going to lose balance (17 replies)
  115. What if this isn't anxiety??? (21 replies)
  116. Pelvic/Renal utrasound....scared. (8 replies)
  117. Frustrated!! (3 replies)
  118. Another mysterious bruise (7 replies)
  119. Dental infection (4 replies)
  120. My History (2 replies)
  121. lightheaded spaced out feeling (118 replies)
  122. trying not to panic. Rational thoughts?! (10 replies)
  123. So over this HA crap!! It never ends!! (1 replies)
  124. rheumatoid arthritis (8 replies)
  125. woken up with chest pain again (5 replies)
  126. Finding things really hard :( (1 replies)
  127. Post cold symptoms in evening only? (1 replies)
  128. Heart Worries, constantly (2 replies)
  129. acid reflux causing eating phobia?. (4 replies)
  130. Blood on wiping - Bowel (6 replies)
  131. Tickling sensation deep in chest (1 replies)
  132. Reassurance please :-( Brain Fog and Ear pressure. (0 replies)
  133. Palpitations (2 replies)
  134. feel I'm going crazy from worry (0 replies)
  135. trouble breathing again...the never ending story (3 replies)
  136. Fear for my daughter after dentist (1 replies)
  137. Stabbing, pulsating head pain (3 replies)
  138. Thigh pain... Terrified please help (4 replies)
  139. HIV scare (9 replies)
  140. This is how bad my anxiety has gotten... (0 replies)
  141. head scab, petrified.. Help :( (2 replies)
  142. Ovarian cyst sinister cells! Losing my mind (30 replies)
  143. Anxiety and tinnitus? (17 replies)
  144. worried about heart rate (2 replies)
  145. Droopy eyelid (5 replies)
  146. I have a plan and I'm sticking to it ! (20 replies)
  147. Breast clinic appointment came through (3 replies)
  148. D dimer with a cold/allergies (13 replies)
  149. Sinus bug (4 replies)
  150. How long do pulled muscles take to heal? (15 replies)
  151. dizzy spell. now i feel constantly in edge (5 replies)
  152. What's your head feel like ? (22 replies)
  153. A fire breathing dragon in my garage. (21 replies)
  154. Impossible to keep head completely 100% still - Parkinsons? (10 replies)
  155. Should I trust my gp (12 replies)
  156. Swollen uvula (4 replies)
  157. Starting to panic (2 replies)
  158. A small victory against my HA, and a thank you... (20 replies)
  159. Thing on neck plz help (7 replies)
  160. Thyroid Disease (8 replies)
  161. flu or virus (3 replies)
  162. Awaiting blood work...worried sick :( (4 replies)
  163. How do you reason with yourse;f when thoughts get out of hand? (3 replies)
  164. My son's eyelashes ... I'm feeling CRAZY! (10 replies)
  165. Anxiety around fear of asbestos. (6 replies)
  166. Help...Can't...Focus! (0 replies)
  167. Scared - tummy issues.. Bowel cancer?? (3 replies)
  168. High blood pressure (4 replies)
  169. Having a hard time again (6 replies)
  170. nose bleeds (3 replies)
  171. Hit my head & now I'm scared! (19 replies)
  172. Severe health anxiety about daughter (19 replies)
  173. A boomgate knocked me on the head! (3 replies)
  174. Now it's the Zika virus.. (4 replies)
  175. Is this a strange thing to do? (4 replies)
  176. Please tell me this is normal... (6 replies)
  177. Perspective (23 replies)
  178. Back pain again (12 replies)
  179. Horrendous back pain in the centre going to jaw really anxious comes and goes (1 replies)
  180. Complex Ovarian Cysts (7 replies)
  181. Camera up nose (11 replies)
  182. Left sided headache pressure on temple (2 replies)
  183. Me again (0 replies)
  184. flesh eating bacteria? (3 replies)
  185. Free Fluid in Pelvis! (3 replies)
  186. Scared I have a Brain Tumor again (3 replies)
  187. Estrogen issues - crazy symptoms or...? (0 replies)
  188. Lump on roof of mouth (4 replies)
  189. what do i have!? arthritis at 25!? (2 replies)
  190. Anyone with uti (12 replies)
  191. Had enough of this now!! ENOUGH!! (1 replies)
  192. Thyroid cancer concerns (11 replies)
  193. Anxiety about eyes, going crazy... (3 replies)
  194. Scared I'll NEVER Get Better... (0 replies)
  195. Pushing on left side of head. (1 replies)
  196. Obsessed with my high blood pressure. Scared! (1 replies)
  197. Breast node scared advice please (4 replies)
  198. Silly Question, I know.... (12 replies)
  199. Concussion (5 replies)
  200. Popping sensation (2 replies)
  201. Could this be sinus trouble? (15 replies)
  202. Constant pins and needles in foot (8 replies)
  203. Mental Health Hypochondria (5 replies)
  204. Bumps on base (root) on the tongue. Freaking out - picture inside! (19 replies)
  205. Will my voice come back?! (8 replies)
  206. Moveable lump... (20 replies)
  207. Sharp pains in armpit (3 replies)
  208. Bone infection fear (8 replies)
  209. Never ending fear (0 replies)
  210. anxiety over red patches on skin, too scared to Google... (2 replies)
  211. Diabetes fear (2 replies)
  212. Migraine with aura- anyone else get these (28 replies)
  213. Pulmonary embolism fear (1 replies)
  214. Blood clot fear (4 replies)
  215. Another Brain Scan. (7 replies)
  216. Pulmonary embolism? (5 replies)
  217. Body Temperature Fluctuations? I'm new. (14 replies)
  218. Has anyone used an inhaler for hayfever/allergy/sinus short term? (13 replies)
  219. Its been 7 bloody months!!! (4 replies)
  220. Could this be a retinal problem? (4 replies)
  221. Poll: How long have you experienced the same symptoms? (10 replies)
  222. Feeling so down after drinking soda pop - diabetes? (2 replies)
  223. Whereabouts on your head do you get headaches?? (14 replies)
  224. Sudden anxiety mole (1 replies)
  225. Heart Rate worrys. (0 replies)
  226. HIV (3 replies)
  227. Very painful nose (0 replies)
  228. Pounding heart when walking uphill. (1 replies)
  229. still panicking about swollen lymph nodes in groin felt neck one (4 replies)
  230. stomach cancer fears (2 replies)
  231. Lung Cancer fear...help, really scared (0 replies)
  232. Relapse :( (4 replies)
  233. Cheers daily mail (18 replies)
  234. Brain,vision, and pain? neurological? Thoughts? (3 replies)
  235. Anxiety due to hospital tests (6 replies)
  236. Tiredness (1 replies)
  237. Brain Tumor fear!! (0 replies)
  238. Health anxiety and cancer fear (3 replies)
  239. Severe Googling Anxiety (15 replies)
  240. Symptoms that come and go? (10 replies)
  241. Obsessive Swallowing? Dry Mouth? (2 replies)
  242. Finger twitching, I'm freaking out!! (2 replies)
  243. Bronchoscopy after pneumonia. ....terrified (6 replies)
  244. help please (6 replies)
  245. Really freaking out. Advice please! (1 replies)
  246. Anxiety symptoms on a day off (5 replies)
  247. Had a mammogram/ultrasound yesterday, still worried! (10 replies)
  248. wake up in the night with dead hands worried (30 replies)
  249. Can't accept that I have ibs (8 replies)
  250. Muscles twitching, body going nuts. (11 replies)