View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. anxious : (
  2. There's a course I'd like to do but worried about the anxiety.
  3. Fear of travel, slowly losing Myself.
  4. any tips please
  5. Feeling good/calm feels strange
  6. Fear of dying - snowballing thoughts
  7. Night Terrors
  8. dont no whats wrong with me!:(
  9. Does anger cause anxiety?
  10. Hell on Earth. Can anyone relate to this symptom?
  11. Enrolling at college tomorrow - Animal Care Course , Take Two!
  12. worried about my daughter
  13. Shopping centre
  14. Anxious about starting uni
  15. Fear of Flying tips
  16. why wont it let up
  17. help at a high today
  18. hi all - after some reassurance am so scared
  19. anxiety/sadness worse after 5pm? WHY -_-
  20. Anxiety After Breakup
  21. wanting to hide
  22. fed up
  23. feels like i can't get enough air into my lungs :(
  24. Very restless and anxious, does it get better?
  25. Redeployment trial
  26. DWP appeal
  27. Too scared to take meds
  28. Where do I begin...
  29. Starting new job on monday, very nervous
  30. anxiety ruining my day out :(
  31. Going round the bend and worried sick! Please help!
  32. Bordem = Anxiety
  33. I can vaguely remember enjoying things
  34. Applied for a job!
  35. College - Excited but ANXIOUS =(
  36. Random anxiety....
  37. Acceptance is the key
  38. Had to cancel on my friend today as too ill
  39. melt down
  40. Help with exhaustion?
  41. anxiety comes again
  42. Back to work
  43. Family argument caused by my anxiety
  44. Anxiety not depression
  45. Do i need to up my citalopram dosage or is it just a setback?
  46. waiting for contact from mental health team - should I write things down ?
  47. Feeling numb?
  48. Feeling anxious tonight :(
  49. Morning anxiety!
  50. New hobby
  51. Want to Run Away
  52. Really struggling
  53. So jumpy at the slightest thing
  54. University worries!
  55. Migraine, visitors and graduation
  56. new sufferer
  57. hectic schedule begins this week
  58. feeling really bad this morning
  59. Newbie here - Please tell me it's not just me.
  60. Scared of everything
  61. Severe Muscle Pain & Stifness
  62. Diazepam vs kalms
  63. Do you, or anyone you know, have a driving phobia?
  64. Having a bad day
  65. What happens when you first ask for help?
  66. Induction day at college tomoz - & RESCUE REMEDY NIGHT DROP AMAZING!
  67. walking around in a cloud
  68. And morning arrives
  69. Doctors - Totally Freaking Out!!!
  70. going back to work ........ advice needed please.
  71. Bach Rescue Remedy
  72. New Paradigms !!
  73. Sore heads
  74. Is this a success story? - Giving ourselves credit
  75. I did it :)
  76. Vertigo
  77. I think i figured my anxiety out! Maybe
  78. Would this make someone get epilepsy? MY SISTER!!
  79. Blip?
  80. Dad in hospital
  81. Looking for advice re anxiety/depression and assessment
  82. University - Mega stress!
  83. Feeling disconnected, not able to think and worried all the time
  84. Can anxiety make you feel like yelling out in public?
  85. body in turmoil!
  86. Anxiety- when does it bother you?
  87. cant sleep and weird dreams
  88. I did it! I went to the Doctors!
  89. Adrenaline is a pain!
  90. Does anyone else hates summer?
  91. Anxiety feelings..help!
  92. Falling to pieces :(
  93. The Happiness Trap - the answer to my prayers!
  94. Positives about Anxiety..??
  95. Started new job and have insomnia/constant hunger anxiety
  96. Constant dwelling on things?
  97. Chicken or egg situation?
  98. Burnout and anxiety
  99. Anxiety and so much more
  100. Are you supposed to tell travel insurers if you have anxiety?
  101. GP and psychologist reffered me to a cousellor instead? Feeling dismissed??
  102. painful sundays
  103. Anxiety following on from Surgery
  104. Moving out
  105. strangeeee thoughts
  106. I don't understand ! I'm doing so well but depression is creeping
  107. Restlessness
  108. Not sure what anxiety/issues I have but could someone help?
  109. Mad urges freaking me out :-(
  110. Feel great today!!
  111. Will this high-anxiety period actually be good for me in the long run?
  112. Think Ive made a massive mistake (long one, sorry)
  113. Anyone actually care??
  114. So Much Anxiety
  115. Post Operative Anxiety
  116. Taken no meds today - so far!
  117. Im back!!!!
  118. Useful Resource
  119. Feeling like a bad person and beating myself up
  120. Going back on medication, yes or no? (too many side effects)
  121. cant continue with life no more
  122. A new place?
  123. My daughter is in hospital!!
  124. feels like I am living in a nightmare
  125. Constant nausea and lump in throat
  126. Mum going on holiday
  127. not coping well any advice
  128. What's Diazapem 2mg like?
  129. Applying for a job advice
  130. New job - help!
  131. Poor concentration
  132. funeral
  133. Anti-stress foods
  134. Just start to pick myself up and something else knocks me down
  135. Need some reassurance
  136. Diarrhoea and anxiety?
  137. Struggling tonight
  138. All alone tonight
  139. sick of people telling me "it's all in your mind!"
  140. Just need people to understand
  141. Starting a new job 2moz
  142. Not normal when it comes to working every weekday...anyone else?
  143. Loss of appetite
  144. Attention Seeking.
  145. It's back - Reasurrance please
  146. Lustral
  147. bipolar girlfriend off sex? worried.
  148. Went to bed feeling great-wake up awful.
  149. Too anxious to see the doctor and other issues.
  150. Valium...
  151. E-Pen Pal
  152. Not sure what my specific condition is...
  153. Worth talking to the GP about Somatisation Disorder?
  154. Weird ways to deal with anxiety ? I'll start :D
  155. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life?
  156. Leaving boyfriend
  157. A better day for me
  158. vivid imagination
  159. Funny feeling when I'm walking
  160. Anxiety about starting work - please help!
  161. Does anyone else worry about global warming?
  162. New Job - 2nd day and sick with anxiety!!
  163. Insomnia - every night!
  164. Work based anxiety!
  165. As old as you feel
  166. Anxiety cycle
  167. Does Citalopram Stop Working?
  168. Anxious taking pills - suggestions?
  169. Vitamins
  170. Please...Urgent advice needed! :(
  171. Just out of hospital, not coping
  172. Day 17 cit/boil/cbt/general update
  173. Moving for the first time-scary
  174. Bisoprolol fumarate 1.25mg
  175. Doctor says "Talking with friends and family can help" and "Anxiety is normal"
  176. I dont get it!! I have nothing to worry about, anxiety is destroying me
  177. Intrusive thoughts/alcohol/anxiety
  178. St Johns Wort...
  179. new job has helped anxiety :)
  180. anxiety symptoms
  181. Therepist for first time tomorrow, quite scared!!
  182. Refused a job because I was "too nervous" at the interview
  183. Motivation decreasing
  184. Does anyone else out there suffer from acne?
  185. Late night dizzy spell when I can't sleep
  186. And the week was going so well
  187. DP/DR-Can anyone explain?
  188. Diagnosis confirmed, feeling low :(
  189. headache/earache
  190. Scared i wont wake up after General Anesthetic
  191. Slight confusion-Anyone get this
  192. Anxiety in 9 year old, advice needed please
  193. lumpy throat
  194. meteor shower last night?
  195. Anxiety therapy: The new phase
  196. I'm a lot better but I'm exhausted - has anyone here come through the other side?
  197. Surge of adrenalin as I fall asleep
  198. This week has got my anxiety in over drive! :(
  199. Date day
  200. Newbie - in middle of anxiety cycle
  201. Physical exertion anxiety
  202. adult diagnosis for autism
  203. Today's a bad day, not coping
  204. hospital appointment at ent tomorrow :(
  205. Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?
  206. reassurance needed please
  207. Globus sensation, help and advice?
  208. Under pressure, it's only a haircut!
  209. Getting heard and knowing if you have a real problem?
  210. Mirtazapine - For anxiety?
  211. A more positive day - yay!
  212. Having a bad day!! So fed up!!
  213. health anxiety or ocd
  214. Please help, on holiday not coping!
  215. In need of some kind and positive words
  216. I just don't know whats going on anymore, feel like i'm losing myself!
  217. Anxiety or... caffeine?
  218. Anytime I start doing something positive anxiety hits me with a vengeance
  219. anxiety
  220. the slightest thing sends me in a panic!
  221. Second driving test on Friday...nerves in tatters
  222. S**T day. Fed up with it all.
  223. Abusive relationship after effects
  224. Really stressed - need a glass of wine
  225. Doc prescribed citalopram, any good feedback?
  226. Diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome
  227. Started CBT today
  228. I fly friday and cant stop crying!.
  229. Hit one of my goals today
  230. Does anyone get this?
  231. Everyday situations..
  232. Bad reaction to new meds
  233. I have a goal!
  234. not sure were to put this just went to vent somewere
  235. New user needs advice
  236. Cbt says im getting better but......
  237. Day 2 citalopram 10mg
  238. Coffee
  239. Anxiety at calling in sick
  240. A better day!....So far!
  241. Anybody els get worst in winter???
  242. Can i take diazapem tonight even though im not nervous???
  243. Post-traumatic Stress
  244. Anxiety related to time
  245. Husband accidentally triggered me
  246. UGH! My jaw....
  247. Need Advice About Doctors.
  248. Feel like there's no hope for me
  249. Feeling Bad :(
  250. Feeling very DP and uneasy