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  1. Please read this!
  2. HA and Exercise
  3. I literally cannot take a deep breath...
  4. I am in deep trouble and need a guide...
  5. Anxious I now have kidney cancer...
  6. Worried anxiety will cause me health problems or shorten my life?
  7. A smile goes a long way.....
  8. Here we go again
  9. how to stop being so in touch with reality
  10. Mild head issue
  11. white patches on both sides of the soft palate
  12. Tomorrow is the big day
  13. First trip to GP this year
  14. Need a little support
  15. Stomach virus
  16. Got a letter today, please help!
  17. I'm not even sure anymore..
  18. What caused u to have Health Anxiety
  19. Obituaries
  20. Sad CBT session
  21. Feel really sick
  22. Is this normal?
  23. IC panic.... (warning: tmi here)
  24. High blood pressure readings?
  25. Tietze Syndrome
  26. Will this help?
  27. Scan
  28. Ok panic time
  29. servere eye lid twitching a month on
  30. Coffee ground stool?
  31. Closing in on giving up
  32. Yellow snot!
  33. Blood results back within a day?!
  34. Amoxycillin causing child to be depressed/low?
  35. Blue Area In Eye White Area?
  36. mega sore throat please help
  37. Update from me
  38. skin rash after blood donation?
  39. Prickling around chest
  40. Does anybody wakes up suddenly with a fast heartbeat?
  41. Lump Under Jaw
  42. Anxiety worsens at night
  43. Difficulty swallowing last 3 days any advice or experience on this?
  44. What to do now?
  45. Intergrative therapy for Health Anxiety - works wonders
  46. Sorry to post so much; can barely breath
  47. Left sided heart pain
  48. Update on My Father
  49. Have you had a lymph node that never got smaller/disappeared after an infection?
  50. Potassium worries
  51. Bleached hair, irritated throat.
  52. Anxiety. & tension
  53. Both legs cramped
  54. Stomach pulse,Help!
  55. Hodgkins Lymphoma? scared please help?
  56. During sleep
  57. Numbness in Head - Very Odd
  58. Now worried that I have a brain tumour :-(
  59. too tired to be rational
  60. mole
  61. constantly worried
  62. Why is this happening?
  63. Due for another brain scan sometime this year
  64. Bad pain behind eye - cause for concern?
  65. Ammonia poisoning?
  66. Ectopics and lightheadedness
  67. Chest pain (Lungs)
  68. Fingers crossed
  69. i dont know if i can call this progress
  70. Will I ever stop worrying
  71. Health anxiety getting the better of me again :(
  72. Juice + complete diet and dizziness
  73. Boyfriend sending me into a panic!
  74. Reddish Brownish Blood on Toilet Paper??!
  75. Night Sweats
  76. Unusual Mole - Hospital Appointment
  77. Setraline has caused rash?
  78. what is physio doesn't work?
  79. Posted in the past, but just don't know if it's anxiety or not, urination issues
  80. can anyone help?
  81. Health Anxiety and Pregnancy
  82. Is suicide an option?? Help.
  83. Costochondritis worries
  84. Anaphylaxis fears
  85. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease??!!
  86. Just got my official diagnosis...
  87. I feel like I'm having a fit!!
  88. Panic attack at the gym... :(
  89. Been doing really well and now LYMPH NODES GRRR!
  90. Really scared
  91. Anxiety or something more sinister?
  92. Excercise now makes me feel extremly exhausted
  93. Heart worries
  94. Here I go again! Health leaflet puts me in a spin.
  95. daily chest aches and pains just driving me mad!!
  96. MS worries
  97. B12 worries
  98. Conundrum
  99. Magnesium Glycinate
  100. Is this crohns?
  101. Disturbed sleep
  102. Uh Oh :(
  103. cant get my words out
  104. really could do with some reassurance right now
  105. toothache panic as drank loafs water
  106. Pain in head and eyes
  107. Oh no ! Left arm pain and chest tingling !
  108. Hello everyone, new here and deathly afraid of Pancreatic Cancer.
  109. Heart attack anxiety :(
  110. Swollen glands, double chin
  111. Hit Rock Bottom!
  112. Drugs & Medication - do they work?
  113. Meds question
  114. Health Anxiety
  115. Chipped tooth orajel?
  116. Facial numbness, spacey feelings
  117. Persist or give up?
  118. Oh dear....
  119. Now I have...
  120. tetanus worry
  121. worried about skin cancer
  122. Food intolerance?
  123. feeling bad tonight :(
  124. Afraid I have blood clot from blood pressure cuff
  125. Acceptance of HA
  126. Havent posted before but would like some advice
  127. Prochlorperazine tablets - do they help??
  128. now its a brain tumor
  129. Wiating on GP to call me - so scared
  130. HA is a strange thing
  131. What 'normal' tests have you had?
  132. see, I was right!
  133. New to this, health anxiety problems
  134. Health anxiety is at it again....
  135. Well that was a waste of money...
  136. Tongue cancer this time!
  137. assurance seeking
  138. Why can't I stop googling?
  139. new 2 the forum thing, wierd headach... worried about anurysm please please help>>
  140. Is this hypochondria or a real problem?
  141. Constant HIV anxiety
  142. Hypochondriacs should NOT take Anatomy!
  143. Is it possible to have anxiety without knowing it?
  144. Beer problems
  145. I just wanna cry
  146. Blood in mucous
  147. In a major panic this morning
  148. I knew it all along
  149. Nose bleed! Freaking out
  150. upper leg cramps
  151. Threads Being Deleted
  152. Right and then left abdominal pain
  153. Eye worries
  154. Lung,dvt and pulmonary embolism fear-cant get it out of my head
  155. ME/CFS
  156. Disappointed in myself, having a blip. :(
  157. Feeling rubbish...
  158. Heart scare
  159. pregnant and woke up shaking n heart racing help!!!
  160. I think I got it under control!
  161. Constantly have unhealthy food for dinner worried about impacts on my health?
  162. can anxiety cause neck and back pain
  163. I feel like I'm allergic to water
  164. Weird sensation, scared
  165. Worrying about my mental health
  166. how to treat anxiety/stress?
  167. Very dizzy trouble with breathing and throat
  168. Health anxiety returned after emergency surgery
  169. electric shock
  170. my own worst enemy
  171. Worried
  172. Sore tailbone after sitting etc
  173. Not sure if ill or just anxiety
  174. Freaking out please help :(
  175. An apology
  176. My story about Health Anxiety
  177. HA increasing. Holiday time
  178. Really ill been sick over 20 times
  179. I need to talk to someone
  180. Struggling
  181. Feeling sad it never ends does it! Possible trigger for some 😞
  182. Viscious circle of Anxiousness is getting me down today.
  183. Update from Hostpital appointment
  184. I can't do this
  185. So worried about a scabby really sore lump on scalp
  186. Are you overweight?
  187. Swinging?
  188. eyes wide shut!
  189. Does anyone feel like things are moving inside??
  190. terrified for my heart health
  191. Am I Crazy or Unlucky?
  192. To help me reduced my anxiety
  193. Weird thing again today
  194. Dry red eyes in the morning
  195. How tobknow isf severley dehydrated?
  196. Did you wake up worried this morning?
  197. Heart Murmur
  198. so worried that I have jaw or facial tumour.
  199. Me and HA
  200. Skin worries - can anyone relate?
  201. in meltdown, why are things going so wrong?
  202. my stomach still don't feel normal
  203. Finally asking to be referred
  204. new here desperate
  205. sorry people but I need help
  206. So scared
  207. More and more people
  208. gas and heart???
  209. Lumps on ribs?
  210. fear off the scale please help me
  211. not worried just advice needed please
  212. Okay can I panic now??
  213. I feel completely deflated - skin c worries again :(
  214. Exercise and headache question
  215. twitches in head now &;still in left eye !!!
  216. does thins chest pain sound muscular
  217. Crumb went up nose stupidly worried
  218. pregnant with severe hiv anxiey
  219. wtf is with my eyes??
  220. Poked by a cactus ouch!
  221. First panic attack in a long time...........
  222. Ok – so trying to get my life in order and start feeling better about myself and then
  223. Frightening
  224. Something on side of wrist
  225. Just got horrible news.
  226. Borderline Vit D
  227. Fear of paralysis?
  228. An Experiment...
  229. Sharp pain in chest
  230. Something for you all
  231. One step forward, three steps back...
  232. I didn't go to the Dr today.
  233. Please help guys, severe MS fears have returned.
  234. Chest and heart worries
  235. really sore, chapped lips…anybody ever deal with this before??
  236. My hands are numb!!
  237. Wit's end - weird pain lower right abdomen
  238. Trip to hospital, reflux and heart palps??
  239. Scared for my life thinking about going to the ER
  240. Deep vein thrombosis fears
  241. Bladder issues
  242. So worried about my chest X - Ray
  243. Cant stop anxiety scratching??
  244. Elevated liver enzyme, possible ultrasound
  245. How can you tell a cold is coming to an end? I'm fearing I am not over the worst
  246. To get Blood Tests or not...
  247. the worst i have ever been
  248. Advice on Dealing with triggers
  249. Family illness- I just don't know who to turn to...
  250. Update