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  1. Worrisome mole
  2. why can't I get blood clots out of my mind?
  3. sleeping but waking up tired, or get tired early.
  4. Potential clonus after bike ride??? Worried, please help!!
  5. IBC worries
  6. Cold throat sensation triggering panic
  7. Scared of melanoma in full panic mode again
  8. Does anxiety ever mess with your whole body?
  9. New worry about my Mum. Blood results.
  10. blood in stool cancer
  11. Worried about having some makeup up wipe liquid on my eye
  12. Feeling strange, not with it
  13. Any advice sharp lower back pain
  14. Need help badly brain tumor
  15. My whole face has broken out in hives
  16. Help me please
  17. Left rib below breast, larger & possibly swollen :(
  18. Moles on inner buttcheeks, common?
  19. Phantom ring (odd feeling)
  20. seeing what looks like a black blotch
  21. Pulse in corner of eye socket
  22. Food is tasting weird to me?
  23. feeling extremely drowsy and fatigued
  24. Leg infection and sepsis paranoia!
  25. Anyone have chronic insomnia? How do you deal with it?
  26. Insomnia for months
  27. Vibrating objects in vision Help is this normal?
  28. anxiety symptoms
  29. Skin sensitivity?
  30. Everything feels foreign and I'm terrified
  31. Question about anemia.
  32. Strange feeling in head
  33. Pins and needles, in only one leg!
  34. Visual problems
  35. numbness
  36. Please help. Terrified!
  37. Left lower rib protrudes out, not same on right
  38. Got nail varnish on my lip
  39. Scared about tumour on spin/neck
  40. burning sensation bc of anxiety?
  41. Symptoms thatno one can really explain. I feel terrible.
  42. Post Tilt Table Test - Nausea
  43. Constant impending doom
  44. part of essential tremor?
  45. Red fibre-like things in semen/urine - could it be blood?
  46. constant symptoms; worried about mental health and physical health :(
  47. pea sized/small lump on back of neck (right side)
  48. Persistant ulcer.
  49. ALS fears
  50. Brain aneurysm
  51. Now I’m starting to be afraid I’m getting ALS.
  52. Pins and needles in feet, scared it's diabetes
  53. sinuses or lymphoma?
  54. My fear of superbugs is returning in the form of a strange sore
  55. Dry cough causing windpipe scare
  56. Cut finger worried about tetanus sepsis etc.
  57. Bump on ankle
  58. Tense/Pressure Feeling in Left Arm When Active
  59. Anxiety about vision
  60. Stomach drop sensation
  61. Hard painful pimple
  62. Pelvic pain
  63. Leukemia/cancer fear
  64. Small slightly swollen pus filled pimple
  65. Tender mole
  66. I have had cold symptoms for past 2 weeks, in the last 4 days, I've had a nosebleed
  67. Leftover damage from old ruptured ear drum?
  68. Bubble feeling upper stomach? Aortic Aneurysm?
  69. What have I got please?
  70. Bothersome Tooth
  71. Back pain fears.
  72. Fibro?
  73. Slowly realizing how many disease I have diagnosed myself with
  74. Girlfriend
  75. Peachy1
  76. Muscles Shake/Tremble When Using Them?
  77. Worrying about dizziness
  78. Can't believe my thumb has set me off so much.
  79. I feel so weird today.
  80. Allergic reaction fear
  81. Can anxiety cause these symptoms?
  82. Swollen painful lymph node in armpit for months, freaking out
  83. Symptoms for a month now - Health Anxiety or I am dying?
  84. Seeing imaginary spiders
  85. Flu / Fever 102 Scared :(
  86. Pain in upper right stomach/ribs when bending forward?? Gall bladder??
  87. Am I Dying?
  88. pgad? please help!!!
  89. Fearing Emphysema
  90. So many symptoms
  91. Blood on the front of toilet seat
  92. Left hand is weak and vibrating quite violently for no reason
  93. On and off lightheadedness
  94. I have true ALS symptoms
  95. High BP
  96. Purple veins on chest
  97. Skin Cancer?
  98. Family Unsupportive With My Injury.
  99. Strange feeling when very relaxed.
  100. Muscle Cramping - MND/ALS fear
  101. Throat/tongue or tonsil cancer?! So scared please help
  102. Brain Tumor or all in my Head?
  103. Tenderness Under Arms
  104. Dizzy, Tired and Weak when Sitting Up for a while.
  105. Burning mouth of the stomach
  106. My symptoms
  107. any advice
  108. Cancer and my Mum (My anxiety has never been this bad)
  109. Despair
  110. Anyone know how to get over the “bodily reminder” stage?
  111. Coastal tumor/ Lung cancer symptoms
  112. worried that my anxiety is progressing into something different.
  113. Night sweats
  114. New symptom is Freaking me out
  115. Worried Prednisone Covering Up Throat Cancer
  116. Please does anyone get twitches
  117. Burning and Cold Skin
  118. Having trouble with throat.
  119. Weird tightness around middle
  120. Sodium levels
  121. Twitching Jerking and trembling
  122. Random bleeding
  123. Internal movement feeling!! Help
  124. I can’t breath! Feels like im Suffocating
  125. White dot / lump on tip of tongue for YEARS
  126. Can someone explain to me what this ultrasound results mean ?
  127. Can someone Please Help me with my MS/Guillain Barre Fears?
  128. Tender/irritated feeling around upper sides, back and front dry cough & sore throat
  129. Think I have Iron Poisoning! Please Help!
  130. SSRI/5HTP Seratonin Syndrome
  131. Optic nerve swelling
  132. Constant itchy skin.
  133. Is this a swollen lymph node ?
  134. Smelling cigarette smoke
  135. real symptoms or in my head?
  136. Please read
  137. Abdominal cramping
  138. new moles popping up
  139. Please help me: Meningitis fears after long sinus infection
  140. Lump behind ear
  141. Is this tonsils cancer?
  142. A really stupid thing I did :( (please read)
  143. Twitching for two months
  144. Could this all be anxiety related?
  145. weird muscle weakness
  146. lipoma in neck? or something else?
  147. Buzzy and woozy back of head, full head sensation, feeling faint
  148. Red spot on face
  149. Esophageal Cancer... worried
  150. Moveable lump in neck
  151. Is 10mg of diazepam strong for an MRI?
  152. Constant Physical Symptoms
  153. Hollow feeling/pulse checking
  154. Back of my head feels really hot inside
  155. is it possible to have internal bleeding of the brain and not know it?
  156. Recurrent mole/melanoma fear
  157. I can't stop worrying about my symptoms
  158. Swollen lymph node on chest
  159. Morning anxiety?
  160. Another Headache Post (first by me).
  161. Need someone to talk me down.
  162. Pins and needles in hands
  163. Ear drum twitch?
  164. Itchy skin
  165. weird feeling like not in my own body
  166. Right side pain
  167. In hospital with severe stomach pain
  168. Mole Biopsy-Worried
  169. Possible bladder infection
  170. terrible lymphoma fear
  171. Scrape on Ankle-Wet/Moist
  172. Waking up in the middle of the night gasping and choking
  173. Weird oral canker sores?
  174. Dizziness
  175. My symptoms (twitching, palpitations, and many more)
  176. Achy Legs!!
  177. Health anxiety symptoms
  178. So i missed a step this morning
  179. Lower back pain worry. 🙁🙁
  180. Worried I have a brain tumor!
  181. Sexual Dysfunction
  182. Acid reflux with nausea
  183. Dizziness when closing eyes at night
  184. Need someone to talk to
  185. Anyone have experience with Peripheral Artery Disease?
  186. Flu Shot symptoms - anyone else?
  187. Am I schizophrenic?!
  188. Tension headache
  189. Muscle Fibrillations and Babinski Sign and Brisk Reflex?
  190. Freaking out yet again, skin cancer this time
  191. Tonsil cancer??
  192. Pink eye, Low fever, sensitivity to light
  193. Can anxiety give the same sysdoms as a flu?
  194. Bad headache and nausea
  195. Yep i'm worried about a splinter.
  196. Feeling weird when standing up
  197. Upcoming Doctor’s Appointment Feels Like a Death Sentence
  198. Brief low oxygen sats in the ER?
  199. Could I have cracked my tooth???
  200. Two colds in a row - two coughs in a row...
  201. Chest pain
  202. Annoying ear problems
  203. please help? blue nail beds?
  204. Mole on Right hand? Appeared a few months ago? Maybe it's grown?
  205. Where do I go from here? ALS Clean EMG
  206. White weird thing on tip of tongue for years!
  207. Enlarged spleen?
  208. Constant lumps and aching. On the edge
  209. Please help ...can stress/anxiety cause dizziness and things to look jumpy?
  210. Is it normal to feel like this?
  211. Skin Problem
  212. Als fears
  213. loosing my mind?
  214. Depression advice
  215. Dull ache in arm
  216. Sharp pain off and on Pelvic area- Scared Ovarian Cancer
  217. Terrified That I Have Lymphoma
  218. Pitting edema - always a sign of something serious?
  219. Cough that won't go away
  220. Lymph node on jaw changing size. I'm terrified.
  221. Pain/numbness in buttock and pregnant
  222. Never been like this before, terrified!
  223. Red spots on my palate
  224. Eye pain
  225. Does anyone ever worry that something bad has to happen them to overcome anxiety?
  226. I am so sick of feeling rubbish
  227. Numbness in fingers.
  228. nystagmus/ms worry.
  229. Appendicitis?
  230. anyone know about/had experience with phlebitis?
  231. Excruciating chest/upper abdomen pain after eating
  232. I don’t know what to think
  233. Skin Cancer health anxiety
  234. Documented proof of the power of the mind
  235. Is this hard lump in back of neck bone or lymph node?
  236. Feeling faint all the time
  237. Random sharp chest pain anxiety
  238. Blood poisoning :(
  239. Numb one side of tongue and mouth
  240. More lymph node questions...
  241. I think I have fish bone in my throat
  242. Breathing.
  243. Eyes :(
  244. I don't often ask for help.....red ear.....
  245. Scared I have meningitis?
  246. Heartburn/GERD or Angina
  247. Symptom survey
  248. Inside shakes and feeling heartbeat everywhere
  249. Anyone else going through insomnia right now.
  250. I've broken my big toe