View Full Version : Depression from Panic/Anxiety

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  1. Think of "Me"?
  2. "Remember......
  3. I need help
  4. Please help me
  5. Depression coming back
  6. Tired of trying to hide it all
  7. Me, Cannabis and Propranolol
  8. mindfulness
  9. Do you have a better time of day
  10. Have phobia about death but contemplating suicide, can't cope ...
  11. Help!!!!!
  12. Sick to death with life
  13. paranoia and delusions, pls help!!
  14. I give up!!
  15. sudden suicidal thoughts
  16. Am I losing my grip?
  17. Crying
  18. Always feel like such a fool
  19. I'm at the bottom of a slippery black hole ...
  20. Why do I do this ?!?!
  21. How do you know what is depression and what is life just being crap?
  23. Cyclothymia / Bipolar
  24. Sooooooooooooo angry!!!!
  25. Feeling down today
  26. failure
  27. Feeling really low and thinking morbid thoughts all the time
  28. Having another of my 1/5th life crisis'
  29. Feel utterly utterly useless
  30. cipralex
  31. rE:- sO SORRY
  32. How can I think less?
  33. my messed up head
  34. So Sad
  35. had enough
  36. oh eck...here I go again
  37. Could you describe your depression
  38. emotional wreak
  39. I"m NOT dying!..after all
  40. So down
  41. How long can I go on like this?
  42. DATING
  43. Feal a Failure
  44. desperate
  45. Going over the edge
  46. on the way to depression
  47. Just a ramble......sorri
  48. Im so dam angry right now!
  49. So low
  50. help - i feel so alone
  51. Why is Going out so hard
  52. Not a great night :(
  53. Heart on line
  54. Going out at 7am.
  55. help will i ever feel normal
  56. Sick of feeling like this
  57. Does anyone else feel like this?
  58. Really Fed Up!!!
  59. So sick of feeling like this
  60. I cant deal with the pain! *Poem*
  61. Re:- Why am i so lonely
  62. easy to live with?
  63. medication venlafaxine and zopiclone
  64. Im completely and utterly worthless.
  65. This is my mother!
  66. what were you like before? Can you be that again?
  67. Really fed up with my life!
  68. Why i am the way i am...*Triggering to some*
  69. everythings a mess!
  70. irrational paranoia and fear! please can i hav some advice!
  71. Psychiatric hospitals?
  72. need help and advice
  73. Ladies please - The Pill,.. again
  74. occupational health tomorrow
  75. Really fed up with my life
  76. Sleep problem/anxiety
  77. falling apart
  78. Does it ever get better??
  79. Can feel depression setting in.
  80. Hold on tight.....
  81. I Think I Understand Now
  82. Bipolar
  83. Advice needed for Bipolar
  84. My psychiatrist said I'm useless
  85. I'm so pathetic
  86. The gift
  87. Words of wisdom please...
  88. I'm trying so hard!
  89. Enough.
  90. Anyone out there?
  91. porn
  92. Go away lump of dough in my gut!!!!!!
  93. Really Need Someone to Talk to
  94. Bored, fed up, down...meh!!!
  95. It's a Wonderful Life
  96. so down and depressed
  97. Had enough...got to pull myself together.
  98. A Christmas Story
  99. Low from the flu
  100. Hate this!
  101. Feeling down
  102. I used to feel low
  103. "Sad Lisa"
  104. Post Christmas Depression??
  105. Spending too much money - does anyone else do this when low?
  106. A new low, how much worse can life get? (long sorry).
  107. getting the feeling i shouldnt be here
  108. Some advice?
  109. no friends
  110. new years eve - feeling sorry for myself
  111. Christmas Depression...
  112. Feeling worse than ever
  113. feel like giving up
  114. depressed because I can't sleep!
  115. Decisions
  116. so down
  117. Scared
  118. what do you do to study ?
  119. Lonliness is killing me
  120. Which is the best...
  121. What do I do?
  122. help i feel so low and depressed.
  123. help
  124. Work and Depression
  125. Does anyone experience waking up in the nght in a cold sweat???
  126. Please help!!
  127. struggling still - no way out
  128. What I can't say!
  129. Feeling scared, anxious, spaced out
  130. Bad sleep problems plz help
  131. is it just me
  132. Not sure what to do...
  133. Constantly back to square one
  134. Help - dont know what to do?
  135. End of my tether
  136. Depression
  137. please can someone help me/give me advice?
  138. Hopefully a new start
  139. dont know whats wrong
  140. fears
  141. First day off sick...
  142. Does one cause the other?
  143. Cant cope today
  144. Im a bit new to all this
  145. cant go out on my own
  146. I want it to stop!
  147. what should I do?
  148. totally lost and despairing
  149. is this it?
  150. Domestic Abuse
  151. Meds & pregnancy
  152. Feeling Alone
  153. What if "Living In The Present" is hell?
  154. still having problems
  155. Coping... how do I do "life as usual"?
  156. hi new here
  157. Please HELP, is this normal? i'm so scared
  158. Nothing
  159. newbi
  160. worried
  161. Downhill spiral
  162. Some advice please
  163. a bad week end
  164. does any one....
  165. relationship and depression ....
  166. For one day I wish.......
  167. Panic and Butterflies
  168. Some people mess with other peoples brains?
  169. Missing out
  170. Hi Im new and feel like im losing my mind .. i just wanna feel normal
  171. How do I stop this cycle?
  172. Do you hide your depresion/PA's?
  173. Coming off anti-depressants.... I CAN do this!!
  174. flat as a pancake.....................
  175. Anybody out there like this...?
  176. A glimmer of Hope....read on!!
  177. Still feel horrid
  178. Anxiety, insomnia, low self esteem, anyone familiar?
  179. For one day
  180. Fight or Flight
  181. Depression Causing Physical Illness
  182. Totally listless!
  183. dunno what to do
  184. Please help me...
  185. Can't take much more
  186. Feeling really low
  187. photo
  188. NHS and Occupational Health
  189. Relationships - Do actions really speak louder than words ?
  190. Alone, Depressed & Terrified Help PLEASE
  191. never thought i was suffering from depression..
  192. Still feeling low and depressed.....
  193. Just wanting to be alone.
  194. Afternoon naps
  195. what would you do?
  196. i dont feel real..
  197. I feel like rubbish!!!
  198. Forget the world
  199. Solitude
  200. bout to have a panic attack!
  201. Hi - anxiety/depression & medication!
  202. confused about doc's advice
  203. telling people?
  204. tired of hiding my depression
  205. constantly feeling low...
  206. Do you worry about what people say?
  207. any1 been put on mirtazapine(zispin) tablets
  208. do u feel your doctors dont listen to you as u have depression
  209. Did anyone else suffer abuse as a child?
  210. first day on my zispin tablets
  211. Really REALLY tired of feeling so lonely ._.
  212. diazepam making depression worse?
  213. Unable to cope
  214. Told My Kids I Hate Them !
  215. feeling the pressure of my illness.
  216. The need to be needed
  217. Desperately Cheesed Off With Depression.
  218. i need to have a rant crisis team etc..... ?
  219. afraid this will never end...
  220. For Emma xxx
  221. Can anyone help with Mirtazapine question please?
  222. I'm so fu**ing fed up of not being able to sleep !
  223. Jobs and depression
  224. Another (Perhaps Slightly Unusual) Virginity Thread
  225. I don't know
  226. Sertraline
  227. Vitamins/Minerals
  228. So depressed and in despair
  229. I need to share this
  230. feeling really bad
  231. is it my depressions tablets that have put loads of weight on me?
  232. john kabat zinn on youtube
  233. Not able to cope
  234. homeless, frightend,finding it hard too cope
  235. Feeling low, useless and worthless
  236. I want to give up...but I keep seeing my kids faces......
  237. I just want to stay in bed
  238. Happy but crying.
  239. Lonely
  240. depression and work
  241. A Londoner's State of distress.
  242. is this depression?
  243. getting worse
  244. Alcohol abuse and gross misconduct
  245. sooo
  246. were do i start ?
  247. Anyone in Woking area so alone.
  248. I've been such an idiot!
  249. ups and downs
  250. Unemployed - sit around the house most days