View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. Friend coming to stay with me for week causing me stress/anxiety
  2. frustrated by lack of direction
  3. In hospital
  4. I feel like my world has collapsed
  5. trouble swallowing
  6. does anyone else feel like this?
  7. Songs popping in my head most of the day
  8. Anxiety
  9. Loss of appetite - how long?
  10. Laughter Yoga
  11. please help!! always lightheaded etc..do I have anxiety?
  12. Falling in and out of love
  13. help
  14. Looking forward to it so why anxious?
  15. Not gone away!!!
  16. Depersonalized during exams !
  17. Promising Book
  18. Help needed!
  19. citalopram good news !!
  20. First Step for Me!
  21. In general - how long can you stay on meds
  22. Paroxetine (seroxat)
  23. feeling weird
  24. Muscle spasms/shaking
  25. A well-worn groove
  26. Beat it once will do it again whatever i have to face
  27. STRUGGLING - Help
  28. feel aboslutely awful
  29. fear of a damp wall in my room
  30. Persistent feeling of embarrassment
  31. Anxiety, Loss of appetite and weight loss
  32. Increased sensitivity whilst on Citalopram
  33. Some one please give me avice
  34. Jumping to conclusions?
  35. Supposed to be going abroad in May
  36. Cant deal with stress
  37. God is the answer
  38. Teacher with anxiety/depression - help!
  39. Guys I need your help!!!!!
  40. is it me?
  41. fed up with constant setbacks or blips
  42. New Job
  44. advice
  45. I am feeling really really strange!! PLS HELP!
  46. fear of Schizophrenia
  47. why's everything such a challenge..
  48. School pressure reversing my recovery process :(
  49. Can't get through a day something wrong with me
  50. something im finding helpful!
  51. Help again please
  52. Is worrying as usual.
  53. New here. Think I am suffering from anxiety. Desperately seeking a cure.
  54. Anxiety over my children
  55. What should I do about work?
  56. does anxiety come from deep rooted problems
  57. massive panic attack - advice please
  58. girls nite out
  59. Anxiety - First time asking for help / advice
  60. Tickly cough
  61. FISH OIL REACTION & Omega 3's
  62. bladder issues
  63. feel pressured
  64. so tell me about gaba
  65. Issues getting on top of me.
  66. racing intrusive thoughts
  67. serious anxiety, worried for no reason!
  68. horrible new symptom
  69. Need Extra Anxiety Advice Urgently Please
  70. Scary thoughts
  71. My Site
  72. Will this cure me?
  73. Confused.
  74. GAD and grieving
  75. New to all this
  76. I'm scared today
  77. Mornings are exceptionally hard
  78. An Open Letter to My Anxiety
  79. my anxiety symptoms
  80. neck and head sensation
  81. Has anyone been able to live happily with an anxiety disorder ?
  82. When someone does not understand about your anxiety?
  83. slight problem!
  84. not sure whats happening :(
  85. Anxiety and work
  86. Dating and relationships
  87. Intrusive thoughts taking over
  88. despreately need reassurance re prozac
  89. 5-HTP - increase in anxiety
  90. seroquel- increased anxiety
  91. Citalopram
  92. Cold drugs
  93. Ethromycin (antibiotics)
  94. How
  95. At long last
  96. any1 feel like talking? bad rlelaitonships
  97. The waiting game
  98. Can any one give me some advice
  99. Changing meds advice
  100. tickly feeling in stomach
  101. What a week!!!
  102. Has anyone else felt like this?
  103. email friends wanted, and has anyone drank to self medicate?
  104. Tough one - does anyone get anxious about religious stuff?
  105. Don't feel anxious but I am not feeling like supposed to, like I did...
  106. Dont feel like me any more
  107. Please help!
  108. Struggling with acceptance to get better
  109. Ohhh my God... (slightly graphic)
  110. Please i really need your advice...does anyone else have this bizarre symptom?
  111. Having a very hard time
  112. Side and back pains with anxiety
  113. Bursting In To Tears
  114. Anxious about new school.
  115. Work
  116. Getting better
  117. Good ending to a rough week
  118. Can any one please tell me if this is normal
  119. Long Journey With My Anxiety!!!!!!!
  120. Worried....again
  121. extra boost of meds for depressive episodes
  122. Having trouble sleeping
  123. Feeling detached, worried I'm losing it
  124. sore throat
  125. Anxiety just won't go away
  126. head sensation eye problems
  127. how do you be you again
  128. Does crying help?
  129. Medication side effects
  130. Self esteem
  131. never give up
  132. Reaction to Sertraline :-(
  133. did anyone of you get this???
  134. Does anyone get like this?
  135. issues with food and eating in company
  136. The expectancy/distraction techniques
  137. Any Good Night Sleep Tips?
  138. on edge!!
  139. No Confidence
  140. therapist recommendation
  141. Dont want this to carry on nomore
  142. Amoxcillin????
  143. Feeling really down :((
  144. Questions
  145. anyone have major anxiety about being alone???
  146. numb arms
  147. returning to work
  148. why am i feeling like this :-(
  149. The Big Shock that is Anxiety
  150. Back After 3 Years
  151. Really frustrated...
  152. feeling sorry for myself
  153. Can't eat
  154. something weird is happening to me at work
  155. can someone help me
  156. its all too much
  157. worried about hurting baby
  158. Feeling depressed
  159. Anyone struggling with agoraphobia and drinks alcohol to be able to go out?????
  160. Sick of Struggling
  161. dreams
  162. Rock Rose and Mimulus
  163. PLEASE help, can't cope anymore, in danger of turning to valium
  164. A bit disappointed
  165. Seeing a Councillor.....?
  166. Need some encouragement
  167. Has anyone read this book?
  168. i think im mad!!!
  169. Insomnia link with my anxiety?
  170. just feel defeated
  171. Deja Vu!
  172. getting better scares me? is this normal.. so upset
  173. closing in on me
  174. palpitations, again
  175. Not quite sure what i'm doing!
  176. Can never say whats wrong
  177. Cant take anymore
  178. Anxiety and boredom
  179. 21 year old dad, needs advise please!
  180. Advice on returning to work please!
  181. Is there treatment available for psychosomatic illnesses?
  182. Anxiety and how it impacts ....any thoughts?
  183. Help me please - PTSD
  184. Need to chill out!
  185. a bit of support please x
  186. Please help ;(
  187. night sweats
  188. 6months of anxiety -
  189. General Anxiety
  190. Need Encouragement
  191. I have to go to the doctors in 45 mins :(
  192. why I love this forum
  193. deep breathing
  194. Going though a 'mad patch' again...
  195. To scared to audition...
  196. Please help me
  197. does anyone else feel not all there ?
  198. Can any one please give me some advice
  199. Hope this might help someone.. and a quick update
  200. its back
  201. Rheumatology appointment..?carpal tunnel
  202. Pressure in upper stomach
  203. scared
  204. Recovered (again), but now my life is gaining pace I'm finding it tricky...
  205. morning worst for me - anyone else
  206. so unhappy today..
  207. How can I get better sleep?
  208. i cant live like this anymore
  209. panick attack in bed...advice
  210. what do you do in the day to prevent anxiety?
  211. House fire fear
  212. there is NO trigger....help
  213. If these sick intrusive thoughts dont stop...i will end it
  214. really worried
  215. I made an offer to buy a house...having anxiety
  216. anxiety and keyed up feeling
  217. Anxiety after talking to people with happier lives!
  218. Bored with anxiety...
  219. Parent Nightmares
  220. Something New and Different - Feeling Robotic
  221. Hmm what to do?
  222. Where's that independence feeling everyone talked about?
  223. Having serious problems again with reality.
  224. How can I stop imminent redundancy triggering of anxiety again?
  225. why does this happen worried
  226. its all good today
  227. Update :(
  228. Anyone Tried Bach's Rescue Remedy?
  229. Its my Birthday... and i feel dreadful!!
  230. Mouth doesn't feel like its mine.
  231. cant even use a pc anymore without feeling like im being stalked and getting anxious?
  232. seriously...someone tell me what the point is :(
  233. Help emotional ?
  234. forgiveness
  235. not feeling well everyday!!
  236. Pills? or something.....
  237. does anyone get these symptoms?
  238. advice please
  239. going mad !
  240. sensitivity in bottom front teeth
  241. Anxiety
  242. Anxiety after hospital stay?
  243. Feel so alone and unloved
  244. Getting a referral to a psychiatrist
  245. Physical pressure makes me more anxious
  246. Doing some volunteer work
  247. Hormones and anxiety
  248. Trauma
  249. just wondering
  250. maybe swallowed a piece of glass?