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  1. Having debilitating health anxiety after illnesses (3 replies)
  2. Recognizing my spiral, but still spiraling! (2 replies)
  3. Tender scalp behind ear (3 replies)
  4. Should I go to the er??? (88 replies)
  5. Pain at the base of neck on right side, thinking the worst (4 replies)
  6. Humorous exchange between myself and anxiety (2 replies)
  7. not dead lol (2 replies)
  8. Please help :( long post (1 replies)
  9. Eye Shaking / Dizziness. Terrified! (1 replies)
  10. Night sweats? (4 replies)
  11. What is this? (1 replies)
  12. Another skin problem (10 replies)
  13. Interesting self therapy. (0 replies)
  14. Cannot sneeze (2 replies)
  15. Spine pain (27 replies)
  16. Exercise/diet for HA management (5 replies)
  17. Blood pressure (6 replies)
  18. Dizzy when I stretch torso (0 replies)
  19. Blue flash at night brain tumors/seizure? (33 replies)
  20. Head in the sand approach (1 replies)
  21. GI wont do more tests, freaking out (7 replies)
  22. Traveling by myself (1 replies)
  23. How do you get Dr to take you seriously?? (7 replies)
  24. at my whits end with shortness of breath feeling (1 replies)
  25. Eye Dr. Blood pressure, glaucoma? (9 replies)
  26. Exercise triggered panic attack or something more sinister? (7 replies)
  27. Pain in finger joint and same old routine (2 replies)
  28. Constant need to take a deep breath and not managing it. (5 replies)
  29. Ok. So I am freaking out (1 replies)
  30. scared of BSE/Mad Cow Disease (4 replies)
  31. Lymph node on jaw for 3 months. (1 replies)
  32. Extreme Fatigue (9 replies)
  33. Accidentally ate undercooked chicken (8 replies)
  34. Mole Panic (36 replies)
  35. Health anxiety making my life hell. So many fears. (2 replies)
  36. This maybe a long shot but... reaction to Dexamethasone (0 replies)
  37. Brown spots under skin on fingers and splinter hemorraghes on toes (10 replies)
  38. Swollen lymph nodes for 6 years?! Could it be cancer?! (2 replies)
  39. Worried about lymphoma (1 replies)
  40. Panicking over Urologist appt (12 replies)
  41. Acanthocytes - Causing anxiety (2 replies)
  42. Sinuses (8 replies)
  43. What is this?!?! Anxiety or something worse? (0 replies)
  44. Random itchy welt (4 replies)
  45. Health anxiety returns (10 replies)
  46. Waking at night weak shaky (2 replies)
  47. Back again! Constant Acid Reflux and stomach discomfort (29 replies)
  48. Terrified of DVT please help (33 replies)
  49. PLease help, sure I have kidney cancer, so scared (8 replies)
  50. Trying not to have a panic attack (4 replies)
  51. Worried about Cancer (0 replies)
  52. Been trying to lose some weight but now worried about it beinc cause of cancer (11 replies)
  53. Lumps.. (1 replies)
  54. High Variant Lymphs On Blood Test (2 replies)
  55. Beau’s lines on toenails...please help (5 replies)
  56. nose bleeds (0 replies)
  57. New levels of HA (3 replies)
  58. this is ridiculous, right? (11 replies)
  59. Scared of sporadic fatal insomnia (2 replies)
  60. Has anyone here been "cured" of their health anxiety? (5 replies)
  61. feel like my fears are finally coming true: sore armpit for a few weeks now?? (14 replies)
  62. Black spot on tooth freaking out (3 replies)
  63. weird dropping sensation (1 replies)
  64. Cleaned up Mold.. scared.. (7 replies)
  65. Has anyone else had painless swollen lymph nodes for a long period of time? (11 replies)
  66. Health Anxiety is Killing Me.... (1 replies)
  67. Difference between anxiety chest pains and heart attack? (5 replies)
  68. Complex Liver Cyst (4 replies)
  69. Leukemia or lymphoma? (11 replies)
  70. Back with more heart fears AND stomach issues (0 replies)
  71. Waking up in the middle of the night thinking i’m dying (2 replies)
  72. Good day bad day its still sunday (1 replies)
  73. Should I see a private consultant? Health anxiety ruining my life. (5 replies)
  74. So scared stomach/pancreas/colon issue? (7 replies)
  75. Worried :( (1 replies)
  76. scared of chest pain (5 replies)
  77. Sudden Weight Loss triggering CA fears again (6 replies)
  78. Restless Leg Syndrome or neuropathy? (3 replies)
  79. Still anxious after all clear from doctors (1 replies)
  80. Help. So much despair. Any cancer survivors here? Trigger alert (71 replies)
  81. ALS Fears!! I have read the pinned thread (14 replies)
  82. Tension Headache and bilateral shoulder pain? (4 replies)
  83. How do you cope after googling? Also, some tips I have learned along the way (10 replies)
  84. Blister burst sepsis (3 replies)
  85. Relapse - Ovarian Cancer Fear (1 replies)
  86. Entering another year with this horrible mental health :( (0 replies)
  87. Recurrent nausea - here we go again... (4 replies)
  88. Hard lump after kick to side of shin (5 replies)
  89. Can TMJ cause any kind of swelling? (4 replies)
  90. Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer (6 replies)
  91. Itchy when hot (1 replies)
  92. Worried about my child!!!! (7 replies)
  93. White type ulcer in mouth no pain at all (2 replies)
  94. Trapped wind nearly every day! Anyone else? (3 replies)
  95. Headache- brain tumour worries (3 replies)
  96. Is it MS? Or Cancer? Or some undiscovered disease? (5 replies)
  97. Bone cancer fear (6 replies)
  98. Need support: Dr has ordered diagnostic mammogram (42 replies)
  99. PITA and anxiety (8 replies)
  100. Pitting edema soles of feet (91 replies)
  101. Struggling (0 replies)
  102. Normal people don’t check. (22 replies)
  103. It's been a while (8 replies)
  104. Afraid of drug poisoning (3 replies)
  105. Increased anxiety while sick (5 replies)
  106. Having a tough time.. lymph nodes (3 replies)
  107. Anyone ever had a cold that wont go away? (7 replies)
  108. Convinced that I have bladder cancer... (3 replies)
  109. Now that the holidays are over... (3 replies)
  110. New year thoughts (7 replies)
  111. 4 months and still fretting slightly (5 replies)
  112. constant worry about breathing (1 replies)
  113. Itchy Brain Help (7 replies)
  114. Woke up today with a bloodshot eye and straight it away that set me off! (3 replies)
  115. Pituitary Tumor fear (2 replies)
  116. Feel week and shaky all over (1 replies)
  117. I want it to stop (5 replies)
  118. Swollen lymph node *under* collar bone (16 replies)
  119. Loose, slur, mispronounce words anyone? (2 replies)
  120. Skin Cancer! Terrified! (23 replies)
  121. throat issues (4 replies)
  122. blood in spit (8 replies)
  123. Worried insomnia is a disease symptom. (0 replies)
  124. 13 month old had to get an X-ray. I googled. Now upset. (7 replies)
  125. Split second blindness..or just heavy blink (1 replies)
  126. Index finger twitch!! (8 replies)
  127. Worrying about kids health (6 replies)
  128. Controlling anxiety during flu season? (5 replies)
  129. Anxiety causing symptoms (3 replies)
  130. Going out my mind with worry needs opinions please!!!! (10 replies)
  131. Banged my head days ago (7 replies)
  132. White patch inside mouth? Help! (11 replies)
  133. Eye hurts to move- so scared! (11 replies)
  134. Has anyone had this? (2 replies)
  135. Rib and back pain in both sides anyone had this ?? (5 replies)
  136. Leg discomfort and worried about blood clots (26 replies)
  137. I need reassurance please, not great doctors appt. (5 replies)
  138. Worst Fears all Together (3 replies)
  139. Swollen lymph nodes under armpit (3 replies)
  140. Terrified don’t know what to do (153 replies)
  141. Anyone have Acid reflux? woke up choking (12 replies)
  142. MS fear ruined my life (14 replies)
  143. Coughing causing pulled stomach muscle? (3 replies)
  144. Remember RLR? (4 replies)
  145. Health Anxiety: Brain Damage (10 replies)
  146. Cut elbow with small glass flake (2 replies)
  147. Got triggered in work (7 replies)
  148. Boyfriend is ALWAYS tired (5 replies)
  149. Oh man, I failed hard today...(disease trigger warn) (49 replies)
  150. Tiny bony lump wrist (6 replies)
  151. Ugh vomiting just cheer me up (4 replies)
  152. Really? Avocados! (21 replies)
  153. Bony lump lower jaw - worried (2 replies)
  154. Peeing frequently, hunger pangs, tired (49 replies)
  155. Just Found Out I’m Pregnant and Need Some Guidance (8 replies)
  156. Fever two days after starting antibiotics? (1 replies)
  157. A long hard road: thoracic pain and breathlessness (0 replies)
  158. Aches and pains (2 replies)
  159. Convinced my 3 year old has a brain tumor (6 replies)
  160. Christmas Stresses (2 replies)
  161. Ruined my Christmas with fear over a rare gentic disease (3 replies)
  162. Walls/doorways moving/breathing? Anyone else get this (1 replies)
  163. Sore groin lymph nodes...worried about lymphoma?? Lymph node fears are back (8 replies)
  164. MS worry. (3 replies)
  165. Worried about lump base of mouth, argh (10 replies)
  166. Multiple back lumps, back mice? (7 replies)
  167. Bronchitis? (1 replies)
  168. Doing well, but funerals, death of cat, etc... upping anxiety (2 replies)
  169. Abdominal pain for Christmas (14 replies)
  170. Help for health anxiety, might help some people (1 replies)
  171. Forearm pains, heart attack? (5 replies)
  172. Brain tumor fear (6 replies)
  173. Has anyone found relief from dizziness/vertigo? (8 replies)
  174. H pylori meds ? Right side abs or stomach pain (13 replies)
  175. Help needed with HIV testing (6 replies)
  176. Does it look like melanoma? (8 replies)
  177. Scared I have ALS (14 replies)
  178. Convinced myself that I have lymphoma (2 replies)
  179. Worried about my boyfriend. (9 replies)
  180. Another ALS fear post (18 replies)
  181. Anyone ever had a watery liquid leak out of nose? (16 replies)
  182. Worried about pain in back passage area (42 replies)
  183. Bad taste in mouth all day with back pain and and rib pain (4 replies)
  184. Worried I could have high blood pressure (13 replies)
  185. 'Tis the season....for upper respiratory infections. (1 replies)
  186. Is this seborrheic keratosis or something ominous? (9 replies)
  187. Armpit pain and redness, scared? (1 replies)
  188. Ovarian Cancer - Please help I'm so scared (13 replies)
  189. Huge bruising after blood gas test (2 replies)
  190. Hantavirus scare! Panicking (15 replies)
  191. Should i be concerned? (1 replies)
  192. Blocked ear but ear is fine!! (3 replies)
  193. Stress levels are SO high right now! (8 replies)
  194. Had a werid dream? (1 replies)
  195. Multiple health worries (1 replies)
  196. Please help, respiratory [post viral] issues driving me nuts! (8 replies)
  197. Me and infections. (12 replies)
  198. breathed in vacuum exhaust from hospital sweeper/vacuum cleaner? (2 replies)
  199. Multiple swollen lymph nodes in neck with elevated white blood cell count (26 replies)
  200. Fluid behind ear drum (0 replies)
  201. Yet Another Bone Cancer Scare.... (2 replies)
  202. Worried about wieght loss (12 replies)
  203. Concerning, focused upper back pain (72 replies)
  204. Back pain and pain with deep breaths (2 replies)
  205. Mid Back pain wraps around to sternum (2 replies)
  206. Worried about lower back tumours (1 replies)
  207. Looking for advice on how to overcome health anxiety (3 replies)
  208. Going out tonight and I’m feeling so anxious :( (5 replies)
  209. Pots diagnosis scared (2 replies)
  210. Fear of Sporadic fatal insomnia (16 replies)
  211. Waking up with damp pillow/t-shirt (18 replies)
  212. New here - my health anxiety story (3 replies)
  213. ill try and describe my shortness of breath as best i can (0 replies)
  214. Can't stop picking nose scab I myself created! Cancer anxiety! (16 replies)
  215. Ms or parkinsons (13 replies)
  216. Mild concussion (3 replies)
  217. Does anyone else worry about blood clots in the leg all the time?? (15 replies)
  218. Abnormal cortisol blood test .....freaking out (5 replies)
  219. Painful lump under right ribs (2 replies)
  220. New Member—My health anxiety story (2 replies)
  221. Prednisone medication making my leukemia fears even worse. (2 replies)
  222. Worried about Heart Attack (16 replies)
  223. Headache worries (3 replies)
  224. Neck pain or meningitis (2 replies)
  225. Poisoned by hand soap? (6 replies)
  226. Fear I’m dying! (11 replies)
  227. Leukemia Worries (8 replies)
  228. Blood pressure different on each arm (11 replies)
  229. Does reading about illnesses trigger you? (7 replies)
  230. Pressure behind nose (anxiety) (6 replies)
  231. Finding out about hereditary diseases - Catch 22 (6 replies)
  232. Just really struggling right now. (4 replies)
  233. Visible shaking legs and hand keeps cramping up (5 replies)
  234. Severe Health Anxiety (4 replies)
  235. Chest pain? Not sure what to do. (16 replies)
  236. Collarbone discomfort (2 replies)
  237. Does anyone have tiny BENIGN freckles that change shape a little? (4 replies)
  238. Body jerks day time (2 replies)
  239. Fibre glass installation worried (5 replies)
  240. Really worried about getting cholesterol results tomorrow (11 replies)
  241. My mother may have throat cancer? (1 replies)
  242. Lymph Nodes - Sigh Lymphoma (6 replies)
  243. Really scared I have aneurysm or something (24 replies)
  244. Beetroot and pink urine (8 replies)
  245. Old lump on shin, new panic. (3 replies)
  246. Weird head / brain jolt feeling (5 replies)
  247. Oral cancer fear (8 replies)
  248. How to get past it. (3 replies)
  249. Fungus or melanoma (93 replies)
  250. Hyperfocusing on symptoms (5 replies)