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  1. I've hit a low point - feeling very afraid
  2. (Possible trigger.)Muscles sore like I worked out but haven’t.
  3. Sporadic fatal insomnia
  4. Sharp pain off and on lower abdomen left side
  5. Strange red pinprick spots on lower legs
  6. Help
  7. Swollen collarbone
  8. C Diff Worries
  9. Panic over fungus and pain
  10. Leukemia fears
  11. Schizophrenia!?
  12. Health anxiety and major life changes
  13. Twitches in face
  14. Nose tingling
  15. Nasty Cat Scratch
  16. I am really struggling with vision issues - please help!
  17. Could my anxiety be causing this?
  18. Lung cancer pathway UK question
  19. Influenza B
  20. Worried starting Valdoxan will make me worse
  21. Logging My Health Anxiety!
  22. How to cope with HA about children?
  23. Right-sided back pain - pulled muscle or kidney issue??
  24. Health anxiety and shingles
  25. Worried I have no future? Health Anxiety
  26. Hand Twitches and Shakes when I type
  27. Visible blood in urine
  28. Lump in Lower Back, worried about Sarcoma Cancer
  29. Anxiety and how it manifests - ??
  30. More Tonsil issues - Struggling again
  31. Worried About Feeling in Throat
  32. Those that have had the flu this year....
  33. My mom's HA and her elbow cyst
  34. I know I am not the first one with lymph nodes, but please read
  35. Shaking thumb. Please help me be rational.
  36. Two years ago i did an x-ray chest without grown
  37. Skin cancer worries
  38. Cold or Flu...Spiraling
  39. I do not think therapy is working.
  40. Bad Piles and really scared (TMI I know)
  41. Just looking for some friendly words, and although I shouldn’t,maybe some reassurance
  42. Acid reflux so scared nothing working
  43. Incredibly high anxiety
  44. Counsellor had coughing fit during my appointment really worried
  45. Do you remember the moment your health anxiety started?
  46. Sudden weird feeling in chest?
  47. Amazed at the power of anxiety
  48. Breast Cancer/lymphoma fears...need support
  49. How long can a cough linger?
  50. Loss of smell
  51. Insomnia
  52. Having a Hard Time
  53. Anxiety and asthma is a nightmare
  54. Bloody nose?
  55. Started waking up in the middle of the night to pee
  56. Fatigue triggers anxiety.
  57. Worried about lymphoma
  58. An antibiotic to treat anxiety?
  59. Holidays and anxiety - a silly story
  60. Fell on my butt and scared I have a concussion!
  61. Fear of dying from flu or sepsis from flu
  62. Blood in snot
  63. Red patch on tonsil
  64. Neurological worries. Sad.
  65. Worried about sepsis
  66. Terrified of DVT, warm sensations in calf/ankle
  67. Could I have mouth cancer? Feel bump on floor of my mouth after eating!
  68. Unable to keep Brain Tumour anxiety in check
  69. Nose pressure for 3 weeks
  70. Another annoying flu post .... sorry!
  71. brain tumour worries
  72. Help
  73. Spiralling out of control (blood clot)
  74. Question related to my cat, please read
  75. Found a dead Rat buried in garden while gardening will I get a disease? Panicking
  76. The health anxiety to end all health anxiety - fill your boots!
  77. Immune system not working as it should
  78. Neurological symptoms
  79. Reacting to the pressures of life with a massive brain tumour fear
  80. Keep checking my tongue feel like I’m losing my mind
  81. Headaches and off vision
  82. Speck of blood in phlegm - please calm me down!
  83. Afraid of having pneumonia
  84. Anal skin tag has changed!!!
  85. Lymph Nodes or Submandibular Salivary Glands? Looking for advice!
  86. Virus lasting eight weeks
  87. When to worry about back/hip pain?
  88. Numb right thigh in pregnancy and freaking out over other stuff with husband :(
  89. Headache/scalp strain
  90. Help please. So breathless
  91. Concerned about tetanus
  92. Worried about esophageal c
  93. Tight throat, mucus and blocked nose
  94. Worried about my daughter......
  95. Boyfriend experiencing Chest pain
  96. Hypochondria
  97. Sleep apnea
  98. Lymph node worries
  99. Early Alzheimer's obsession back and I Googled.....
  100. Child's fever not letting up
  101. Flash when looking side to side in bright room
  102. heartbeat body rocking
  103. Getting Older!
  104. Lymphoma/leukemia fears
  105. Should I be worried about 5 year old’s fevers?
  106. Idea of starting a podcast !!
  107. Is it possible to feel ‘normal’ again with health anxiety?
  108. How to get over the fear of medical tests?
  109. Just Having Anxiety Today Need Some Insight
  110. Watching a mirror of HA take place on a global level with Covid 19
  111. Getting older 👵🏻
  112. Tension causing mucus
  113. Health Anxiety out of control
  114. Sudden fatigue/bladder pressure/hip pain/bloating
  115. Worried I have Melanoma under my toenail
  116. I have had HA all my life and now I have brain tumor symptoms - I'm scared :(
  117. Can you get an Amoeba from breathing dirt while gardening?
  118. Copd
  119. My health anxiety is back and i need help
  120. Spot......
  121. Tonsil/throat concerns, possible lymph nodes?
  122. Have to help myself
  123. Chest Pain
  124. Itching/Stabbing Feeling
  125. Hard to breathe?
  126. Back with brain tumor worries.
  127. Here’s what you should be REALLY worried about
  128. I don’t know what’s wrong with me
  129. Nausea is back
  130. Neuropathy Being Ignored ?
  131. *trigger warning* Does reassurance really help?
  132. 10 Year Anniversary of my first post on here
  133. I had pre cancerous cells. Diagnosed.
  134. Very Weak, Almost Passed out This Morning
  135. Weak, shaky, flutters and constant anxiety
  136. Mole and muscle worries
  137. Went to the doctors
  138. Lumps under skin?
  139. Hand sanitizer causing rash?
  140. Slipping Rib Syndrome?
  141. Massive anxiety
  142. Steroid cream over-use
  143. Brain fears
  144. Sticky About Covid
  145. I thought I was over this
  146. Advice needed (possible triggers)
  147. Different type of thread; I'm writing a novel about hypochondria
  148. Head pressure and brain fog please help
  149. sore vein in forehead ? just need some reassurance 💛
  150. Elevated iGE levels in blood test
  151. Too far gone now it feels :(
  152. IBS???
  153. Please, can everyone with health anxiety read this urgently
  154. Crazy anxious and left side collarbone pain
  155. Loss of smell when have a cold?
  156. twitching/jerking?
  157. Asbestos. Need some rational thinking please
  158. Symptoms after using old nasal inhaler
  159. Was bleeding the radiator and accidentally spayed myself in the face and eye
  160. Is this a skin tag?
  161. Found a bony lump on my right knee. No doctors because of lockdown
  162. Struggling, was doing so well - need some support
  163. Back Again - Headaches, Weird Sensation and Brain Tumour Worries
  164. How to get over this anxious thought?
  165. Yawning all day and can't seem to get enough air down
  166. Scared I might have leukaemia??
  167. Shortness of breathe
  168. Try not to go to your doctor - you could save lives
  169. Ice cold feet - temporarily turn a purplish color
  170. On and off back pain
  171. Hot flushes
  172. Weight loss what's normal?
  173. Major Autoimmune/Scleroderma Fear
  174. Pain around lower chest after swallowing
  175. Twitching in my thigh
  176. Sudden weakness
  177. Brain tumor worries
  178. Vision went black for a second
  179. Asbestos or just plaster board? Scared and worried
  180. Lump under jaw
  181. Bitter taste in mouth
  182. Boiled a kettle which had water in it from a week ago, legionnaires disease?
  183. Near panic attack again?
  184. Had a bad night's sleep even with Trazodone. Fatal Insomnia?
  185. Does exercise help when HA is very bad?
  186. Worried my sister has Leukemia
  187. Help please!
  188. Back with headache (brain tumour anxiety)
  189. Lymph node worry
  190. 12 yr old daughter's feet don't feel right
  191. Headaches, triggering
  192. Visual disturbance
  193. coughing from one lung??????
  194. Struggling again
  195. Chest and back pain/ache
  196. Chicken Juice
  197. Sinus problems worried
  198. Lymphoma
  199. Scared of unexplained symptoms
  200. Wire brushed green algae of fences, worried about the spores i might have breathed in
  201. Tongue ulcer
  202. Trying not to worry, over thinking everything and I feel terrified
  203. Help please. Cracked/broken rib. Pain! Heads a mess
  204. Strange sensation in my right arm (occasional)
  205. Hot, dizzy and faint feeling before going to the loo!
  206. Saw a rat in my garden now worried about contracting Hantavirus
  207. Skin very hot to touch but no high temp?
  208. Looking for some rational words
  209. Feel like can’t breathe normally / will stop breathing
  210. Blood in urine reply
  211. Anxiety about accessing care
  212. My mum has a swollen foot/ankle - very worried
  213. Picked a stubborn spot, could it be SC?
  214. Reassurance
  215. Pelvic lumps
  216. Leukemia worries in teenage son
  217. Submandibular glands...can you feel them normally?
  218. Borderline D-dimer and possible DVT?
  219. Is too much dark chocolate bad for you?
  220. Lump in thigh
  221. Sore bum
  222. Clammy Hands and horrible sleep.
  223. Struggling so much, feeling like giving up
  224. Pigment dispersion syndrome
  225. Amsler Grid and Eye Anxiety
  226. Worried about my sleep quality recently
  227. lymph node anxiety
  228. Pops in lower stomach when moving something
  229. A burning feeling AFTER I pee
  230. Upper back pain in between shoulder blades
  231. Do you have nightmares about the illnesses you fear having?
  232. Headaches - to worry?
  233. Worried used Neti pot
  234. Blood blisters in mouth
  235. Upper back pain and breathing difficulty
  236. alzheimers or dementia
  237. Scared as hell for fatal insomnia!
  238. Eye scare.
  239. Was near rust particles worried i have breathed some in..
  240. Worried about something!
  241. Looking for help?
  242. Drooping eyelid/Ptosis
  243. Just so exhausted
  244. Is this irrational - brain eating amoeba worry
  245. Hi, again, just dropping by to leave an update.
  246. Health Anxiety by proxy
  247. Big anfiety
  248. Slight pain in chest since last night?
  249. Occasional sharp stabbing pain on right side of head
  250. Peripheral Vision