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  1. back after 5 years :(
  2. What is this itching? Cancer?
  3. Panic attack?
  4. Worried about visual symptoms
  5. Health Anxiety Worries.
  6. brave and scared.
  7. Constant headaches 3 months
  8. Not really fearing things as much..
  9. Colonoscopy
  10. Is this normal upon waking?
  11. Embarrassing Stool Related Question
  12. Worried about cut on dads head
  13. Lipoma
  14. Breast cancer fear
  15. Lymphoma
  16. anyone else get this?
  17. Just got eye test done question
  18. Heart bypass worried sick
  19. thyroid or neck lump - I am seriously screwed aren't I?
  20. Oxygen Saturation
  21. Do swollen lymphnodes always mean HIV?
  22. Can't cope anymore
  23. Fibre question
  24. Constant fear of leukemia. Petechiae spots??
  25. Stomach pulsations.. Weird?
  26. Worried about drooling
  27. Scared i have lymphoma
  28. I have full blown health anxiety again
  29. Need Help,Advice and/or Coping Strategy!
  30. Trying to Recover: Accepting Symptoms and Stopping Seeking Reassurance
  31. Dizziness, shortness of breath and dread triggered by alcohol initially but omngoing
  32. Scheer's phenomena
  33. Spacey feeling
  34. Swollen submandibular node I'm freaking OUT
  35. Tomorrow - cervical cancer
  36. Why do you have Health Anxiety
  37. Obsessive health anxiety
  38. Can someone help me? How do you get over health anxiety?
  39. Floating orb came across vision tonight
  40. Scared my new piercing is infected?
  41. Ambulance Accuracy
  42. Blister on finger
  43. Inderal question
  44. Tetanus fear back FFs, wooden skewer in thumb at work
  45. Should I be concerned? Or Am I just over reacting? HELP!
  46. Sore lump on head
  47. Exaggerating symptoms.
  48. I can't stop making myself anxious over hypoglycaemia fears :(
  49. Help please !
  50. Think I may have swallowed glass
  51. Abnormal blood test results - need support
  52. Seeing 1 spot in (both eyes) when looking up or sideways
  53. Worrying myself to death over swollen lymph nodes. HIV?
  54. Ladies - breast pain / sensitivity? Is this normal?
  55. Final piece of the puzzle
  56. My teeth ache so much
  57. Fractured hips. Am I overreacting here?
  58. Having a wobble- tiredness
  59. MS? So so so worried!
  60. Can Anxiety Cause Swollen Lymph Nodes?
  61. How Long?
  62. Pain in neck and HA
  63. Tetanus fear
  64. Ear problems - anxious thoughts
  65. Potentially passing on colds (and flu) to others
  66. Continuous headaches
  67. Anxiety
  68. Foot injury
  69. Worried about moles on my back
  70. Air Embolism?
  71. Can HA be overcome?
  72. Random medication insomnia
  73. Stool question
  74. Brain tumor fear back
  75. Got to have a scan - panicking!
  76. Whitish tongue?
  77. Breathing in sand
  78. Problems with memory
  79. Hello
  80. High WBC amongst other things
  81. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
  82. Pins and needles hands and feet
  83. Moles cancer fear of dying!!!
  84. Something still doesn't feel right :( this testicle bump still has me concerened
  85. Help me please!!!!!
  86. Tips for avoiding Dr Google
  87. Lightheaded, fast heart rate, and head pressure
  88. What does your gastritis feel like?
  89. Intense anxiety and fear from Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD)
  90. Pregnancy scan and anxiety about loss
  91. Breast pain - please help :( :(
  92. Neck issues
  93. Dr Google I hate you!!!
  94. Mouth muscles
  95. Diziness and light headed
  96. Weird head feeling
  97. does anyone suffer from lupus on here?
  98. tumour of the salivary gland
  99. what is everybody's symptoms oh health anxiety
  100. Occasional cloudy urine that clears up when drinking more fluids
  101. need to take a deep breath
  102. Fallen Down Again
  103. new symptoms - hands and feet feel weak
  104. head injury?
  105. How did your health anxiety start?
  106. Exercise tips
  107. Aching jaw
  108. One red/pink dot won't fade
  109. Back again 'freckle' on sole of foot?!
  110. Headaches after cracking neck
  111. Early onset pancreatic cancer.
  112. Paranoid and anxious about Lung Cancer
  113. Part of rug messed with eyes....Brain tumour?!
  114. Dvt
  115. I got better in the most unexpected way..
  116. Tooth Abscess
  117. My ms fear story
  118. Foot problems
  119. How soon does dementia set in
  120. Extreme leukemia worries.
  121. Obsessed with Lymphoma
  122. Odd feeling top of neck with a lot of headaches
  123. really scared :(
  124. It's all coming in around me
  125. Heart Attack Anxiety & Helicobacter Pylori
  126. Is it me, or is cancer EVERYWHERE?
  127. Taste Buds
  128. Think I'm Losing My Mind....
  129. Dizziness
  130. Eye test booked
  131. someone talk sense to me
  132. Headaches.. Them damn headaches
  133. Nasal symptoms
  134. How long for HA symptoms to dissipate?
  135. Please help! Fever?
  136. I am terrified of having hiv from sexual assault advice needed
  137. Ticks!!
  138. TMJ Ear pain?
  139. Wake up sleeping on dead leg
  140. Mole
  141. i have severe anxiety health it all
  142. Has you Dr ever dismissed you/washed their hands of you
  143. Will it ever go away??? Overwhelmed.
  144. Is this HA or not?
  145. Rock hard tiny lump... Cancer, blood clot, cyst?..
  146. Stomach cramps, nausea and I'm panicking
  147. Jawline painful to touch since yesterday.
  148. Bad eye strain and nausea??
  149. Rash or something else?
  150. Full circle.....again
  151. Depersonalization
  152. Back with similar worries
  153. The long awaited day!!!!
  154. I need help 😔 Is there anyone out there like me??
  155. HIV from blood on food?
  156. Chest pain when burping worried :/
  157. Black Mark on Toe
  158. biopsy help
  159. Very movable lump in breast, trying to be calm.
  160. Strange crumpling/woosh sound in left ear after pulling/rubbing either ear
  161. Mild headache issue PLEASE PLEASE RESPOND
  162. Pain inguinal area
  163. Feeling I don't deserve to be happy bowel fear still!
  164. Pain in Ovary area, bloated etc please help I'm terrified
  165. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy yesterday
  166. Leg Pain - Tell me it isn't something serious!
  167. constant fear for health so sick of it!!! When will it stop 😣
  168. Caffeine and propanalol
  169. Struggling.
  170. What can my baby catch from saliva?
  171. Brain Tumour or Bad Anxiety?
  172. Anxiety over tonsils/tonsillitis
  173. HIV again...
  174. Didn't wear sunscreen today
  175. Health Anxiety/Thyroid
  176. This is how you go downhill fast
  177. PLEASE HELP! sinus thrombosis
  178. Nasal polyp
  179. dizziness for 6months !
  180. Anxiety or phantom smells?
  181. I can't shake it!
  182. Constant symptoms/worrying
  183. Chest pains, worried its my heart!
  184. Losing My Mind Over Dermatofibroma!
  185. Pains inside vagina and up bum.
  186. cyst removal, no news, waiting for biopsy...
  187. Andrenaline rush, panic attack, heart faliure or somethings else?
  188. Suffer from severe health anxiety advise needed
  189. Does HA make you "hyper aware"?
  190. Congestive heart failure?!
  191. Late period...?
  192. Spot or something more sinister
  193. what does your breathlessness feel like
  194. Sinuses or teeth
  195. Is this a red flag symptom?
  196. BCC/SCC?
  197. Can't breathe when falling asleep!
  198. Postauricular node panic
  199. VERY prominent foot veins, swelling of feet and ankles
  200. tetanus again
  201. I just want to cry
  202. How deep of a cut to get tetanus?
  203. Period is a week early - any concern?
  204. IBS or a Tummy Bug... How can I tell
  205. Dizziness when standing up?
  206. New member - Dealing with HA
  207. Does swollen lymphnodes mean HIV?
  208. Indigestion? Lower abdomen dull pain for past 3 days.
  209. Is this a sign of leukimia
  210. Why do I assume the worst?
  211. Am I schizophrenic or am I just panicking
  212. Worried about lack of sleep
  213. Got a scan today
  214. Overwhelming feeling
  215. Flutter in ear lasting half a second after rubbing or touching earhole
  216. Breathing difficulties
  217. Can feel my pulse
  218. Sunburn = Cancer?
  219. Mole + Muscle ache
  220. Neurology exam and still anxious. PLEASE HELP!
  221. Why is something ALWAYS wrong with me?
  222. Diseases which cause premature aging and cancer
  223. Appendicitis or Anxiety?
  224. Don't know where to turn
  225. Heart palpitations??
  226. Continual leg problems
  227. Tumor Question
  228. New member - Swollen lymph nodes in neck
  229. Will this ever end! Breast worries
  230. Mid back pain - so worried, please help!
  231. throat anxiety
  232. Private Health care worth it?
  233. Need to know there are people like me out there
  234. Taste issues
  235. Advice from parents - convinced my daughter is really unwell...
  236. Health Anxiety After Serious Illness
  237. Raw peanut= food poisoning???
  238. I'm going INSANE!!! Need advice
  239. Brain zaps?
  240. IS this normal for a bruise?
  241. Off on holiday - tips in the sun?
  242. Headache - brain tumour fear
  243. Cough
  244. Sweating and weight loss
  245. Bc and other anxiety is it possible my sleeping pattern could be the cause of anxiety
  246. Need support for HA involving the heart, PLEASE HELP!!
  247. Addisons disease worry
  248. Health Anxiety progressing to Hypochondria?!
  249. What is best way to deal with health anxiety which. Start my acute anxiety
  250. What is anxiety?